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I continued eating my food until ...
He spoke

" I heard you're going with gray to prom " he said but I just looked at him and then I ignored though inside I was dying to talk to him but girl,  ego .Urgh . I was happy at least he spoke something

" Isn't it ? " He asked and I just replied

" Hmm "

"  Speak the hell out please " he said

" Yes . What else do you want me to say " I said rudely though I wanted to be nice .

" What is your problem ? " He said rolling his eyes and standing up

" What ? " I asked with a rude sign

" You know exactly what I'm talking about " he said in anger .

" Oh really Brad do I ? " I said in a rude tone and stood up .

"Yes you do " he yelled

" Oh then I'm sorry I don't fucking know what you're talking about !" I yelled back

" Alright then . You are fucking yelling at me and always fighting with me " he yelled

" Isn't it right and when we all were supposed to be going together on prom we are not . " he yelled

" Why does it bother you that I go individually with someone even if it is gray  and you are responsible for this fight I have done nothing "I said  rudely

" You cannot pin all of this on me . I know I did wrong but you are not ready to listen and now you know what I don't give a damn to tell you . " He said rudely

" I don't fucking give a damn about you . Do whatever you want !" I said and I left the place in anger .

While getting out of the area Lidia crossed me
" Hey where are you going ? " She asked stopping by

" Just somewhere silent " I replied

" Want me to come with you ? " She asked

" No. I'll be fine " I replied and left .

I went to the  library after that and I sat there working on my prom speech for like the entire day and at dispersal I went alone though Lidia got worried about me but I assured her that I'll be fine.


" I don't know what is her problem tris " I said in the music room talking to him

" Look there is your fault . You shouldn't had said anything like that " he said raising his eyebrows

" Seriously tris ? " I asked annoyed

" What !! " He pointed

" Whatever " I said

" What do I do now ?" I asked

" Relax for the mean time and after a few day just apologize " he said

" Do you think it's gonna work ? " I asked

" Maybe it can " he replied

" Kay " I added

" Who are you going on prom with now ?" He asked

" I don't know " I replied

" Hey man you don't have to worry about that . You can come with me and my girlfriend " he said

" Nah I don't wanna spoil your privacy " I replied

" Really you think that ? " He asked

" Yeah. I'll just ask someone out " I replied

" Alright " he replied

" I'll be back in a sec " I said to tris while running out of the room .

" Hey twisha ! " I yelled a little to gain her attention ( twisha - his classmate )

" Yeah Brad . " She said stopping by

" Urrm. I was asking that maybe ..... "

Boring !!! But btw guess who's about to reach 800 !!!!! Yeah this story oml I never thought it would happen . I love you all and btw sorry for being offline the past few days and here is is another notice I'll be offline a lot now since exams . Urgh but I'll try to keep y'all updated . Love ya .

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