32. I'm In No Position To Give Advice

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Alex's POV

"And then?! Al, c'mon! She didn't tell me anything, so spill it! What happened?" Miles questioned me once again when I remained silent for way too long.

We sat in the cafeteria, talking about yesterday's events at the lake. I ran off to meet Miles after Lou left me standing there at the parking lot without another word. I didn't bother telling him about what happened back then, but I deeply apologised for my behaviour at the party and the past days.
Miles, the calm and cheerful guy he is, accepted my apology without any drama and we are friends again.
That's how we ended up sitting together here in the cafeteria.

I sighed heavily before speaking again, "Well, and then she said 'I've never been your girl and now leave me alone' ... and then she run off" I finished, not bothering to look at Miles as my head hung low.

"Ouch" Miles said, mimicking a painful expression.

I frowned at him and he raised his hands in defence. "You know I'm in no position to give advice, Al... but if I was you I'd stay away from other girls and try to show Lou that you're not a complete asshole". He said with still raised hands.

"And how can I proof that to her? I need to talk to her agai-".

"That's not a good idea Al, you should at least wait some days before approaching her again. I mean give her some space mate". Miles cut me off.

I wasn't content with that answer, I mean the best way to solve problems is to talk about them, right? So it would  be best if I just talk to Lou and not go for ignoring her for even longer so she can make up her mind about it all without at least hearing me out!

"What about a letter?" I said, raising an eyebrow.

"A letter? Like a love letter? ... Mmhh I don't know if that's a good idea Al" Miles said, scratching his chin.

"Not Just a love letter Mi! An apology love letter!! I could just write it and then stuff it into her locker! What about that?".

"It's worth a try I s'pose" Miles said, shrugging.

"That's the plan then! I'll win her back for sure!" I cheered, causing Miles to roll his eyes at my sudden enthusiasm.


Back at the next class I immediately started to work on my plan before the lesson starts. I started to scribble down everything that's on my mind that I need to tell her. This letter would definitely be a good start to win her back, or at least soothe her a bit.

"Whatcha writing there Turner, eh?!" Alicia spats from behind me.

I tried my best to ignore her when she rambled on about me spilling the beer over her and stuff. I just rolled my eyes, almost finished writing the letter, when Alicia suddenly grips my shoulder harshly.

"Stop ignoring me ya twat!"  She yelled, causing everyone to turn their heads to look at us.

I sighed and turned to look at her, "what's your problem Alicia? Don't you see that I'm busy here? So can you fuck off please?" I calmly said, about to turn around to the letter again. Alicia was faster and ripped the piece of paper from my hand.

"Give it back!" I growled.

"You want it back Turner? Oh I think I'll read it first" she loudly said with a fake smile on her lips, trying to get everyone's attention in the almost full classroom.

My palms became sweaty and an uneasy feeling built up inside of my stomach, the same sinking feeling as when you reach into your pocket for your phone but it's not there and you think you've lost it and totally panic before you find it in the other pocket just seconds later, well, this time there is no other pocket.

I got up from my chair, chasing after her in the classroom, but she was way too fast. She then jumped on the teacher's desk, I tried to climb up as well in order to get my letter back, but some of her friends pushed me back so that there was no chance of reaching Alicia and my letter.

Alicia cleared her throat, gazing directly into my fear filled eyes before she started reading the letter out loud,

Dear Lou,
I'm so sorry about everything that happened...

I desperately tried to get to her, but it was impossible!
By that time the whole classroom was filled with laughter.

... I know that what I've done and how I've treated you was wrong, please forgive me sweetheart...

The whole classroom bursted into heavy laughter again and I felt my cheeks flushing violently as Alicia continued to read.

... I don't know how you could think that you've been just shag for me, that's not true! You're so much more my love, you're my girl, the only one...

Heavy laughter filled the room once again, some guys already held their stomachs whilst laughing. Some girls were whispering and giggling whilst pointing at me.

My head hung low as tears threatened to spill out my eyes. I'm not used to someone bullying me, that never happened before. Now that I'm in that situation, I feel lost.
I just stood there waiting, till Alicia finished torturing me. Once she read out the whole letter, she jumped down the desk and shoved the piece of paper in my chest. I stumbled backwards and some tears rolled down my cheeks. I quickly whipped them away, making my way back to my desk, quickly collecting my stuff. There's no possible way that I'll spend another second in that room.
Most people where still laughing whilst I stormed out of the room.

The bell rung and everyone rushed into the classrooms, but I just run down the corridors, looking for a place to escape other than the boy's closets.

I stepped out of the building through the fire exit and let myself slump down on the stairs.

A million thoughts raced through my head. Now everyone knows about Lou and how I feel about her, about what happened and what an idiot I am.

My mind don't want to process what just happened. Images of Alicia on that desk, reading out the letter to Lou, the letter I poured out my heart into, flew in front of my eyes and I squeezed them shut.
A few more tears run down my cheeks and I whipped them away harshly, feeling pathetic for crying my heart out here at this cruel moment.

"I can't go back in there ..." I mumbled under my breath.

I was still clutching the letter against my chest, but once I noticed, I let go and looked at it again.
a sob escaped my lips and my body started to slightly shake.
I felt weak for crying over all this, but I couldn't hold it back any longer. It's like all the emotions I've tried to suppress for so long now spilling out all at once.

I don't know how long I've been sitting there on the steps, but when I heard the door behind me being opened, I froze in my spot.


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