9. What next ?

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Lou's POV

When I woke up the next morning, the first thing I did was checking my phone, but I didn't got any new messages. I saw that Alex read my message, but he didn't respond... maybe he's angry with me, because I didn't stoped Adam at the right time... but I tried!
I sighted and put my phone away, I'll meet him at school, no need to text him again. I was still worried about him, but I swallowed my thoughts and got out of my bed. I tiptoed over to my wardrobe and just pulled out a random pullover and a pair of grey jeans. I got dressed and went downstairs. Adam was not here, he wanted to drive me home last night but I rather walked, than spent one more second with him. I guess he stayed at Kathy's, and hopefully he will stay there the whole week till mum and dad will be here, cause I don't want to be alone with him, this would end in a heavy fight and I'm not sure if mum's vases would survive this...

I opened the fridge, it was still empty, what a surprise! I smashed the door and ran back upstairs to pick up my phone and my bag. I will buy something to eat at the cafeteria later. When I reached my room, I saw that I got a new message, but not from Alex,

Adam the jerk

Lou I know that you're angry at me, but this guy deserved it! I just saved you from another idiot, come on! I'm sorry if I hurt you... please call me xx

OMG I hate him! and I will never call him! The situation was incredibly embarrassing and what he did was definitely not okey! Does he think that I will just forgive him and we play happy family for mum and dad?!

I angrily shut my phone and stuffed it into the pocket of my jean jacket, then I took my bag, went downstairs again and also took my keys. I closed the door behind me and locked it.

The whole way to the bus stop, my thoughts were at the party and him, why am I like this?! I know this Alex guy just for one day, but it seems like I've known him for ages. He looked quite familiar to me, his leather jacket and warm brown eyes.... Stop Lou! I go crazy here.

When I arrived at school, I was looking for him, the whole day, but I couldn't spot him anywhere.
Maths went by fast, same as English, PE and Music, but I couldn't wait for biology, maybe Alex will be there!
After the break I took my stuff and went straight to the biology class. I scanned the room quickly, but he was not there. When he didn't came, I thought about showing up at his, but I remembered that I have no clue where he lives.
I sighted and went home.

Alex's POV

Around nine thirty I decided to drive home, my parents must have been at work that time, so I have a bit time to change clothes and try to do something, to let my purple eye look less painful.
I reached our house and got inside, my heart pounded heavily when I saw my mum standing in the kitchen, with crossed arms, pulling her "I know what you did" face. But she completely changed, when I reached her and she saw my face. Her jaw dropped and I expected a thunderstorm of accusations,
»Alex?! What happened to your face? Who did this? Omg sweetie, are you okey? You shouldn't have gone to that party yesterday, I feel like a terrible mum...« she said, giving me a concerned look. What...the...fuck? I never saw her like this, she was always so harsh, but now...
»Mum I'm alright, don't worry, but why are you at home? Aren't you meant to be at school?« To be honest I was more than just a bit confused, »I took a day off, after I got your message, I knew that something was wrong, so I decided to stay at home.« she told me.

I told her about the events of yesterday night, otherwise she would have bothered me the whole day about it, I just left out a few details like... Kristen, but she asked me about that anyway.
»But Alex, who was that friend, you stayed with again?« she asked. Why do you always have to ask about the things I don't want to tell you?! I thought about my answer for a few seconds and decided to tell her the truth,
» I stayed at Kristen's ...« I was staring at my hands, fiddling with my bracelet, definitely trying to avoid eye contact.
»You mean Kristen Cooper? This sweet girl who was your girlfriend?« Why is she so directly? » yeah exactly her, but mum can we talk about this later? I would like to get changed and stuff« I really don't want to talk with my mum about my ex girlfriend, so I needed an excuse to leave and it worked, »Sure! I'll make a cuppa for you.« ugh so I need to talk to her again, great...
I went to the bathroom, taking a quick shower to get rid of everything that reminds me of last night, especially about my thoughts that seemed to wander to Kristen all the time. Calm down Alex, don't let these feelings take control again, she's not your girlfriend, she will never be again, so stop thinking about her!
I got dressed again and went downstairs to my mum, who was waiting for me.

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