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After a few weeks when things went back to normal and gray became the part of the group and everybody is okay .

" hello students , so you know time has come for the most exciting thing that everyone waits for . The prom or so called spring dance .  Yayy . So as you know you're ending we want each one of you to attend the prom and with partners or your friends . And  yeah .. Have a great day " our principal announced .

" Hell that " I said to myself because every year till now I kind of go to the spring dance with my tighties because Lidia was not in a relationship and every one was single but apparently things are different right now , me , brad and gray are the only one singles out here which is problem since brad do not like gray so that means I cannot go with them together . Shit .
I'm not going to the spring dance . Urghhhh .

After meeting with brad outside the music room I was going to my geography class when I  saw gray and brad getting along well which is really nice since they do not get together and always fight .  Yayyyy . That means yay we will go together to the spring dance. 


I don't get it why I hate gray so much . I don't know why Everytime I see him I feel like fighting him maybe because he is the one who Luna choose over me . Like wth , you are supposed to choose your best friend over any other guy . But now I know that I just want Luna to hate him , I've just got to do something that will make her hate him .

Outside  music room

" Hey brad " Luna shouted from outside the music room .

" Oh hey . Now what is it ? " I aksed because I know  the only she is here is because she have some work with me or to talk something really important.

" Okay so you kind of heard of the spring dance and you know everyone is in a relationship except me you and gray and you know how much I love spring dance and how much I want to go , so I was thinking maybe we all could go together ?! " She suggested

" You know it won't work " I said but partially I was still wondering how to get into a fight with gray so that Luna will hate him .

" Come on it will please . We all are single and  obviously we cannot go with our crushes so please " she kind of pleased

" Alright .... Wait you said about crushes  right ?!" I asked with which something hit my mind

" Yeah ,." She said

" Omg omg. Luna you're the best " I said and ran with the plan in my head to get into a fight with gray

" I know but what about the dance ?!" She yelled

" You'll get to know later " I said turning around and then again running forward .

I got this brilliant idea in my head all of a sudden , Thanks to Luna for saying something about crushes.

While running around I found gray picking his books from his locker .

" Hey man " I said to him

" Oh hey Brad , what do you want like what probably is there that you can ask for from me ?" He asked  , true that .

" Oh are we really that bad with each other !! " I said

" I guess so " he said locking his locker

" Okay so let me tell you one thing " I said

" What is it that you can tell me ? " He asked

" You talk a lot. Now listen . So here's a thing the spring dance or so called prom . Luna loves it and she wants all of us to go together as friends as we 3 are single and so she expects us not to fight that and you know how bad she wants us to get together and stop fighting and as far as I know she's your crush , won't you do that for her?! " I asked and gray literally blushed at my last sentence

" Wait. Stop . Luna is not my crush " he snapped

" Hey silent but as far as I have noticed you , you kind if like her isn't it " I said and I saw Luna going to her class

" Yeah but as a friend " he said and looked at Luna as if he really,  really liked her

" Come on just notice yourself when she is around you . Come on I know you do and since we are friends so you can tell me now.  Look I'm really good at this stuff so even if you try to hide it from me you'll fail " I said assuring him

" Okay , so you're right she is my crush but she cannot know that , promise me that ! " He said

" Alright promise " I said

" Alright but I'll see you at lunch I have a class " he said and left

" Alright see ya " I said and left for my class.

i have a great plan to get into a fight with gray since I'm sure luna is his crush but he found luna in the entire school out of all the super pretty girls like why and how ? 

i was at the music room  working with the guitar and tristan was sat there in front of me . I saw luna passing by our room I was looking at her when tris started saying something but i was busy looking at luna . 

" dude ?" he yelled 

" yeah man and why are you yelling ?" i exclaimed 

" cause you are busy looking some hot shit outside the room " he said 

" whatever . what do you want ?" i asked rolling my eyes .

" pass me other drumsticks " he said while i saw her again 

" here " i passed him the drum sticks 

" maybe she is worth being a crush " i said silently 

" who buddy ?" tris asked 

" what ?"i said coming back to my senses 

" who is the girl who is worth being crush ?" he asked and i was shocked how good his hearing senses are . 

" no one " i blabbered 

" dude you're acting weird " he said and starting practicing his drum 

but more surprisingly why did i just thought that she is worth being a crush when .. whatever . 


Extremely overwhelmed by your love guys . Thanks a lot for Making it reach almost 380 . I'm so so so thankful . I love you all .

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