5. No buses

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Lou's POV

The rest of the day passed by without any bigger incidents.
After biology class I packed all my stuff together and went out of the building. I need to hurry a bit otherwise I'll miss the bus! I walked a bit faster, trying not to run 'cause nobody wants to see me running... I look like a duck with two left feet for real!
I already saw the station, the bus was not here yet, awesome then I'll be at home a bit earlier today!
»Louuuuuu ! Wait! « someone yelled from behind me, it was Kathleen, a girl I know from the theatre group and also my brother's girlfriend. Her bright blonde hair flew in all directions and she nearly stumbled over the boardwalk when she reached me, she was totally out of her breath and put her arm around my shoulder »Lou wait a sec!» she said as I started to walk again, »Kathy I need to get to the bus! I ...« she cut me off » just one minute Lou, please! I need to ask you something and I need a break« she replied still breathing heavily. » Well, what's your question?« I asked. Her dark brown eyes flickered up and she had a massive grin plastered on her face, » I'm planning a party tonight aaaaaand you're invited! There will be loud music disco lights and some alcohol, it's gonna be the best party ever! So are you coming over tonight?« Kathy's parties are legendary but mostly all people are drunk even before the party starts, I'm not the type of person who gets wasted at every party especially not when they're in the middle of the week, like Kathy's parties used to, and it's not funny to be the only person who's sober, »wow sounds like a lot of fun.... what about my brother? Will he be there?«. Kathy rolled her eyes, »He's busy with maths maybe he'll be there for half an hour but definitely not for the whole party, please Lou!! I know you hate it to be at the same party like him but you won't even notice him! Lots of people are coming!« she sighed. I thought about it, I really don't want him to be around at parties 'cause he's acting like my protector or something, I can't even talk to a guy, he's always watching me and that's really annoying even though he's just two years older than me .. » Lou?« Kathy snapped me out of my thoughts, » oh sorry, I don't know yet, I'll text you later okey?« I mumbled. »alright! That's not a no! See ya later then!« she said with a furtive grin, waving at me and walking back to the school building. She knows me quite well, after all we used to be best mates before she became my brother's girlfriend. We're still friends but it's not the same like before. Adam, my brother, loves her and I need to cope with it, it's not her fault and she didn't do anything wrong, and I'm not angry at her ... at least not anymore. I just needed a bit time to get used to the new situation but now everything is alright.
I was still watching her even tho I couldn't see her anymore, I was just lost in my thoughts again but then I noticed a bus drive past me, »DAMN IT!!« I shouted furiously, now I need to wait for the next one. As I arrived at the bis stop, I sat down on one of the seats, pulled out my phone and checked my instagram.
After a few minutes I got bored of it, no interesting stuff to see, but suddenly I had an idea! I pushed the search button on the screen and typed "Alex Turner" at least 100 suggestions popped up, I sighed »I won't find him that way...« I mumbled, staring at my phone. »find who?« a deep voice asked next to me. I immediately shut my phone and pulled it back into my pocket. When I looked up I saw Alex sitting next to me, how long does he even sit there?! »Uhhm no one, I was just looking for ... for... it's not that important« I felt my cheeks blushing , »Ahhh Okey, I think you're lying but it's alright you don't need to tell me about it darlin'« He said smiling.
The bus finally arrives and I took a seat at the last row, Alex followed me »Can I sit there?« he asked, pointing at the seat next to me. »sure, why not« I replied. He sat down and pulled out his phone, playing the same game like in maths earlier today.
Some girls who sat in front of us started to talk about Kathy's party »Omg we need to go there!! Her last party was amazing! Come on Gene!« one of them said enthusiastically.
I looked out of the window, listening to the girls conversation, as Alex suddenly asked »Which Party are they talking about? Sounds like a really nice one huh?« I turned my head in his direction »Kathy Matthews from the theatre group throws a party tonight « I told him. »Oh will you go? Seems like you know her« he asked interested. I really don't want to talk about Kathy with him, but ... »Yeah I'll go, Kathy's parties are amazing! She's a good friend« I told him »Will you go?« I asked before I knew what I was saying. He looked a bit confused, shouldn't I have asked him? »Uhhmm .... yeah! Why not, I'm always up for a good party« he said. »Good decision Turner « I laughed. »I'll pick you up at ten alright?« Now I was confused, »What?Why?«. »because I don't know where this Kathy girl lives« He laughed. Oh gosh I'm such an idiot »Oh I forgot about that ... sure ten is alright... « I said.

When the bus stopped I got up from my seat, waved  at Alex and walked over to my house. I stopped in front of the door and pulled out my phone and texted Kathy,

Hey Kath, I'll check out your party tonight 😏 see ya later xx

I pulled my phone back into the pocket of my jacked and looked for the keys.
I unlocked the door and immediately got inside, I need an outfit for tonight!

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