29. Leave Before The Lights Come On

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Alex's POV

The annoying sound of my phone ringing woke me up. I don't wanna answer it, who the fuck is calling me so early in the morning anyway?
Wait... what time is it actually?

I growled and removed the pillow from my head, rolling around in order to find me phone. Once I grabbed it the ringing had stopped, with a heavy sight and an eye roll I looked at the time.

"WHAT?! It's alright four at noon?!" My eyes grew wide when I saw the mess around me. Did I sleep on the living room floor?...

But it's Saturday, my parents won't be back until tomorrow afternoon so I have enough time to clean up this mess.
I sighed in relief, that's when my phone rang again. I answered right away, not even bothering to look at the caller ID.

"Alexander David Turner! Why did it take you eleven calls from me to finally pick up the phone?" My mum's furious voice rung threw my phone.

So she called me not only twice... damn

"I ... Uhm left my phone downstairs, I didn't hear it from my room" I tried to come up with an imaginable excuse.

She sighed heavily like she was trying not to freak out or scream at me, "Well, at least you're fine, you know that we were worried sick about you not picking up your phone since yesterday evening". She said a way calmer now.

"I'm sorry mum"

"So I'm actually calling to let you know that we'll come back a little sooner. Our actual flight got cancelled and so we'll take the earlier one-"

"How soon?!" I blurted.

"We'll be back in two hours... maybe less-"

"Okey bye mum!"
I quickly hung up and once again had a look around the place.

How am I supposed to clean up all this in less than two hours?! Fuck ... I could call Lou and Miles over!! Yesss they'll help me-
It was then that it clicked in my head and I remembered yesterday's events in a rush along with range bubbling up inside of me again.

Miles and Lou are probably together right now, snogging each other's faces off...

I felt horrible thinking about that and tried to shake it off. I need to concentrate now!


Lou's  POV

I awoke in a bed that's obviously not mine and in a room that doesn't look like mine either. It looked more like ... oh.

I let my eyes wander around the room, searching for something to confirm my assumptions of being in Miles Kane's bedroom.
I didn't have to search for too long, there was an FC Liverpool poster on the wall and a still unconscious Miles laid on the floor.

The memories of yesterday night came back into my mind. After leaving Alex's place Miles insisted on taking me home, but I was a total wreck, sobbing and crying my eyes out over Alex. I didn't want to go home and face Adam like that, it would give him just another reason to hate Alex even more, and god knows what this jerk would do to him.
So Miles offered to let me sleep 'round his place and that's how we ended up here I guess.

I rubbed my eyes and sat up in the bed, checking what time it is. I froze when I saw that it's already noon, Fuck I need to go home before Adam drives to Alex's place and kill him!
I got up in a rush, trying not to wake Miles, without any success. I stumbled over a pair of shoes and landed on top of the still peacefully sleeping Miles. His eyes flew open in shock and a shocked gasp escaped him before he realised that it was just me.

"Ugh sorry Mi... I fell over ya shoes" I chuckled.

"I thought you wanted to kill me, Lou!! Fuckin' hell!!" He replied with that shocked expression still plastered on his face.

"You should've seen your face Mi" I giggled teasingly.

"That's not funny princess! And now get off me!" He also chuckled.

I got off him and grabbed my stuff.

"So what about breakfast, eh?" Miles said, running his still tired eyes.

"Uhm it's already noon Miles, and I've gotta go home before my brother kills anyone... and with anyone I mean Alex... But next time" I said in a rush.

"Oh of course... see ya on Monday?"

"Yeah see ya Mi!"

And with that, I quickly made my way out of his place.


I fumbled with my keys, but Adam was quicker and opened the door for me.

"Where have you been all night?! Don't tell me you slept at this bloke's place!"

"Good Morning to you too" I mumbled in annoyance.

I tried to walk past him, but he's blocking my way.

"Now let me in ya jerk!" I shot him an angry look.

"First you tell me where you've been and then why your makeup looks like you've cried ya eyes out all night! I swear I'll kill him-"

"Quit it, Adam! I've been at the party all night and then fall asleep on the settee! I just woke up and immediately walked home!"

"So that Alex kid didn't drive ya? What a wanker!"

"I told him it is alright, he had to clean up all the mess! And now let me in!!"

"What about your smudged makeup then?" He questioned me once again, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"I don't know! I forgot it" I lied, shrugging.

Adam eyed me suspiciously for a moment before he finally let me enter the house.

I quickly ran upstairs, taking two steps at once. I closed the door of my room behind me and plumped down on my bed.

All I need now is a hot shower.

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