13. You and me and Miles Kane?

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Alex's POV

The day went by quickly and after the last period I immediately made my way outside to have a smoke before I meet up with Lou ... and Miles.

I just finished my cigarette when I saw Miles approaching me "Ey Al! Where's Lou?" He asked. I looked around and shrugged, "must be here any minute I guess"
I got a bit nervous and my hands were clammy, so I wiped them on my jeans. Miles watched me awkwardly, but before he was able to say something Lou appeared just behind him.
" Ey guys! You're alright?" She looked at me with a big grin. I awkwardly smirked at her don't really knowing what to say, luckily Miles spoke up, " hey Lou! Nice to see you again, we're alright.... I guess" he shot me a look " So everyone's ready to go ?" He then asked.

I saw the confusion in Lou's face
Damn it Turner! You should have told her that Miles is coming with us

I shifted from one foot to the other, "Uhm Lou, I asked Miles if he wanna come with us ... is that okey for you?"

She raised her eyebrows, " yeah sure, I'm okey with that"
She sounded quite disappointed and I couldn't help it but feel like a complete idiot for bringing Miles.

Lou's POV

We walked down the streets, nobody saying a word. I really thought it would be a date, a real 'date'. You can tell I was disappointed, I mean he could have told me that he's bringing Miles. Don't get me wrong, Miles seems like a nice guy and I like him, but I thought it would just be Alex and me this afternoon.
I looked at Alex, his head hang low and he was facing the ground.
The whole atmosphere died down, I sighed.
"Alex? Where are we going?" I asked, trying to hide my disappointment with a forced smile.
He looked up, " There's a bakery at the end of the street, it's a nice place... I thought you might like it" he blushed a little and looked away. Did Alex Turner just blush?! That's new...

We arrived at the bakery a couple minutes later and Alex lead us to a table in the back of the tiny store. I sat down at the booth whilst Miles took a seat across from me, so Alex was forced to sit next to me.

We sat there in awkward silence till Miles phone started ringing , he picked up " 'ello? ...No no that's okey, no really I'll be there in a couple minutes, okey bye!" He hung up.
"I'm so sorry, but I need to go, my mum needs me in the shop... see you later!" "Don't worry Miles, we'll be fine, see ya mate!" Alex said. He got up and waved at us.

Now I have the date I wanted.

I was about to say something when the waitress came over to our table, "So, what can I get you two?" She asked nicely, looking at Alex.
He turned his head to me "what do ya wanna drink Lou?" He was so close suddenly. I looked into his chocolate brown orbs and blushed, " hot chocolate ?" Did I really just say hot chocolate?! Damn Lou! Pull yourself together... He turned his head back to the waitress, "two hot chocolates please" She gave him a smile and walked back.

"Lou? Do you mind if I take a seat across from you? So we can have a better conversation eh?" He shifted in his seat.
"Yeah sure!" Was everything I said.
He moved over to the seat where Miles sat before, his hands folded at the table.
"So.... how was your day?" He asked with a smirk.
"It was .... boring like always, why you're asking?" I thought it was awkward to have a conversation about school, we spend most hours of the day at this place, so we should talk about anything else in our free time.
He shrugged and dropped the conversation and started looking out the window.

In my head I imagined our date a lot funnier
Ugh, did I say something wrong?

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the waitress who was approaching us with two cups of hot chocolate.
Alex thanked her and she walked away.
I took a sip of my hot chocolate, thinking about what to say next. I actually want to get to know him better, he seems like a riddle to me.

Now or never Lou! This date will end in a mess if you don't start talking to him! Just do it!

"W-what's your fave colour?"

I felt like a complete idiot for asking a question like that.
He raised an eyebrow, now I have his attention, " Green I guess, what's yours?" I giggled
"I like yellow" he chuckled,
"Why yellow?"
"Idk, the sun is yellow and it's a warm colour, I like warm colours" I shrugged.

He took a sip of his hot chocolate and accidentally dipped the top of his nose into the cream, I couldn't help but started giggling.
"What's so funny?" He gave me a puzzled look.
"Y-your nose" I laughed, "wait a sec" I reached over the table and wiped the cream off his nose. He blushed and rubbed the back of his neck.

He's so adorable...


We we're in deep conversation about our hobbies and childhood memories.
I didn't know that he loves music that much! We even like the same bands and he told me that he can play the guitar and the piano a bit.
I was so fascinated by what he told me, that I totally forgot about the time.
"Wow it's almost eight o'clock the time went by quite fast huh?" He said, smiling at me.

Alex payed for our drinks, I protested, but he told me that a real gentleman always pays for the lady ...so cute...

When we made our way out of the bakery, he held the door open for me and we got outside.
"I had a lot of fun with you today Lou.... and I'm sorry for bringing Miles, I should've told you" he smirked at me shyly. "It was really fun Alex, thank you for taking me to this cute place" I smiled at him " And don't worry about Miles, okey I was surprised, but it was really fun" I told him.
He stuck his hands in the pockets of his jeans and grinned at me, "So, may I walk you home?" He asked.
I was surprised that he asked, but also happy,
"I would love that"

I'm so busy with school lately ugh, just two more oral exams and then I'm done!
I hope I'll be able to update this story soon. I'm sorry that it takes so long, but it'll get better when I have more time, I'm sure :)

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