7. Esprit Troublé

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Alex's   POV

This guy is Lou's brother?! Uhhm well, I didn't expected that, I mean they look so different!Well not really... they actually look kinda alike... oh fuck.
Anyway... I think it wasn't that smart to call a guy like him an idiot. He is a lot taller than me with muscles like those of a bodybuilder and fists like sledgehammers.

I swallowed my thoughts and insecurities and pulled off my sunglasses.
»Your name is Adam, right ? Well Adam... what's your problem?« I said confident.
Adam got a very furious look and His muscular arms tensed. He doesn't say a word, he just came towards me. I saw Lou next to me biting her down on her bottom lip, staring at her brother with fear in her eyes.
In that moment I recognised that Adam is not a guy to joke with, when I turned my head back to Adam I just saw a fist in front of me which was about to collide with my face... well it did collide with my face.

The next thing I remember is that I lay on the ground, my body ached from the impact and I saw everything blurred, like hundreds of tiny lights in front of my eyes. I blinked a few times and pinched my eyes.... wow what a massive punch! When I touched my nose, I felt some warm fluid stuff which was probably my own blood... damn I underestimated this guy, I never met someone with such a brutal sucker punch like Adam.
When I tried to get up, I immediately felt someone by my side, probably Lou, but I couldn't see anything at all cause my sight was still blurred. I didn't even hear anything, just this beeping sound which was pretty annoying.

After a few seconds, I regained my lost abilities, still feeling a bit dizzy. The first thing I heard was Lou, furiously yelling at her brother. I saw Adam laughing at her and I immediately got angry, angry about his behaviour towards his sister and angry about myself! Fuck !! Why am I like this ?! I should punch him back, as hard as I can!! I'm not his punching bag, he's mine !
With a head full of furious thoughts, I tried to get rid of Lou's grip and step towards Adam, who was still busy with laughing at his sister and probably at me. I clenched my hands into fists and threw a massive punch at his face.
Adam stumbled backwards, he didn't saw it coming. Completely irritated cause the unexpected attack, he looked around, furious clenching his fists. He watched me, stepping closer, »I'll kill you!!« he shouted, throwing another punch at me, I dodged it, grinning about my skills, but I didn't saw the other one coming. I stumbled backward, my nose was bleeding heavily.hopefully it's not broken, but I don't think so .. there was no cracking sound yet.
I stumbled towards Adam, ready to throw another punch at him, when Lou grabbed my shoulder, I looked into her deep blue eyes which were filled with tears, I wanted to say something like "Why are you crying? I'm alright.. that's not my first fight" but before I was able to open my mouth, I felt another punch on my temple.
I had enough, I hit the ground again, everything was spinning around my head. The room was filled with silence, nobody said a word, I just felt several pairs of eyes watching me. My head felt like something hit it with a sledgehammer.
I know when a fight is over, and I lost some fights before, but this time it was just embarrassing. I wanted to disappear from this place, so I got up, feeling every part of my body aching. I bit my bottom lip, trying to control the pain and stumbled towards the exit. I heard Lou calling my name, but I didn't turned around. I opened the front door and got outside, stumbling towards my car. When I reached my car I unlocked it and got inside, closing the door behind me. I was not in a good state for driving a car, but I didn't want to spend one more second at this place.

I was already driving for five minutes, when I realised that I can't go home in this state. Oh gosh mom would kill me ! She would be really worried ... and she'd blame me for everything.. but I don't really want to imagine what my dad would do.... he's actually the one who's quite calm about my behaviour and the things I'm doing, but the last time I came home in a similar state ,like the one I'm in right know,
He totally freaked out, he yelled at me and told me that I have to grow up, to become a man who needs to fight back and not a crybaby.
I don't want these things to happen again, so I need a new plan.
I parked the car on the side of the road, thinking about a place where I can go to. But I just knew one place and I actually not allowed to be there after the previous events, but I don't know where to go either.
I pulled out my phone, looking for the number of my ex girlfriend, Kristen.
My hands were shaking, when I pushed the call button, I haven't talked to her for a while, but she was always by my side when I needed someone actually...

I heard the beeping sound a few times before she answered the call, »Hello? Alex? Why are you calling me at this time?! It's almost midnight !!« she sounded annoyed, but also a bit surprised. I didn't really knew what to say so I just spammed her with information about the events of this evening, before my voice broke, »Krissy I don't know where to start, I .. I ... don't know where to go ... this evening went awful... I can't go back home... my mum... you know ... there was a guy .. he .. he has a heavy punch... it's not my fault at all .. I just .. I just .. need you...« I told her, with a trembling voice.
There was nothing, just silence, »Kristen?« I asked carefully. »Where are you Alex? Do I have to pick you up?« she asked, with a slightly worried voice, »No I'm in my car, I can drive... I'm near your house, just a few streets away, Chester street I think...«. I heard her breathing on the other side, trying to figure out how to feel about the information I just gave her, »Well, What are you waiting for then? Come over! But you know my parents don't want you to be here ... they're already sleeping but you need to use the back door anyway ... I'll let you in then« she said. »Thank you Krissy! I'll be there in a couple minutes« I ended the call and threw my phone on the passenger seat.

I parked the car a few houses down the street and stumbled towards Kristen's house. When I reached the house, I saw her at the backyard, waving at me. I stumbled over to her, trying to be silent, she immediately grabbed my arm and pulled me inside.

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