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I closed my eyes and enjoyed the warmth of the hug Shawn gave. Honestly the best place in the world. The next moment I opened my eyes.
He was gone . No spot of him till the corner of the street .

" Alright then. You should go or your Mom will call " I said after seperating.

" Sure. So I'll pick you up at 6 then , tomorrow if you're free ?" He in a way asked .

" That'd be great . " I tell him and after sharing goodbyes he left.

I was still unsure of how I'd do on a date with my crush but honestly after a long time I feel like okay. And that I need someone other than brad , not like I have him now anyway.

Next day

" So it's fine right ?" I asked on video call with Lidia . Mom was not home so I couldn't ask her if the white dress I'm wearing is fine or not. I have asked Shawn where are we going and everything but only one reply
" don't worry I won't kidnap not that I don't want to but today will be something different  "
I smile at the thought of me just being with Shawn. He's the sweetest I swear after brad I guess . No matter how rude he was to me that day I know he cares , I know how sweet he is to me but does of any of it matters , Noo .

" It's gorgeous. It's already past 5. Go get ready. " Lidia warns . I cut the call started getting ready. I took my shower. I walked out . I applied my mascara , my liner a little thick., My matte lipshade , my silver earrings. And then my dress . I got ready. I did not wanted to look overdressed so I wore this . Simple white dress. I wore my accessories and stepped into my low heels .

I made downstairs at 5:55 .I picked my bag and I heard a doorbell . I quickly opened the door hoping it would be Shawn but it was mom.

" You look gorgeous " she smiles.

" Thanks . You're early " I said

" Yeah I thought it would be good to see my daughter go on a date after long " she said in a good way.

" Thanks mom for coming. " I tell her and i hear the doorbell again. My mom opens .

" So you're the man taking away my daughter huh ?" My mom teased in a hilarious way.

" Mommm " I groan .

" Well it's honestly your fault that you gave birth to a breathtaking daughter" Shawn gave his comeback . I laugh at his comeback.

" Hahaha I love you man , I love your comeback " my mom said during laughs.

" We should leave " i tell Shawn.

" Okay " he said

" Wait . Let me take a picture. You both like good together " she said and took out her phone.

" You look beautiful " Shawn whispers.

" So do you " i tell him smiling. We were both looking at eachother when I heard a sound of picture snap .

" Now look here " my mom said . God this woman . We looked at the camera and left . My mom promised to send those but I did not expect her to send me those just as I step out .

" Where are we going ?" I ask in car .

" You'll see " Shawn assures me . He's driving and he looks stunning . How is it possible for him to look effortlessly stunning .

Soon we reached the destination . We reached to the top of the building. Apparently Shawn had some booking done . I was at the top of the building with the most wonderful view besides my crush . Who thought it would've happened.

" You like it ?" Shawn asked

" Like ??? I love it " I said excited . The entire area was empty . There was just one table . I wonder how expensive...

" But shawn this must be very expensive. I mean we are the only one here and this view and everything " I became a little tensed.

He walks over to me and held my arms.

" Don't worry about that , besides my father is a organiser . Perks of having a father like that " as soon as he said that relief takes place on my face .

We sat on the table to have food . The food was amazing and the next thing Shawn did was ....


Sorry for completely forgetting about publishing it but I'm publishing chapters late for a specific reason that isn't any problem but a surprise. 

Are We Just Best Friends ? {B.W.S} ✓Where stories live. Discover now