6. Sunglasses indoors

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Alex's  POV

I waved at Lou as she left the bus, following her with my eyes until she was out of my sight.
What the fuck just happened?! Do I have a date tonight?!
I mean .... I don't even know that girl .. why
did I even suggest to pick her up later?!

The bus arrived at my stop and I got out, I walked across the street and made my way home.
I pulled out my keys as I reached the front door, when I got inside I saw my mum in the kitchen, she looked quite concerned as if everything could explode within seconds. A few strands of her short dark brown ponytail fell on her face when she looked up, »Hey Alex! I'm preparing some food but it'll take a bit longer than I expected... how was your day?« she asked curiously but warily. I rolled my eyes, those questions are so annoying, »It was okey, I didn't kill anyone if you wanna know... by the way I'm invited to a party tonight« I told her. She didn't expected that kind of answer I could see in her eyes, now she got more curious, »Oh ... what kind of party? Who invited you?«. »It's a party mum .... like you know? And just some random people I don't know« I told her. When she opened her mouth to ask another question I quickly told her that I need to do my homework and went upstairs to my room. I closed the door behind me, jumped on my bed and checked my phone. Nothing exciting but my new classmates put me in their WhatsApp group chat. I scrolled down the numbers until I found what I was secretly looking for... Lou's number. I created a new contact for her and texted,

Lou Collins
Is ten still okey?

I looked at the message for a second, then I pushed on "send". Within a few seconds I got a message from her,

Lou Collins

Yeah sure! :)

I stared at my phone, uhhhm and what
should I reply now? ... should I even reply?
»Alex! Come downstairs, we want to eat!« my mum shouted from the kitchen. Amazing! Now I don't need to reply.

Lou's POV

I was staring at my wardrobe, trying to figure out what to wear for the party tonight when a message popped up on my phone and lit the screen,

+44 (0) 7525 900971

Is 10pm still okey?

What?! Who is.. oh that must be Alex! I quickly create a new contact for him and replied,


Yeah sure! :)

I immediately pressed on "send". Ugghh hopefully he doesn't mind the weird smiley face... I threw my phone on my bed and continued looking for an outfit.

Half an hour later I finally found a nice outfit, a black dress which was neither too short nor too long, with a pair of black tights and the shortest heels I was able to find. To sum it up I pulled over a jean jacket.
This is the perfect outfit! It's not too fancy but also not too casual!
I glanced at the clock next to my
bed, 7:25pm wow I wasted two hours to find an outfit?! Never mind...
My stomach growled so I decided to look for some food downstairs. I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge, eewww what's this?! Just some butter, jam, orange juice, milk and the rest of the pizza from yesterday were in there.
Nobody feels responsible for the purchase when our parents aren't at home!
I hate it when they need to go on a business trip... Adam actually got enough time to do the shopping, I mean uni doesn't take the whole day so he could go and buy some food.
I know that he's busy with his thesis currently but I'm also busy with studying and homework and all this stuff. But Adam doesn't care, he's really selfish, he has always been. He used to be the best in literally everything and I'm tired of it, out parents are really proud of him and now they're even more 'cause he's going to university. I'm not jealous tho... okey maybe a bit but it's normal, isn't it? He gets all the attention and I'm ... just Lou, who isn't the sportiest and doesn't get the the best grades or whatever... I was lost in my mind when Adam appeared behind me, »There's some Pizza in there, you can have it, I already ate at uni« he said. I turned around and shot him an evil glare, »Wow that's REALLY generous of you, but what about some bread or salat? You could have bought some!« I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm. He looked annoyed and rolled his piercing blue eyes, running his hand through his dark blonde hair which definitely needs a new haircut.
»Pfffff any other wishes queen Lou?, get yourself some food, I'm not your servant« he said annoyed. I was about to explode! He's such a jerk sometimes... or should I say most of the time...
»Fuck off Adam! hopefully I don't need to see you at Kathy's party tonight!« I yelled at him. »jezzzzz Lou, calm down! .... wait.. you're going to Kathy's party ? I thought you don't want to go to parties anymore after the one, you know which party I mean?«. He seemed confused but also gleefull about the previous events. »Shut up! I'll go there anyway and you can't prevent it!« I shouted angrily, took the pizza from the fridge and went back to my room.

I ate the rest of the pizza which tasted way better than I expected and checked my phone again. No messages from Alex...but he read the message I've send him earlier. I guess the smiley was too much... I decided to text him again 'cause I wasn't sure if he knew where I live, I forgot to tell him before,


Btw I live in 45 Warrington street, sorry I forgot to tell you

A few minutes later I got an answer,

Alex Turner

Haha I know cos I saw you going there this afternoon XD, I'll be there soon

Oh okey I didn't expected that.
I heard the front door smashing, Adam probably left already to see Kathy before party starts.
I checked the time again, 9:40pm ohhh Alex will be here soon !! I need to get dressed!
I panicked a bit and run to the bathroom to check my hair again. Then I went back to my room and got dressed. I quickly looked in the mirror, everything fits together like I hoped, that's good! I put my phone and my purse into a tiny bag and walked downstairs, to sit on the kitchen table.
A couple minutes later the bell rang.
I quickly got to the front door and opened it.
Alex smiled at me, with a cigarette between his lips. He wore a black leather jacket and a grey hoodie with a "Hard Rock Coffee" logo on it, also pair of dark grey jeans and Vans.
»Hi ! Nice outfit, are you ready?« he asked, still wearing sunglasses even though it was quite dark outside. »Sure ....thank you, let's go!« I said, blushing a bit about the unexpected compliment.

We got into his car and made our way to Kathy's party. He turned the radio on and a Strokes Song came on, it was " Is this it"
»I love that tune!« I said, buzzing to the beat.
He watched me, raising an eyebrow, »Oh Really? Me too! This tune is dope! Is this it is my fave album!« I was quite surprised.. he likes The Strokes?! I didn't expected that, »No way?! That's cool! They're one of my fave bands!« I told him enthusiastically, and we both started to laugh.

We arrived at Kathy's around half past ten and there were already lots of people.
»Wow ... I didn't expected the party to be that big!« Alex said surprised.
We climbed the stairs to the front door and I saw Kathy greeting everyone, »Hey Lou!! I thought you wouldn't co...« she paused when she saw Alex, standing next to me. »This is Alex.... he ... ehhhm... yeah I asked him to join the party« I mumbled nervously, looking down at my feet.
»Ahhaaa ... nice to meet you Alex! I'm Kathy and that's my party, well I wish you guys lots of fun tonight... I'll see you later again! I have to greet a few more guests« she said enthusiastically, raising an eyebrow as she gave me a look that says "I want to know everything". Ugghh I forgot that she's the most annoying person when she wants to know something, especially something about boys.
We got inside and Alex grabbed my arm, dragging me to the bar, which was actually a long table, covered with a dark glitter cloth and lots of different alcoholic beverages on it.
»fancy a drink?« he asked, still wearing his sunglasses which was quite awkward but also funny. »yeah! Margarita please!« I told him.
»alright, give me just a sec!« he said, grinning. I was surprised that he actually knew how to mix the drink, but where does he know it from?
I watched him mixing the drink, when someone touched my shoulder, »Lou? Who's this guy?!« Adam said angrily, staring Alex.
Damn it! I actually wanted to avoid exactly this situation, now I have to deal with it, but I'm not sure if Alex can...
»Adam please! He's just a friend, I invited him to come, we're just having a bit fun alright?« I told him, nervously watching between the two guys.
»Who's this idiot Lou?, your ex?« Alex said confident, not knowing what he just did, omg Adam will freak out!
»Emmm ... no ... he's ... my older brother« I told him, biting my bottom lip. Adam's eyes furiously flickered between Alex and me, and clenched his fists.
God damn it!! He'll kill Alex!!

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