18. You, Me at My Place now

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Lou's  POV

It's Tuesday morning and I'm waiting for the bus to pic me up. There's no one else waiting here so I enjoyed the silence and let my thoughts wander back to a certain someone. I tried to text him yesterday, but he didn't replied, he didn't even bothered answering my calls. I'm worried, really worried if Alex is fine or not.
However I couldn't worry about him further because Anna approached me. 
"Hey Lou! You feeling better today, huh?" She said, raising an eyebrow. I turned my head to face her, "yeah I'm fine.." she raised both eyebrows and crossed her arms in front of her chest. "So the reason why you left earlier wasn't Alex Turner almost snogging another girl?" She questioned me. My heart dropped to my stomach, how did she know? ... oh sure, she probably saw him when she or one of the girls went to the bar... fuck.
"Uhm... n-no? What do you mean? Was he at the club?" I asked, trying to play dumb. "Okey Lou, don't play dump with me.. you saw him right? Now tell me! Is there something between you and Turner? I thought you two were just friends, like you told me, but why would you ran away then, eh?" There's no going back now I suppose, "Well, I-" right then the bus arrived and saved me from that awkward conversation, at least for a moment. "Oh the bus! We should get in there Anna!" I said whilst climbing inside the vehicle. I went to my usual seat and sat down, trying to mentally prepare myself for the following conversation. To my delight Anna was caught up in a convention with a girl a few rows in front of me, saved once again. The bus drove off.
I was too busy looking out the window when the bus came to a halt once again, and someone took the seat next to me. I turned around... Alex... and he looks fine, thank god!
"Hey Lou, what's up?" He asked, smirking at me, the same smirk that usually gets my cheeks flushed, but not today. Of course he was smiling but there's something in his eyes that told me he's not fine at all, something's up, but what? "Lou? You okey?" He asked again, the smile faded. "Yeah.. sure! I'm doing good... what about you? You look sad, is something up?" The way he stared at me, his expression half frown haft angry, it told me that he's absolutely not up for talking about whatever it is that happened, so I quickly tried to change the topic.
"By the way, I've missed you in maths yesterday! Mr. Barnes talked about triangles and stuff like that ... sooo boring pfff" I tried to cheer him up, without real success.
"Oh really? Mmhh yeah I didn't felt well, so I took the day off ya know" it seemed like he's physically next to me, but his mind is elsewhere and and wondering where.

He carried on with that behaviour for the rest of the day, no chance to have a normal chat with him. One moment he seems to really listen to what I'm saying but the next one he'd stare at his hands or bounce his knee up and down, asking me if I said something. I was worried and annoyed so I did the only thing that came to my mind when lunch break started. I made my way to the biology rooms and waited for Miles to come out. When he exited the classroom, I grabbed his arm and dragged him along with me. "Woah Lou! What's up? You scared the shit outa me!!" He said, trying to escape my grip. "It's about Alex... something's up with him, but I don't know what and he refused to tell me.. so-" "so you thought I might help you out?" He said smiling. "Yeah... that's what I've been thinking, but let's get outa here first".
We went to the back of the school yard, behind some trees, nobody would bother us here.
"So now tell me Lou, what's wrong with Al? I mean he wasn't at school yesterday but you know him! He's just like that... one day he's here the other day he'll disappear... wow that rhymes!" I rolled my eyes "This is serious Miles! Stop cracking jokes!" "Okey okey, Calm down" "I'm sorry Miles, I didn't meant to-" "Nahh it's alright Lou, don't worry too much, just tell me what's up now, okey?"
"Yeah sure.... well I met Alex in the bus this morning and he just had that look in his eyes, I knew something's up but when I asked him he frowned at me and I changed the conversation because he really seemed like he didn't want to talk about whatever bothers him.... I tried to ask him again but he's not even listening to me Miles! Could you maybe try to talk to him?"
Miles knit his eyebrows together, processing what I just told him, but then he smiled at me, "Of course Lou! I'll talk to him later and when we meet up after school he'll be the same wanker he used to be all time, it'll be fine, trust me" he winked at me. "Yeah sounds good, I bet he'll tell you whatever it is".
We walked back into the building and to our classes.

Almost two hours later I sat on a seat at the bus  stop, waiting for Miles and Alex. I've already missed the first bus, if  I'd also miss the second one they gonna owe me something!
Right after these thoughts crossed my mind I saw two figures approaching me. hope and excitement  grew inside of me, but when they came closer I saw Alex's frown. I looked at Miles, but he just shook his head, looking annoyed for some reason I don't know. I tried to play it cool, "Hey guys! You alright?" I asked as cheerily as I could.
"Never been better!" Miles replied sarcastically, Alex just growled. Wow it's worse than I thought...

The bus arrived and we climbed inside, Alex and Miles sat next to each other, I took my usual seat in front them and turned around.
"Oh guys, I've got sooo much homework to do, but I'd really like to-" I had started another attempt of cheering them up, when Miles cut me off, "What the hell is wrong with you Al?! Did someone piss you off with some stupid shit or what?! I've been trying to ask you some normal questions and you yelled at me like I've murdered your mum or shagged your girlfriend! DAMN IT!" He shouted at Alex. The people who sat in the four rows in front of us turned around for a split second before going back to whatever they did before. There was something Miles said that seemed to coax Alex out of his shell for a short moment before his expression went back from surprised to apathetic. Anyways I haven't seen Miles that angry before, at the next stop he shot up and got out of the bus, but not without saying "see ya tomorrow Lou!" I shot him a half smile and sat next to Alex. He didn't seem to notice at all, that's when I had enough. The next stop would be mine, so I grabbed Alex by the wrist. He looked up at me, confusion in his eyes, "You, me at my place now!" I told him and dragged him out of the bus.

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