2. She's called Lou

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Lou's POV

I sat in the classroom, on a desk in the last row like I used to, and listened to some music before the first lesson started.
Mr. Barnes, our maths teacher, stepped into the classroom, followed by a boy I didn't recognised. The boy was starring at his feet and looked quite uncomfortable in his current situation.
»Good Morning everyone!« Mr. Barnes said with a smile on his face, »This is Alexander Turner, he'll be your new classmate so please be nice to him!« he pointed at the boy who was now looking up from his feet, quickly scanning the classroom and the students in here.
Everyone was mumbling now and I heard the girls who sat in front of me giggling, obviously about the good looking new boy.
»Alexander please take a seat next to miss Collins, over there in the last row.« Mr. Barnes told him.
Awesome now he's going to sit next to me... I bet he'll ask me some annoying questions about the teachers and stuff. I rolled my eyes, expecting a long and exhausting day.
He walked over and took the seat right next to me.
Mr. Barnes started the lesson and I expected the first annoying question of the day, but there was nothing... not even a "hello"!?
I turned my head in his direction trying to watch him secretly through my hair which seemed like a curtain between us. He pretended to pay attention to the class but I saw that he held a phone under his desk, playing a game I didn't know. In this moment my curiosity just overwhelmed me » Do you already know all the stuff Mr. Barnes is explaining or why are you playing with your phone?« I asked him, whispering.
He immediately stopped playing with his phone and looked up on me with his shiny brown eyes » I just don't get maths, no matter how hard I try so I gave up on paying attention to anything that has something to do with it« he said smiling. I just starred into his eyes, lost in my mind »I'm Alex by the way« he added when he saw that I won't say anything. I snapped out of my thoughts » I'm Lou ... actually Louise but everyone's calling me Lou" I told him.
»nice to meet you Lou!« he grinned and looked back at Mr. Barnes, still pretending to pay attention.
I have no idea why I thought that he's insecure... he actually seems to be quite confident. This boy made me curious and I now want to know more about him!

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