22. Dead Poets Society

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Alex's POV

It's Saturday, the day I've been waiting for since I invited Lou over. I don't know why I'm so nervous about it, I mean I invited her and she was also here last week, so maybe it is the fact that we'll be alone this time?... I sat at the kitchen table, bouncing my right leg up and down. The note that my mum wrote me still in my hands,

Morning sweetie!
Your dad and I left early this morning, but we'll be back on Sunday. Don't forget to make you breakfast Alex! Btw there's a pizza in the freezer, but feel free too order one if you don't like this one.
Mum and Dad

Ps. There are 20£ on the counter for the pizza!

I smiled to myself when I read the note again. So I'm gonna order some pizza for Lou and me later, brilliant!

Back in my room I checked again if everything's prepared. My room was clean and the guitar lay on my bed, there were so cloths lying around or other stuff covering the floor. I had spend a good two hours cleaning up in here yesterday. NOT for Lou obviously! It was just messy and I needed to clean up anyway...

Lou would be here 'round twelve, I gazed at the clock, 11:30am ... well enough time to take a quick shower.
I went to the bathroom and got rid of my cloths, I then stepped into the shower. The hot water streamed down on my and I immediately started to relax.
I don't know how long I've been in there, but it didn't seemed like thirty minutes. But when the bell rung my eyes grew wide, what is she doing here?! She's too early!
The bell rung again and I quickly turned up the water. I stepped out the shower, the cold air hit me and goosebumps started to for on my bare skin. Brilliant now I'm even more stressed than I had been before!
The bell rung again. Fuck
I quickly grabbed a towel from the shelve and swung it 'round my hips. I run downstairs and fell over my own feet in the hallway. I landed on the floor with a loud thud. "Ouch! Fuckin' hell!".
"Alex? You okey?!" Lou's concerned voice asked from outside. So she heard me, damn it.
"Yeah I-I'm fine" I said through gritted teeth, before getting up. I walked to the door and opened it just a tad bit so that she could just see my face.
"Hi!" I greeted her. She raised her eyebrows.
"Hey Al... Uhm you sure everything's okey?"
"Yeah, sure love! I just fell over my own feet that's all" I said, feeling my face heat up.
"Oh okey... so will you let me in or?"
"Of course! It's just-"
But Lou alright pressed against the door, causing me to stumble backwards. She stepped inside and now it's her turn to get a little colour in her cheeks.
"Alex what the-"
"I was in the shower when you rung the bell..."
"Oh" was all she said before looking away. It was cute to see how hard she tried not to look anywhere below my eyes.
"You can go to the kitchen and grab summat to drink if you like... I'll put some cloth on and then I'll join you alright?" I asked her.
"I- Uhm ... yeah sounds good"
"I'll be right back love!" I winked at her and  quickly jogged upstairs.


Back in the kitchen I saw Lou holding my mum's note in her hands. I gulped and approached her.
"So you little stalker, me mum's note is that interesting, huh?"
I said, taking a seat next to her.
"Did you have breakfast then Alexander?"
She mocked my mum's voice, trying to look serious. I bursted into laughter.
"You're me mum now?"
Lou also started to giggle and shook her head.
When the laugh died down her eyes locked with mine.
"So what is the big surprise Turner? It wasn't seeing you half naked, Now was it?"
She chuckled and I felt the heat rise to my cheeks once again.
"N-no... That wasn't planned.."
"So tell me, what's the plan then?"
"Fine ... Let's go to my room"
"I've never been in your room before!"
"I know, now c'mon!"
I chuckled and she followed me upstairs.

Once we were in my room, Lou gazed around in what I interpret as awe. It seems like she'd take in every tiny detail of my room, but what caught her attention the most was my vinyl collection.
"Wow Al! Your room is lovely! And those vinyls, damn it! What a collection!"
She said whilst rummaging through them.
"Aye! Thanks love, but now,sit down"
She turned around and I pointed to my bed.
"Okey, now what's the surprise?" She chirped excitingly. I nervously chuckled and grabbed my guitar which rested next to her. Her eyes grew wide and she smiled at me.
"So ... Uhm this one's for you Louise".

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