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Alex's  POV

I hate Mondays, especially this one.
I still have no clue why I got expelled from school... well I started a tiny fight with another student, his name was Max I think, and I guess I broke his nose but he looked at me like he wanted my fist in his face so I just gave him what he wanted ...no big deal! Anyway
Mr. Scott the principal of my now "ex" college thought that it was all my fault, 'cause I already had a few fights in the past, just a few tiny fights but he still thinks that I'm a rowdy so I got expelled from school.

Now a few weeks passed and I need to go to school again, to a new college of course... the Campbell Academy in Sheffield.

»Alexander you need to get ready for school!« my mum yelled from downstairs. My mum works as a teacher at the local primary school, she's amazing and I love her but she's really strict, she wasn't like that all the time ... the more rebellious I became, the more stricter she became.
»I'll be downstairs in 5 minuets!« I shout back. I got out of my comfortable bed and quickly walked over to my wardrobe. I pulled out a pair of dark grey jeans and my fave sweater, it was a black sweater with a yellow Wu- Tang Clan logo on it. I'm not a big fan of rap music but I kinda like them.
I quickly brushed my teeth and ran my hand through my hair »that's okey« I thought. I picked up my bag from the floor and ran downstairs where my family was already having breakfast, that means my mum and my dad who's a lot more chilled than her.
»Alex I made some lunch for you« my mum said and gave me a little box which I threw into my bag. »...I know you don't want to hear it but please try to be nice today okey? You can't get expelled from another school! So please stay calm and don't let anyone provoke you! I beg you Alexander!..." she added. I know exactly what she's trying to do.... she wants to make me feel guilty for the things I've done. I reacted like I used to do »Mum I'll be myself so don't worry« I said, knowing that this was exactly that kind of sentence she doesn't want to hear. She breathed in and out , trying to keep calm. »Alright Alex, you need to hurry up otherwise you'll be late« she said calmly but annoyed. I took an apple from the bowl and walked to the front door to put my jacket on, before I opened the door my dad stopped me, »have a nice day Alex!« he chuckled. »thanks dad« I mumbled and walked out the door.

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