25. Breakfast at the Heartbreak Hotel

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Alex's POV

After Miles took me home that afternoon he insisted on staying at mine for a little longer since I seemed "a bit off " like he called it. Honestly I just wanted to be alone, it's been a while since the last time I've been in such a situation.
Miles is probably just worried about me, so I let him stay. He's my best mate of course he's worried!

"You sure you're okey Al?" Miles asked for what seemed like the millionth time during the last half an hour.

"Yeah Mi... don't worry too much... of course it was... terrifying! But I'm okey now" I tried to assure him.
He kept staring at me with that worried expression on his face and I tried to suppress the impulse of rolling my eyes.

Miles opened his mouth to say something, but he was interrupted by my phone that suddenly buzzed. We both stared at it for a second before I picked it up from my nightstand.
The screen lit, showing me a new message from Lou.

"It's her, innit?" Miles said, his expression suddenly became cold.
I just nodded. I totally forgot about her for a moment... that she was the one who actually 'caused all this...

"Are you gonna reply to her or...?" Miles voice was dripping with annoyance.

"I... I dunno?" I looked at the text and then back at Miles.

"What does it read?" He then asked.

I let my eyes fly over the message again before I read it out,
"Hey Al, I know you probably won't pick up your phone if I'd call you so I just send you that text... I'm so so so sorry, I knew I should've believed what you told me, there's absolutely no excuse for what I did this afternoon... I feel miserable for what I did and I can only imagine how terrible you must feel right now. I should have known it better... I should have believed you instead of taking it as a joke. I'm the worst girlfriend ever. Alex, I love you more than anything! I fell for you the day we met and I knew I don't deserve you.
Miles is probably with you... he's the best friend someone can imagine, I'm so glad that he rescued you, you deserve friends like him, not like me, I'm sorry"
I looked up at Miles who was already looking at me, a blank expression plastered on his face.

"Well, at least she knows that she totally fucked up" He said, running a hand through his still wet hair.

I sighed, copying his moves. "I need to talk to her I s'pose".

"So are you gonna text her back?"
"Nahh... I need to talk to her in person, not even over the phone".
"Good idea" Miles chuckled, ruffling my messy hair.


The next morning I got up early, I got dressed and fixed myself in front of the mirror before I left the house.
I got in the car and drove off to Lou's place. I already had decided that we both wouldn't go to school today. Instead I'd pick her up and take her out for breakfast at the bakery.

I parked in front of hers and waited for her to come out. I leaned against the car, casually smoking a cigarette to kill the time.

I was too lost in my own world to notice that she stood in front of me until she decided to speak.
"Alex? What are you doing here? I mean, I'm glad to see you! I just didn't expected to see you today" Her eyes sparkled as she spoke, but her voice was rather concerned.

"We need to talk, please get in the car Lou" I threw my cigarette stomp on the street and blew out the rest of the smoke through my nose.

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