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Luna's POV

I found gray fine but a helpful one . Not really my type . I left for my geometry and there I saw brad sitting scrolling through his phone .

" hey . whatsup ? " he asked putting down his phone .

" nothing much . literally boring class cause Lidia was absent but met a new guy " I replied

" oooohhh new guy huh . " he teased

" oh brad shut up . he was not really my type " I said

" Oh really . By the way what's his name ? " He asked

" Grayson something . I don't remember his last name " I replied

" Haw such a bad memory . What will happen if you don't remember your boyfriends name " he teased again

" Oh Brad shut up . He's not my boyfriend nor am interested " I said and sat in anger .

" He's gonna be your boyfriend Luna " he teased again

" Shut the fuck up . I don't wanna talk to you " I said angrily

"Obviously now you're gonna talk to your future boyfriend " he teased again

"Fuck you Brad . Go to hell I'm not talking to you " I said and the teacher entered the class and we started our class.

As my class got over I left the place as soon as possible because I was mad at Brad and I needed to run from him or he'll keep on teasing me .

Finally a free Lance. I love free classes . I can do anything I want . I just wander out and about.

I went out to the play ground to see our football varsity team playing . I saw gray coming to the area to sit looking at the boys playing .

" Hi gray " I said Grabbing his attention towards me .

" Oh hi Luna " he said

He took a seat next to me .

" Are you bunking ? " He asked smiling looking the guys in the ground and then looking at me .

" Nope I have free Lance . " I replied looking forward

" Oh really me too " he said and we smiled

" So where are other people . I mean other student ? " He asked

" They all go to the cafes " I said

" Cool." He replied and then this silence for 4 seconds

" Don't you go to the cafes with them? " He added

" I do sometimes with my friends but I like to see this football match " I replied

" Any specific reason to watch guys play football ?" He smirked

" Um . Football is a nice game that's why " I replied

" And ? " He smirked again

" And what ? " I blushed

" No girl sees the guys play football alone just because she likes the game " he smiled chewing his chewing gum

" Okay. I like a guy who plays here " I blushed

" Who is it ? " He asked

" The guy near the goal pole " I said

" That guy with red shirt " he said pointing towards him

" Stop pointing at him " I blushed and laughed

" Okay but what's his name ? " He asked sitting down again.

" I'm not telling you " I replied

"Hey please . Come on I know you're not that bad " he said and I looked at his innocent face

" Clay Cooper " I replied

" Okay " he said and I didn't respond anything

" Is he in your class ? " He asked

" Yes . In my chemistry class. But why ? " I asked

"No just like that " he said

" By the way I need your little help ! " He said

" In ? " I asked

"Oh to complete my work so maybe can I have your number ? " He asked

"Yeah sure " I replied

" So give me your phone " he said

" Wh.. " I was about to say but he cut off

" 1st I put my number in your phone and .. " then I cut him off and gave my phone

" Here "

He put his number on my phone and then in his by texting him from mine . I guess he was a slow typist cause he took time to do that .

" Here . I'm going in . I gotta check my next period and this match is over. Bye " he said

" Bye " I said and he left .

The game was over and I was leaving when I saw gray still standing there . I was going towards him when I heard a voice calling me

" Hey . Luna ? " Some male voice called and I turned around

" Me ? " I asked clay who called me . I could not believe Clay Cooper needed to talk to me . I did not believe he knew about my existence .

" Yeah who else could I be calling to when your name is luna "he said and I stared into his beautiful eyes .

" Yeah so ? " I said

" So ? " He asked

"So what ? What do you wanna talk about ? " I asked . This conversation is getting really awkward

" So what . You texted me that you wanted to talk about us . So what do you want to talk about us ? Huh ? " He said really getting annoyed

" I texted you ? " I asked not knowing when did I even texted him . Like I'm too scared to text him .

"Yes " he said and I checked my texts and it really contain me texting him but it wasn't me . Then I looked at gray who was still standing there . He smiled , did a bow and left. Ok I knew it . Gray texted him . I looked at clay who was looking at me confused

" Yeah . By us I meant that I wanted to talk about .. " I said totally giving dumb expression

" About ? " He asked patiently

" Chemistry " I replied

" Oh what about it huh ? " He asked coming closer to me .


To be continued .

Thanks for all the reads and giving me such good amount of reads . I hope you're loving it .

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