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" cause .. " he said

" Cause what ? Look I have to meet Mr. Irwin so make it super quick " I said

" Cause I need your help in that science topic in which we have to research on" he said .

" Well you'll definitely need it when you sleep in class , anyway I ... I can help though " I said nodding

" cool then . At my place at 6 " he said

" Sure " and I ran to leave to meet Mr. Irwin . I had nothing in mind except for the fact that Shawn held my hand . I'm loving my life right now . 

after meeting Mr.  Irwin i went to the class and shawn started talking to me in whispers 

" what were you doing ? you missed half of the class " he whispered 

" i'll tell you after the class " i whispered back . 

the entire class i kept wondering if its fine to be good friends with your crush . stupid me . 

after the class 

" now tell what were you even doing ?" he asked and we both started picking our books 

" look after i talked to you , gray blocked me , he needed some help and then with Mr. Irwin who apparently had messed up everything so after looking in that mess i got the ID for being known as the crew member for the the school science fair " i explained 

" ohh when is it ?" he asked 

" its like 2 weeks away from here " i replied 

" but what are you doing in that science fair ?" he asked and we walked towards the door 

" i'll be photographing people and their models , basically i'm the photographer " i said 

" cool , work hard then " he smiled 

" for sure " i said and we waved each other goodbye and left for next classes . its nice knowing that my crush knows me and doesn't hates me . haha . 

after reaching home 

i laid myself on bed and listened to my favorite Taylor Swift's songs . And danced around like a chicken . Stupid me but .. I still kept wondering about Shawn . Urgh these crushes leaves us in great confusion .

It was around 5:30 pm so I left for grays house . It was already starting to get dark and it was gonna rain I guess cause winds were cold .

It was a little dark so couldn't see who was getting out of Brad's house , I tried to catch the speed but couldn't . Anyway it must be brad right !

Ding ding

" Hey , was expecting you " gray said opening the door for me .

" Obviously " I said entering in and looking it empty .

" My parents aren't home . Don't worry " he said

" Cool " I replied
We headed upstairs to his room . It was basically blue in colour and was just plain . Not anything amusing about it except for the fact that he had kept a lot of posters on the table .

" You can sit on the couch and I'll bring the books " he said and I made myself comfortable over the couch .

It was kind of weird explaining him cause he was constantly looking at me like a dumb but then I nevermind , I explained . After explaining we just sat there doing nothing .

" You need water ?" He asked suddenly

" Okay " I replied . He went downstairs to bring water for me .

" Here " he gave the glass of water to me and I drank it .

" Would you like going out for a walk . It's pretty nice " he said which wasn't actually a bad idea so I gave in besides I also needed to go home .

While on the walk we talked about our normal lives cause we haven't been hanging out lately , I mean just like me and him so we talked ago all the nonsense and shits .

" Can we sit ?" I asked

" Sure if you're tired " he said and we sat down .

It was a pretty weather and we both were looking at each other for no reason .  There wasn't a lot of distance between us ....

Spoiler alert : there is gonna be a ton of drama in upcoming chapters . Have fun .

Tomorrow next chapter .

Are We Just Best Friends ? {B.W.S} ✓Where stories live. Discover now