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" Luna and gray you're together in this project . I want both of you at my office " our English teacher said . I did not wanted to do it but I replied okay . It's just a project besides I feel bad for him .

We went to meet the teacher after the class . After coming out a her office , gray stopped me .

" Luna please listen " he begged after my constant denial .

" Alright" I gave in .

" Look I know I was stupid . I was idiot but I feel alone . I don't go with anyone anymore but none of it matters because you're also not there and you know you're my only good friend . I mean I know what I did was wrong but it was my huge misunderstanding . I thought you liked me too but you don't . It's just one sided . But I'll never do it again . I swear . I won't even do that to any girl . Please forgive me " he begged.  Didn't reply for a minute just to make it look like I am really thinking when my answer was sure. 

" Okay . Okay . Fine . I forgive you " I said with a smile .

" Really ??" He asked surprised .

" Yes you idiot " I said and we instantly hugged. 

" You know if you'd never kiss a girl you'll never get a girlfriend " I tease him. 

" Yeah I said that too much I know . I will but only after I'm sure " he assured and we laughed. 

Days went up and the week ended and today Shawn is gonna be back .
I enter my first class and I see a note on my table .

" I'm back baby , your lover boy  " it read and  widely grinned . I started looking for him In class when somebody grabbed my waist from behind .

" Looking for me huh " he said in my neck .

" No you idiot " I said and he left me and I turned around and I instantly kissed him .

" I missed you but I have so many things to tell you" I tell him .

" My baby is very happy today . After all her lover boy is back " he said and I laughed at his phrase .

We decided to bunk class just to talk about everything . Apart from Lidia and my mom Shawn is the only person who knows about me and brad . I told him about everything that happened . How I am back with my friends and how this all happened just in a week and how him being away helped me to think about everything again. 

" So you're gonna have lunch with them " Shawn pouted .

" Ohh my poor lover boy.  You can always come with me . We have space for everyone " I assured him and he pecked my cheeks and I we left for our next classes .

During lunch we all were together except brad . But everything became almost same .

" I'm taking you out for dinner tonight" shawn tells me as I put my seat belt on .

" Take it easy boy " I taunted .

" Come on . I was away for a week " he begged

" Fine but I have to ask my mom . They are you out of town for weekend . It's their anniversary " I tell him. 

" The better it is " he tease . My eyes widen and I swat his arms.

I reached home and asked my parents about the date.  They were fine as long as I reached home before 11 . I started picking up my dress for Tonight. 

" Be ready by 6. Dress fancy " and wink emoji . Shawns text read .

It was 5 so I Started getting ready. 
By 6 Shawn was at my place and we were ready to leave just when my parents also decided to leave. 

" Honey. I'm gonna call you a lot and  take care of yourself . I love you . Don't mess with my daughter " my mom said and threatened Shawn. 

" I won't ma'am " Shawn bowed .

" Bye mom and dad.  I love you guys.  Have fun " I hugged them .

" Bye Hun.  We'll meet you on Monday " my dad said and they pulled out of the driveway and so did Shawn and me. 

After the dinner we were just walking out , our hands intertwined.

" Look I know we've been moving fast and it isn't easy decision but I think you want this ...

My phone rang.  I cut it off. 

" Continue ." I blushed. 

" But I think you

My phone rang again

" Ignore it " I tell him .

" I think you should pick it up " he tells

" I'm so sorry . Just a minute .okay " I assure him and pick up the call.

" Hello . Luna stone speaking ?" The lady in the call asked .

" Yeah .. what is it ?" I asked .

" Your ...

Little did she realised that , that phonecall would change her life .


Hi guys . Thanks for reading and guess what we're about to reach 4k soon.  Like wthhh  anyway  I want to break a sad news.  Like really sad
This book is ending in the next five chapters . For reals. 

Anyway do check out my other book
" THE DARE "  for everyone in Mendes army.  Have a great day ( I ain't having them tbh )

Are We Just Best Friends ? {B.W.S} ✓Where stories live. Discover now