34. Bigger Boys And Stolen Sweethearts

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Alex's  POV

"And that's how I ended up writing the letter and stuff... ya know what happened then" I finally finished telling Lou about everything that happened in my world during the past couple days.

"Wow.. well, you really shouldn't have get involved with Alicia" Lou sighed.

"I know sweetheart, I'm so so-"

"Stop apologising ya maroon! I forgave you already" Lou cut me off.

I chuckled and let myself fall back on her bed. I was so glad to have a girl like her by my side, she's really one of a kind.

Lou joined me, resting her head on my chest and cuddling me.
Right then there was a loud knock at the door, followed by someone opening it without even waiting for a response.

"Lou I've made ya some- what the hell is HE doing here?!" Adam bursted inside the room, slamming the door shut behind him.

There's no escape now I guess .. perhaps the window..

"Calm down Adam! It's fine, I brought him here" Lou tried to calm her brother.

"Two days ago you were crying yer eyes out about that wanker and now you brought him here?! I should beat him up for that!" Adam spat, slowly approaching the bed with clenched fists.

I gulped and gazed at Lou.

"It's non of your business anyways Adam, just leave us alone" Lou sighed.

"She's right mate, just piss off" I chuckled.

Oh fuck I didn't meant to say that out loud...

Lou shot me a look that said what-the-hell-are-you-doing?!

I gazed back at Adam, he looked like a mad man, face almost purple and I swear I could see the imaginary steam blowing from his ears.

"What did ya just say?!"

"Nothing" I tried to laugh it off.

"Didn't Sound like nothing!"

"Well I said piss off, does that sound better?"

I guess that was enough for Adam 'cause he jolted forwards, trying to get a hold of my for arm, but I backed away, falling down the other side of the bed, head first.

"Fuck" I muttered, holding my head with both hands.

"Alex! Jeezzz! You okay?!" Lou asked, hovering above me.

"Yeah I'm m alright" I assured her.

"Get up ya git! We're not done here!" Adam yelled.

"Oh I think we are"
Adam pushes Lou away from me and gripping me by the collar of my shirt.

"We're done when I say it, get that in your brain princess" he angrily laughed.

"Did ya just call me princess ya big twat?!" I kicked Adam's leg, causing him to stumble and drop me back to the floor.

"Alex!" Lou warmed.

"Don't worry sweetheart I-"

I guess it wasn't a good idea to let Adam out of my sight. He had pushed me backwards, now pinning me against the wall. His fist was raised, about to collide with my face-

Right then the bell on the front door rung, causing Adam to stop in his tracks.

"Fucking hell! Who's this now?" Adam growled, letting go of me.

"We're not done Turner!" And with that he was downstairs.

I glanced at Lou, just to see that she's already looking at me.
Not even a minute later we heard footsteps coming up the stairs again.

"I should climb out the window, shouldn't I?" I half laughed.

"It's worth a try I s'pose... I don't want you to get hurt again Al" Lou's voice was filled with concern.

I just nodded and opened the window, it's just the first floor after all... I can do this... now can I not?

I had already a leg out, about to continue with the other one, when the door swung open revealing no one else that Miles fucking Kane.

"Wow your brother is pretty intimidating Lou, I- Wait! What the heck are ya doing Al?" Miles looked utterly shocked before he bursted into heavy laughter.

"Shut it Kane! I was trying to escape that big twat!" I slightly blushed, knowing that I probably looked ridiculous.

"Oh yeah I forgot you two aren't on the best terms" he chuckled.

I sighed and climbed back in.

"Whatcha doing here anyways?" I asked.

"Lou asked me to come over" he smiled.

"Oh yeah I totally forgot ... ugh you fucking saved my life again Kane!"
I run over to him, hugging him tightly.

Miles was a little confused at first but then hugged me back.
"You're so affectionate today Al" he chuckled.

"Stop it Mi! I'm just happy to see ya!"

"Can we start then?..whenever you two lovebirds are ready of course" Lou chuckled, causing Miles and me to blush a bit.

"We're not- we-" Miles tried to explain it but was cut off by Lou.

"Jezzz it's fine guys! Now let's talk about the plan"

"What plan?" Miles and I said in unison.

"The revenge plan for that Alicia girl and her stupid friends?" She said as if it was obvious.

"I don't really want revenge Lou.. just let it be" I said, gazing at my trainers.

"Yeah, summer half term will start soon anyways..." Miles added.

"So you guys wanna let her get away with that shit?!" Lou asked in disbelief.

"I s'pose so?" It was more a question than an answer.

The air was thin, you could almost cut the tension with a knife.
Was she right? I actually just want to forget about the whole thing... it was embarrassing enough, why mess it up further?

"Isn't it fucking hot in here?" Miles said, whipping away some sweat from his forehead.

"Indeed" I chuckled.

"Let's go get some ice cream, eh?" Miles tried again.

"Yeah good idea mate!" I joined it.

Lou rolled her eyes, but agreed that it was indeed pretty hot and an ice cream would be nice.

"What are we waiting for then?" Miles laughed, already half way out of Lou's room.
I followed him and we all made our way out.

Miles was blabbering away about some nonsense like usually, while Lou and I walked behind him.
Lou laced her fingers with mine, I gazed at her and she smiled back sweetly.

At the end I've got her and nothing else matters, wether it's her intimidating brother, or these stupid kids at school. Nothing can ever tear us apart, that's for sure.


So y'all!! That's it! Wow it ended sooner than I expected , but I thought it was a good time to end this story.

If you guys have any questions about the story, if anything's not clear, just comment and I'll do my best to answer all your questions!

Oh btw I'll take a short break from Wattpad to work on a new story!

In the meantime check out one of my other fanfics if you like! They're both already completed! 🖤

I hope you enjoyed reading Bigger Boys And Stolen Sweethearts as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Cheers to everyone for supporting me with your comments and likes!

I can't wait to publish some new content soon! (Well it'll take some time tho)

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