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Around 5:45 I left from my house for Shawn's house . I'm pretty punctual but I lost my way , before I could call him , he called me

" Hey you're coming right ?"  He asks

" Yeah , I'm just a bit lost !" I replied

" Where are you ?"  He asked

" I'm near walplexI replied looking around for a proper near point. 

" You're near then , take a left from walplex and then first right "
He tell me
" Ohhk
..   after a pause

" Yeah I'm here.  "  And i cut the call .

I ring the doorbell of house no 216.

Shawn opens the door with a smile .
" I'm sure it was not that difficult after I told you ?" He asked sweetly .

" No absolutely not . It was actually pretty simple but I got confused which left to take " I replied following him upstairs

" Its alright . Now you know it " he laughs and opens the door to his room .

He offers me to sit on his bed and I did . His room is good actually . All dark blue and table and a brown couch . He have a guitar hanged on one of the walls and a few posters of singers are stick to the wall .

" Urm. One thing , you left your diary at school today and I picked it up , before I could give it to you , you left . " He tells me while searching for it in his bag

" Really ? Thanks to you for that . I didn't even realized I left it . It's pretty personal though I hope you didn't read it ? " I asked tensed

" No I didn't don't worry " he tells me with a gentleman smile and gives me my diary .

I look at the frame next to his bed kept on the bed stool.  It contains a picture of him and some girl . They have hands behind each other's back . They look kinda Similar , I'm hoping it's his sister.

" Is that your sister in this picture ? " I asked

He immediately turn around and looks at it .

" Uhmm ..no that's my girlfriend .. I mean ex girlfriend like my only ex girlfriend " he tells me and I'm pretty sure he's not comfortable with it. 

" I'm really sorry about it . You guys look good together " i tell him and he smiles

" Everyone says that, I wish she could understand that too " he tells

" What do you mean that she could understand too?" I asked in confusion

" Nothing serious just that I hope she believed we could work long distance but seems like she wanted to date someone else " he tells and immediately turned around and Brings his hands to his face .
I get up from the bed and walked towards him and keep my hands over his shoulder . I knew he was sad about it .

" There is nothing to hold your tears back . Its okay . I understand . It happened with me too " I tell him and he turns  to face me .

" You mean your ex is also dating someone else now ?" He asks . I can see his teary eyes .

" Yes . He moved away and then he started dating someone else and to be honest she is really nice . I mean she looks nice . " I laughed towards the end and he does the same .

" It's okay really , you can cry infront of me . There is nothing that should hold you ! " I tell him and he nods . I can really see his teary eyes . It's rare I see a guy being emotional because that's how they are picturised .isn't it .
He wipes off his eyes and I hug him and he hugs me back .

" So like don't you hate his present girlfriend ?" He asked me politely after seperating from the hug .

" To be honest there is nothing that I should hate about her . Yes I'm jealous at times about I wish it was me instead of her but that's where the road took us.  Isn't it . I mean this was meant to happen " i tell him with a smile .

" How are you so easy with it ?" He asks me

" It's been time to it , like almost one and half year but also I  worked it up, it wasn't easy for me to in the begining but thanks to .. " I stopped when I realised I was about to say brad
" To my friends they were pretty supportive and besides why should I let it hold me . That's how life is . Move on . " I tell him and he smiles. 

Are We Just Best Friends ? {B.W.S} ✓Where stories live. Discover now