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brads POV 

i was not sure what was i angry about , about her still not sure if she forgave to me or because of  that clay isn't expelled . 

i was not even sure what has happened to me , i was way too caring and supportive but more surprisingly i actually fought for her because she was not talking to me , like why ?

i went back to my class and crossed paths with luna , she kind of looked happy and really pretty with her hair falling over her face ....... wait . wth . what is wrong with me now ? brad she is your best friend , you can't fall for her . 

i immediately ran to my class and sat on my chair still wondering about it but then i came back to my senses and realized she is my best friend and i cam never fall for her , like never and thats a promise to myself and her too .

as me and luna were driving back home we didn't say a word just listening to the songs on the radio . when i dropped her at her home i asked her only one thing 

" are you still mad at me and don't wanna talk to me ?" i asked 

" would it bother you if i say that i actually don't wanna talk to you ?" she asked laughing slightly 

" nope but just like that so we go on that road and i will not drop you at school and pick up , if that's what you want then i'm fine with that at least i don't have to drop someone at school " i said in a cool way but inside was burning like hell . 

" hey i was kidding . its okay i'm not mad at you but yeah don't get into those stupid fights " she said nicely 

" as if i will listen to you huh " i said laughing 

" yeah as if but if you do that again i swear i would never talk to you " she said smirking

"we'll see about that " i said and i drove ahead a

" don't do that " she shouted while laughing 

" unless its for you " i said to myself . oh crap what did i just say to myself . wai!!  i'm his best friend so that means i can fight for her like that . its not always that we fight for others only when we like them , best friends also fights . its all set , i did it because i care for her a best friend . 

Luna's POV 

well at home i could not stop thinking about what brad wanted to say . he was being nice and the same old chap at the same time . I really never thought brad would ever fight for me but there is something he did . He did not talked to me the entire way but at the end he asked me whether I'm still mad at him and I kind of wanted to tease him but he's my father in teasing me so it did not sort of worked out . I sort of warned him not to get into those stupid fights but he said

" We'll see about that " and he went ahead , all I could do there was laugh at it .

No matter how good best friends we are he's always like a father of me in such things .

Next day

Everything is back to normal just how it used to be . Brad having breakfast at my place and calling my parents Mr and Mrs which they hate and then dropping me off to school .

Schools the same apart from the thing that we have a new member in our  group which I sort of believe that brad is not liking . He do not like gray I don't know for what reasons but yeah they do sit at the same table because they need to .

And more surprisingly brad agreed on joining the music class with Connor and Tris which apparently James also agreed to but he is less at the practice but brad has finally got himself into it and so now brad actually drags Tris and con out of the room to have lunch with us . I haven't sat with them in a while . Glad to know things are going back to normal but year is ending and I'm afraid few might transfer school not from my group but my other classmates which is sad but our tight group never breaks .


Thanks for reading and thank you for helping me reach above 310 and ranks . I love you all . Have a great day. 

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