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Its Thursday and it's been 3 or more days since brad and the bitch broke up .

So today is new day and actually long weekend is coming . I don't know but we have a holiday tomorrow so this means , Friday , Saturday and Sunday holidays . Cool right !

Here it is Lidia is absent again . Urgh I hate this . So here I am doing nothing in class and here walks in my teacher but she's not alone .

" Morning class " she said

" Morning " we all said

" So here I represent you a new student . Would you like to introduce yourself ? " She asked the new student

" Hey . I'm Grayson aka gray and I am from Birmingham and I just moved here . I like um football and music... "
Before he could have gone further the jerk i.e. frank started teasing

" Hurry up nervous kid . We don't have the whole day . " He said and laughed

" Behave frank lade " Our teacher said

" I guess that's all I wanna say " he said

" Okay you may take an empty seat behind luna

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" Okay you may take an empty seat behind luna . There " she said pointing towards me and I smiled . I knew that chair belongs to lidia but I didn't say anything.

He came towards me and sat behind  me with a smile .I smiled back .

This boring class  wasn't getting over for me and I was hating it , thinking about every possible waste I could think of and then at last I was like why Lidia why !

Finally the period got over and the new guy came to me . I don't even remember his name.

" Hi I'm gray " he said pulling his hands forward for a hand shake

"Hi Luna , Luna stone  " I said doing the hand shake .

" So .." I was about to ask something when someone interested

" Hey fucking dumbo  " frank said with an evil smile  . Such a jerk .

" Hey asshole " gray said and I looked at him with surprise and frank saw his guys with a surprise too .

" What did you just say to me ?" Frank asked

" Asshole I guess you heard it right huh..." He said and frank instantly punched him with anger and gray fell on my table.

I tried to help him get up but he did it all alone and was about to punch him back when our teacher noticed everything .

" Frank in principal's office right now and no bunking and excuses " she yelled and frank went with her with anger look on his face showing to gray .

" Are you okay ?" I asked

" Yeah pretty fine . That kids a jerk . I really didn't mean to do that but he was the one who started . " He said wiping of his lips which bled a little .

"Okay . You want something ?" I asked . He didn't say anything for a few seconds and then replied

" Nope I don't think so " he said

" Bye then I have my class " I said and left and he waved at me .

As soon as I left the class and went to my locker I heard someone calling me

" Yeah gray " I said

" You dropped this picture " he said handing me the picture of brad and Me

" Oh you could have given me later " I said

"I thought it might be important to you that's why " he replied

" Oh no it must've been important to me if he was my boyfriend but he's my best friend and we have so many pictures together . Anyway thanks I'll see you later . I have geometry " I said

"Bye " he said and I waved at him and left for geometry .

Gray's POV

I really didn't think my first day would be like that .First I got into a fight with an asshole but then I found someone who was too good for me . Luna stone . I don't know what got into me that attracted me to her , maybe her way of talking ! When I first saw her I was not sure what kind of person she would be but I found her pretty but when that guy punched me I saw her reaction . She seemed to care  for me And then supported me but then one thing struck  my mind what if she have a boyfriend .

I was not really sure of this but soon she left the class . When she left the class she dropped her picture . I saw the picture and I saw a picture of her and some guy . Maybe her boyfriend . After all such a pretty girl  must have a boyfriend . I rushed out of the class to find her and give her this picture and ask who was that .

Later I found out that the guy in the picture was her best friend and not her boyfriend and she really didn't seem to care for such picture and then she left for her geometry . At least I know her 1st two classes .

Now the only thing I knew was to get to know her well and then become a special person for her and then her boyfriend. Haha my plans are all set


Thank you guys for reading this. Love to reach such good amount of readers and such good ranks 😭😭 . So much love for you guys .

Ig - i_m_vampette

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