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" but james this one is different " i said 

" and how is it different ?" he asked folding his arms 

" i got into a fight with gray because i wanted the fight to start " i said finally giving in to tell him 

" what do you mean by that ?" he asked raising his eye brows 

" we got into a fight because i made gray admit something that would make luna hate him " i said 

" and why do you want her to hate him ? " He asked in suspicion

" Come on James she always chooses him over me " I said in a go

" I meant over us " I quickly changed

" Well that's true but you know I consider the first sentence you said . So yes she chooses him over you but Brad why do you care if she chooses him over you " he asked in Surprise

" Dude that's the reason , I don't know why I care about all of the bullshit " I said

" Hey mate it's fine . It's all gonna be okay " he assured

" How ? She already said I changed " I said sadly

" She said that because she was mad at you , just make her believe that you fought with gray because of what crap he said and then she'll start hating him " he advised

" That's the problem I know she won't believe plus the reason is we had like 2 fights in a go so I don't think she trusts me " I said

" Dude you met her when you guys  were like 3 or 4 and you guys have been like together forever don't you think she trusts you more than the guy she met like few weeks ago . Who do you think she trusts ? Obviously you man . " He said

" You're right but .. " before I could have gone further he interrupted

" It's all gonna be okay " he assured

" So what do I do ? " I asked

" Just give her a few days to calm down and then just apologize for being an asshole . Now get up it's getting late " he said

" Okay . Come let me give you a ride " I said and we left the place .

After I dropped him home I still did not felt good telling him all of it , its like i'm used to telling luna and baring all of her dramas of her and the way she makes me up and how she tells me what to do but this time it's all about her. why did i needed to be a fucking asshole . fuck me , i'm messed up , i have fucked up everything . 

" hey young man where are you lost ?" she asked slapping my arms while I was busy thinking about that shit

" nothing yeah  what happened ? " i blabbered 

" tristan is here to see you " she said 

" alright send him in my room , well you should have come with him " i said 

" yeah and stop getting lost in some girls thought " she laughs and and leaves 

" i was not thinking about any girl " i yelled laughing slightly 

" hey " i said to tris who was entering my room and closing the door 

" hey man " he said and comes and sit on my bed 

" what brings you here ?" i asked getting and up and sitting in front of him on my study chair 

" nothing just i was getting bored " he said 

" and i thought you might need someone to  talk to since you can't figure out what to do " he said 

" what do you mean ?" i asked 

" you know what exactly i'm talking about " he said making that cringing smile at me 

" man come on tell me what do you mean ?" i lied even though i knew what he was talking about 

" if you don't lets start , the fight in school with the member of our group ,gray ,   and then getting detention for a week and telling it to James who is not worth telling  . Like what is up with you man , I meant yeah it's cool but that's so not you . What is up in your mind ? " he said it in a go which makes him look concerned which he sort of is since he is the guy I trust the most .

" It's nothing , you know it's just puberty , I get angry at all those small things and then end up fighting " I  said more like blabbered .

" Your toes are playing brad STOP LYING " he yelled a little

" Hey man stop yelling " I said annoyingly

" But brad the point is you are lying  TO ME  , like don't you trust me !? " He said in concern

" Okay , okay " I said finally giving in .

" Good for you and pass me that packet of chips " he said and I lent him over the chips from my table . 

" So whole thing is bit confusing but I know you'd figure out what I'm trying to say " I said

" Yeah go on " he said eating the chips

" Hey Tris can we sit outside and talk ? " I asked

" Yeah sure " he replied and we got out of the window and sat on the edge of my titled roof .

" So here's how it goes ..... " And then I told him the entire story of how Luna choose gray over me and how I got into those stupid fights and all the stuff. 

" And so the conclusion is i hate gray because Luna chooses him over me " I said coming to the conclusion .

First off , thank you guys so much for 500 and 72 votes ( sobbing and crying at the same time )  .
And secondly I wanted you all to know that I'm going to be offline for a while more like 25 since I have exams but I may and may not publish between these days so please do cooperate with me

And last but not the least I love you all and thanks a lot 🌸.

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