20. The Library

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Lou's POV

I think it's official now, Alex Turner is avoiding me and he's right doing so. After what Adam did yesterday... and the previous times, Alex should better stay away from me, I think he's had enough of me and my brother. Fact is that he didn't sat next to me in the bus, instead he was in the very front, chatting with some blokes. He wasn't at maths and neither at biology, but I saw him strolling around the corridors whilst walking to my classes. What means that he's just avoiding the lessons we have together. I also saw him and Miles at lunch, but not at our usual table, instead they sat as far away from it as possible in that tiny cafeteria.
He seemed fine, joking 'round with Miles and stuff. I sighed and got up from the table, throwing the rest of my sandwich in the bin. On the way to my locker the negative feelings took control and I felt my eyes watering. Why am I crying! C'mon Lou, pull yourself together! Forget about him, of course it'll be hard, but you need to get through this and let it be, just pretend you never met him...
I swallowed my sobs and opened my locker and collected all the stuff I'd need and went to my last class for today.

Since my brother is the last person I wanna see, I decided to finish my homework in school and then go home. I went to the almost empty library and took a seat between some bookshelves so that I had some privacy.
I started with my maths homework, but after ten minutes into it some guys entered the library, laughing and chatting away. I rolled my eyes in annoyance 'till an all too familiar voice spoke up, "Hey guys, Uhm I've got loads of homework do ... so-"
"So you're trying to get rid of us Turner?" One of them laughed.
"Actually... yeah that's exactly what I'm trying"
Alex chuckled.
I didn't saw them but I imagined that smug grin on his face and those beautiful hazel eyes... okey stop it Lou!
"Alright then, see ya tomorrow mate!"
Miles voice echoed through the room.
"Yeah see you guys! Bye" Alex said, followed by some footsteps indicating that the other boys were leaving.
I wanted to go over to him and apologise for everything that happened, I wanted him to tell me that it is alright and I shouldn't worry all that much, I wanted him to hug me and tell me that we're still friends and that he likes me... but none of these things will ever happen if I don't go over there. I couldn't concentrate on maths anymore, how could I when Alex is sitting right behind the next bookshelf?!
I breathed in and out, thinking about what I should do, I mean it can't get worse, now can it?
Half an hour later I still sat over my stupid maths homework, why am I like this?! I shut my eyes and took a deep breath before I got up and walked over to where he sat. I piked 'round the corner, trying to catch a glimpse of what he's doing.
To my surprise he didn't do anything. His eyes were shut, a visible lilac bruise under his right eye. I immediately felt my heart drop and the guilt rushing through my veins. His body laid back into to settee. His hands rested on a big navy blue book which is labelled as "The Encyclopaedia Of Poetry" in bold golden letters. I wondered what he's searching in there, maybe it is some English homework?
"You really enjoy staring at me love, don't you?" He said, my gaze immediately wandered from the book to his now open eyes. He grinned at me and my heat melted away.
"I wasn't staring! ... well, maybe for a couple seconds, but it wasn't my intention.. I-I actually wanted to apologise-"
"Apologise for what? This?" He said pointing at the bruise under eye "It wasn't you, so no need to apologise love".
"But I feel like that's all my fault! I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry and I totally get it if you hate me now, that's alright... I'll leave you to it then" I was about to walk back to my seat when I felt a grip on my arm.
"Stop Lou! You can't just walk away like that!"
"But what should I do instead? I mean it's clear that you don't want me around anymore, you showed me that today, I got it and it's okey, really! I just don't want you to get hurt again because of me"
"No no, damn! You got that wrong Lou! I never tried to stay away from ya ... okey yeah I tried today but the reason for this stupid decision was that I feel like a major dickhead for the way I yelled at you yesterday, when you just tried to cheer me up and then when I left yours without even saying goodbye! I'm such an idiot and I wasn't sure if you'd forgive me so I avoided you.. I was afraid you'd turn my apologies down" his grip on my arm loosened and his head hung low. I never expected that to be the reason why he ignored me today, I was shocked.
"Fuck's sake Al! And I thought you hate me! I cried myself to sleep and even in front of my locker earlier!..." I quickly shut my mouth when I realised that I gave him too much information again. I bet my face was at least as red as a tomato.
"Really? Lou... I feel horrible I-"
"No it's fine Al! It's alright... I mean we're okey now, aren't we?" He didn't seem to believe me that I'm fine, I saw the doubts in his eyes.
"Lou don't tell me it's fine, I've ruined everything and the worst part is that I hurt you.. There's not much I can do than apologise, so ... are you free on Saturday?" His hazel eyes gazed into mine, hypnotising me like at the first time I lost myself in them. It all felt like a déjà vu.
"W-What?" I asked, not able to concentrate when he's looking at me like that.
"Are you free on Saturday?"
"I- Uhm .. yeah sure"
"Awesome! then we have a date"
Now it really feels like a déjà vu! This is almost exactly like in the bus when he told me that we have a date the first time!
"A date?"
"Yeah! At my place, al'ight? I wanna show you something"
"What is it?" Now all my fears disappeared and curiosity took the best of me.
"It's a surprise Lou! I won't tell ya"
He grinned cheekily.
"Okey fine but... I have no clue where you live Alex"
He knit his eyebrows together as if he had to think about that.
"Well, would you like to find out?"
"Of course!"
"Okey let's go then!"
"What now?!"
"Yeah why not? I bet my mum cooked something nice, you could stay for dinner and I'll take you home later, huh?"
"Sounds great Alex! ... but is it okey for your parents?"
"Yeah sure! My mum will be happy to see that i bring some friends and my dad is probably still at work... so you won't even see him"
A big smile spread across his face and I couldn't help but smile back at him. We packed our stuff together and went to the bus stop.

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