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" hey brad.  Dude . Where have you been ?" Lidia just asked . Maybe it was a bad idea to lie . He stopped .

" Hi Lidia.  I've been nowhere though but I'll definitely catch up with you later . I have to go somewhere important " he said . Hearing his voice after days is so fine .

" Alright. Don't forget us man . Come along sometimes " she tells him .

" Lidia I'm leaving for class " I interrupted . Brad ignored . I tried to move ahead but she held me.  Why Lidia why .

" Sure " brad replied Lidia.   And he left. 

" I did not thought of it but what is wrong with you two ?" Lidia asked

" What are you talking about ?!" I lied .

" You know what I mean.  I just saw the awkwardness here.  Come on how long will you try to  hide what happened with you two.   You can't keep it forever " she said.  I know she is right but lately I've been so happy with Shawn that i don't want to think of my worst days and go into depression again. 

" Lidia.  Nothing is wrong " I lied again. 

" You are ditching me . If apart from brad anyone knows you then that's me and you know I am right.  " she tells me and I know she ain't lying.

" Lidia . Its too much for me to talk about " I tell her honestly. 

" Don't keep it in your heart and let it out , this is what you say right.  Why don't you follow what you say . Don't keep it inside . I have to go so make your decision . I'll be waiting at the central Park at 5 " she tells me and left me confused just standing there .

I couldn't take it . The thing I was trying to forget is facing me . The decision is easy that I wanna tell her but am I ready?

Without thinking I bunked the rest of the school and left for home .
I enter my home and throw myself to couch and turned the television ON . Searching for series to watch I end up at F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Not again . I spent so much trying to get over me and brad I don't want to resurface the pain. Watching it  now reminded me of him . I turned it off . I walk out of the house to the garden house . I sit there thinking about me and brad , I started to cry again . It wasn't supposed to happen. This is not the destiny.  I pick myself up from there and decided to meet Lidia at Central park .

" I really was expecting you won't come " she said as I walk in front of her .

" Nor was I expecting myself to be here but I can't take .... Ta..take it .. Ann..anymore " I cried .

" Come here " she opened her arms from hug and I gave into it . I needed it . I needed her.  I knew it from the first day but I couldn't do it.  I don't care anymore .

" Tell me " she said .
I told her everything about how  the fight that took place. 

" You know as a very nice friend of both of you I'd say HES A FUCKING ASSHOLE " she said annoyed and I laughed . Cause I was assuming she'd say something sensible.

" What are you Laughing at ?" She frown .

" I was expecting something sensible " I said smiling wiping my tears with my long sleeves. 

" Duh.  No . But honestly he have no reason to be upset . I'm sure you're missing out something " she said . I did not wanted to tell her but .

" We kissed the night before it happened " I shyly said. 

" You guys what ????!" she asked shook .

" We kissed " I tell her .

" Really !!!holy lord . This is it . He fought because ..of it ... but it makes no sense  " she came to the conclusion . Honestly this thing stroke my mind too but there possibly isn't any reason he would fight because of it .

" I don't know Luna . But things will get better . " She assured me .

" Hope so " I tell her .

" Another thing.  Gray and I aren't friends anymore " I tell her .

" Yeah I know . He told me that . Just to me but I couldn't find you to talk about it then I forgot . Well he became Pretty lonely.  He does lunch alone . All classes alone . Nothing together " she tells me and I feel bad because of it . He seperated because of our fight. 

" I really don't know about any of it . Seems like I've been too busy with Shawn but now I have decided that I will be with you people no matter what " I assure her with a smile. 

" You better be . The group seems so empty without you guys " she tells me .


Hey guys thanks you so much for reading.  We crossed 3.8k . have a nice day
- R.r.

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