11. Surprise

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Alex's POV

I stood there in the bus and Lou just walked past me, without saying anything. Did I say something wrong ? I was snapped out of my thoughts by the bus driver " hey you! If you wanna get out of that bus, hurry up! " I mumbled an apology and quickly left the bus, watching out for Lou, she was already half way to school, talking to some girl.

I hurried a bit till I walked behind them into the building, so I caught a bit of their conversation, " Louuu! I know it ! Don't lie to me !! You fancy him!! I saw you talking to him in the bus! And you were blushing every time he looked at you" The girl said giggling. Lou shrugged, but her voice was a bit shaky,
" C- c'mon Anna !! I barely know him... he's just some guy, I don't even know if we're friends" Lou told the girl, arms crossed. I'm not sure if I wanna hear more, but I'm pretty sure they were talking about me. Lou fancies me ?! Okey she denied it, but ... her voice was all shaky ...
When Lou and this Anna girl disappeared behind a corner, I quickly made my way to my first lesson.


I just couldn't shake off the thoughts of Lou... and that she might fancy me.
It was break time and I went outside for a smoke, even when it's not allowed at the schoolyard, I found a place to hide.
I pulled out my cigs, stick one of them between my lips and lit it.
I halfway finished my cigarette, when I suddenly heard someone calling my name. It wasn't a female voice, like I expected, but surprisingly it was a voice I'd recognise any time. I turned around to see some guy waving at me. "Al ! I knew I'd find you 'ere! " he said chuckling. I was shocked, "Miles?! What the fuck are you doing 'ere ?! " I never expected to meet Miles, the Miles Kane, my best mate... here at this school?! He used to went to another college, we barely talked since he went there, but now he's here ?! Out of nowhere ?! "I knew you were here since that... incident... , Al and I just wanted to surprise you, but you didn't show up 'ere last week. Well, I changed college for some reasons and now I'm 'ere! " I couldn't believe my ears, Miles changed college?! "You mean .. this is your new college, Mi ?" I asked him. " Yeah, Al you got it !! " he laughed.
"Wow that's so cool, Mi !! " I still couldn't believe that my best mate was here.

When the break ended we walked back to the building, to our next lesson, since I noticed that we have the exact same curriculum except for maths and biology.


Lou's POV

I haven't seen Alex anywhere since I've walked past him this morning.
When I got to my next lesson after the break, I suddenly saw him with this new guy, I don't know his name. They seemed quite familiar to each other and I wondered why. But then my thoughts switched back to this morning, when I left Alex there at the bus. I shouldn't have reacted like that, he actually did nothing wrong. What if he thinks that I'm a pathetic bitch now? What if he hates me now ?! Oh god
I swallowed the lumps in my throat and quickly got into the classroom.
When I reached my seat, Anna was already waiting for me. Her light blonde hair was twirled into a ponytail and she kept staring at me with her baby blue eyes and that stupid smile spread across her face. Since we were forced to do a project for biology together last week, I used to talk a lot to Anna and I need to admit that she's a good listener and also became a good friend.
Before I was able to sit down, she already started asking questions, "and?! Did you talk to Turner again, eh ? I saw him with that new kid, Miles I think, do you know him? " she giggled, waiting for me to say something.
Okey so this guy's name is Miles...
"Lou ?!! 'Ey! Im 'ere!! Talk to me!" Anna yelled.
I shook my head, " No I didn't talked to him yet, but I saw him with that boy.. Miles, right? I think they're friends or something, at least they seem to know each other" I shrugged and sat down. Anna was about to ask another question, but then Our history teacher stepped in and the lesson started


After the class Anna told me that she needs to go the library, to borrow some books for biology, so I went to the bus station on my own.
When I got there, I saw Alex and that Miles kid already waiting for the bus. They were laughing about some random joke and neither of them noticed me looking at them.

When the bus arrived a couple minutes later I got inside, immediately walking over to my usual seat, I sat down fiddling with the cable of my earphones, when I felt someone touching my shoulder from behind me.


" 'ey Lou! What happened this morning? Did I say something wrong? 'Cause if I did, I'm massively sorry, it wasn't my intention to do that" Alex grinned, but his eyes looked serious.
I sighed, "No need to apologise, I don't know what got into me this morning, I guess I was just tired... and a bit surprised to see you again" I shrugged and bit my lip.
He looked puzzled, " Oh, Okey then let's just forget about that eh?" He said, gazing at me with his big chocolate brown orbs. I was distracted by the look he gave me and just kept staring at him, till Miles finally spoke, " Uhhm I don't wanna interrupt you guys but I need to get out of the bus at the next stop.. " he said, looking between Alex and me. Then Alex broke the eye contact between us, " oh yeah, sure ...
see you around mate! Oh ! I totally forgot about that ugh .. Miles- Lou, Lou- Miles" he introduced us to each other, gesticulating with his hands. Miles smiled at me, " nice to meet you Lou! Ugh I need to get out 'ere, see ya guys tomorrow" he waved at us and disappeared.
after I stopped waving at Miles, I turned my attention back to Alex who was already looking at me and I blushed for no reason. I suddenly felt uncomfortable and shifted in my seat, till Alex finally spoke up, " Listen Lou, I want to apologise again for not texting you back, I know it wasn't right, you cared about me and I just ignored you... are you free after school tomorrow? " He rubbed the back of his neck
Is he nervous?? You can tell I was surprised,
" uhhmm yeah, I'm free tomorrow" I glanced at him and blushed even more. I immediately focused on my shoes, but when he chuckled I looked up again, he smiled widely, " alright then we have a date"

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