30. Jealousy In Technicolor

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Lou's POV

"Lou?! Is someone in there? Hellooooo?" Miles was waving his hand in front of my eyes, trying to get my attention back.

It's Monday morning and we're on the bus on our way to school. I was stuck in my own world ever since we reached Alex's bus stop, but he didn't enter the bus, he wasn't there. Miles next to me was chatting away, but all I could think about was Alex not being on the bus.
The whole weekend I tried not to think about him too much, well I failed. It took all my power not to call him or text him. My mind was made up and he was the one who should apologise, not me...
Apparently, he doesn't think so, at least he didn't call or text me over the weekend. Now that it's Monday and I'll see him again, I was eager to talk to him, but how should I talk to him when he's not here?

I snapped out of my daydreams, "sorry Mi... what did you say?" I shot him an apologetic smile.

"I asked if ya talked to Al... I gave him a ring but he didn't pick up". He said followed by a sigh.

"No ... He didn't call or text me, I wasn't sure if I should tho, but then again! He is the one who should apologise, right?" I said, raising my voice.

"You're right Lou... but ya know he's too stubborn to admit that".

The bus came to a halt and we climbed out.

"I don't think we'll sort this out today... I mean he's not even here..". I tried to hide my disappointment but Miles noticed.

"C'mon Lou! Don't be sad, he's probably at home, trying to figure out how to apologise to you... you guys will fix this" he said with a smirk.
I smiled back, Miles was right, I'm worrying too much.

We reached the school gate and something caught Miles' attention, his smirk dropped and was quickly replaced by a frown.
I followed his gaze and then it hit me.

There in front of the gate, he sat on a motorcycle, his signature aviators shielding his eyes from the dim sunlight and a cigarette was dangling from his perfect lips. he wore a pair of ripped jeans and a white shirt showing off his slightly muscular arms.
Alex was talking to a tall brunette, twisting a strand of her hair between his fingers. She giggled about something he said and blushed softly.
For just a split second, Alex gaze meets mine, he smirked cockily and turned his attention back to the girl.

I felt rage bubbling up inside of me, but it was quickly replaced by a wave of sadness and disappointment that took over.
I spend the whole weekend being sad and lonely, thinking about Alex, and all he did was finding himself another girl? A real stunner, I don't really wanna compare myself to. He probably didn't even spend one second thinking about me in the last two days...

I felt Miles' hand on my shoulder, "Do you wanna go in Lou?... or rather not?" He asked softly.
I haven't noticed that tears were streaming down my cheeks until then.
I quickly whipped them away and pulled myself together, I don't wanna let him see my tears... he's not worth them.

"Sorry.. ugh let's go in yeah?" I said with a fake smile.
Miles looked at me with a mixture of pity and worry in his eyes.
"You sure that you're okay Lou? I mean we could skip school ya know-"
"Thanks, Mi, but don't be silly! I won't skip school because of Alex, I can't avoid him forever! And now let's go or we'll be late".


I tried my best to concentrate on the classes I had this morning, but all I could think about was Alex and the way he acted with that girl. Ugh...

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