33. Suck It And See

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Lou's  POV

"Alex?" I asked, surprised to find him here.
I was looking for him, but this was the last place I expected to find him.

He didn't moved or say anything. Was he ignoring me?!

"Are you ignoring me now?"
No answer.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance before I continued.
"You know what? It's fine, just ignore me! But what's all this letter thing about, eh?! Everyone's talking about it! Everyone seems to know except me, but they keep laughing and glancing at me and I don't like that! Your girlfriend Alicia and her friends keep running around and telling everyone about it... is this some kind of game for you? Because for me it is not! I wouldn't do something like that to you, and you know that!" I spat furiously.

There was still no reaction from Alex. I don't know why but I was about to lose it, how dare he treating me like that? What have I done? Yeah I was angry yesterday and left him alone, but he deserved it!

"Fuck's sake Alex! Talk to me!" I saw him slightly shake his head, I was still facing his bag so I quickly jumped down the stairs and positioned myself in front of him.

His hands were covering his face and he didn't had that cheeky smirk on his lips that I expected to see.

"Could you please look at me? Ugh" I growled.

He shook his head again.
I sighed heavily and knelt down. Something was wrong with him, I just felt it, and continuing to yell at him wouldn't be the best idea.

I grabbed his wrists and slowly put his hands away from his face to get a better view of him.
His eyes were squeezed shut and looked red and puffy. His cheeks were tear strained and his bottom lip was slightly trembling.

Wait... did he cry? But why? .. did I get something wrong there?

"Alex... why are you crying?" I asked softly, still holding his wrists down.

He sniffled and shook his head again. That's when I noticed a small piece of paper lying on his lap.

"What's this?" I asked, hoping to get an answer out of him this time.

"It-it's a l-letter" he said between small sobs, finally opening his eyes to look at me.

"What letter? Has it something to with Alicia and these people looking at me?" I asked cautiously.

"I-It's for y-you" he said, blushing a bit.

I didn't expected that... I'm supposed to be angry at him for all this shit! But all I wanna do is to hug him as tightly as possible and never let go. He looks so small and genuinely broken, I can't bear to see him like that...

"Can I read it?"

He nodded and I took the paper in my hands and unfolded it.

I felt his gaze on me while I was reading the letter.
The things he said in there sounded genuine.. like true feeling of guilt and love he still has towards me, on the other side I knew he is a really talented writer. But I couldn't help and think that he was indeed genuinely sorry for everything that happened the past days.

"I had actually planned to put that thing in your locker .. I knew you wouldn't take it if I gave it to you in person" he chuckled sadly.

"Why didn't you put it in there? And why were you crying? What you said in your letter.. is it true? And what's all this about Alex?" I asked looking up at him.

He sighed and looked away from me.
"That's actually a long story... but I bet ya don't wanna hear it"-he shot me glance- "long things short Alicia stole the letter from me and read it out loud in class, I was trying to stop her, but her friend pushed me away... and I guess now they're running 'round telling everyone 'bout it... I'm sorry Lou" He said sniffling again.

"Oh..." I was shocked, how dare that bitch reading out his letter and then telling everyone?!

"It wasn't my intention to embarrass you with the letter, tha knows. I'm sorry Lou".

"I get that Alex... it's okay, it wasn't your fault, I mean she stole it and read it out and there was nothing you could do about it" I said, patting his back.

"All this was such a big mistake" he growled, covering his face with his hands again.

"I know you hate me Lou... but I deserve it.. I was such a dickhead for not believing you and Miles and now getting involved with Alicia... I'm so stupid" He muttered softly.

"I don't hate you Alex. Well, I'm supposed to be angry at you for all this, but I can't! Damn! I love you Al! And it hurts me to see you like that. I wanna ripp that bitch apart for doing these things! I can just imagine how you felt when she read out the letter, I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier, Al." I sighed, now hugging him instead of just patting his shoulder.

"You don't hate me? Lou.. I... oh lord... I love you too! More than anything!"

We sat there for a while, just hugging each other. Just then I realised how much I missed this fool.



"Let's go to my place, I wanna hear the long story". I said, kissing his cheek.

He blushed softly and nodded.

"Let's get going then".

Omg!! I haven't updated in almost a week!! Jeezzz I'm so sorry guys!
I know this chapter isn't that long, ugh the next one will be longer and better! I promise!
Cheers to everyone who's still reading, commenting and liking! You guys are amazing! 🖤

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