8. I got my eyes on you

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Alex's POV

We sneaked upstairs to Kristen's room, she closed the door behind me und carefully pushed me on her bed. I sat down, covering my face with my hands.
Kristen sat down on a chair in front of me, she grabbed my wrists and put them down, so that I needed to face her. Her beautiful green eyes widened in shock and her jaw dropped, when she looked into my eyes, ».. Al ... wha.. what happened?!«
She gave me a worried look, still holding my wrists. I opened my mouth to explain the situation, but she cut me off before I said a word, »OH MY GOD your nose! It's still bleeding Al! Wait a second I'll be right back !« she told me.

Kristen went out and came back a couple minutes later with loads of bandages and stuff, »Wow Krissy!! , did ya steal this from your dad?« I asked, trying to show her that I'm still in the mood to joke around.
»Yeah... But I don't think that he'll notice it, we own a lot of those things, you know« she said, fiddling with the bandages. She was clearly not convinced, damn she just knows me too well. Kristen tied her dark brown hair into a long ponytail, which made her look even sexier.
Come on Alex!!! She's your freakin' ex! Pull yourself together dude!
I never really got rid of my feelings for her, even though we broke up a while ago.... what means nearly one years. I didn't had any serious relationships since that time, I guess she's still affecting me...
»Alex? Are you ready? .. this might hurt a bit, but it'll get better soon«. »Kristen, you're always here for me and I'm really grateful for everything you did! You actually don't have to do all th...« Before I was able to continue the sentence, Krissy spoke up, » I think this guy, whoever he is, hit you a way too often haha, you never thanked me for anything I did before !!! ... anyway you look really awful , so stop talking and let me help you Turner« she gave me a wink and started to patch me up.

Half an hour later there was no more blood on my face, I just had some of the bandages stuck in my nose, to stop the blood, and some plasters on my knuckles and my right cheekbone.
»I'm done! Do you feel a bit better now ?« she asked proudly. To be honest I felt still awful, my whole body ached and I got a massive headache. I'm not sure if I'm still able to drive.
»I'm okey ... thank you so much Krissy!« I smiled at her, but she just raised an eyebrow, »Alex you're the worst liar I've ever met, I don't want you to drive in your current state, you can stay here if you want, that's no problem! My parents will leave early tomorrow morning, so they won't even notice that you're here, if you're worried about that«. Krissy is just the best! »Really?... you're the best !« I moved closer to hug her but she avoided me, »Yeah no prob... you can sleep in my bed, I'll take the  settee... but ... what about your parents? Do they know that you're here? I bet your mum will freak out, you should call her or maybe text her« she was right, it wouldn't be the first time that I stayed away over night, but I should better inform her anyway... , »oh yeah, I forgot about that, I'll text her !«. I pulled out my phone and typed,


Hi mum! I'm okey, I'll sleep at a friend's house, don't worry.

I pushed the send button....wow this doesn't sound like me at all, I never write like this actually ...

My eyes switched from the display to Kristen, I was too busy watching her, to think about the message anymore, she was just too stunning, maybe my head got injured and it's all just an imagination, but actually I don't think so.
Kristen stood in front of her wardrobe, looking for another blanket. She wore some short striped pyjama shorts and a black sweater with a shark on it and she just loo.... wait... that's my sweater !!
»Alex? Why are you staring at me all the time? Are you okey ?« She crossed her arms, »You still have this sweater... I was just wondering.. because it's actually mine« I whispered.
»... yeah I... I ... I mean ... we should sleep now! I need to go to school tomorrow and I think you too ? I know we're not on the same school anymore... do you wanna stay here?« I could tell she was nervous, she always switch the topic when she gets nervous. I sighed, »You're right, we need some rest .. Uhhm I won't go to school tomorrow... I'll go back home when my parents left for work.. I'll wait in my car« I told her. She nodded and went to the bathroom again.
I got rid my leather jacket and the shoes and lay down on her bed, pulling the blanket over me.
I closed my eyes and my thoughts immediately went back to the party and Adam's furious look, when he threw another punch at me. I heard the people laugh and scream. When my body hit the ground a lot of people above me, pointed at me, laughing and joking around. Then I saw Lou's face when Adam knocked me out, tears poured down her cheeks and she took my hand, asking me if I'm okey. I wanted to tell her that there's nothing to worry about, but Adam pushed her away and got on top of me the throw a last punch, his fist went straight down to my face, closer and closer, it was about to collide with my face ... I opened my eyes, the room was completely dark, I blinked a few times to get used to the darkness. When I opened my eyes again, I saw Kristen laying on the settee, covered in a wool blanket. I must have fallen asleep, this was a dream... I looked around, trying to find my phone. It lay on the floor! I grabbed it and pushed the button to unlock it, 2:30 am... I sighed, about to shut the phone, but then I saw that I have a few new messages.


Alexander! What happened ?!
Which friend? Where are you?
You need to go to school tomorrow!!

Oh lord, she will kill me tomorrow, I need to calm her down before she goes crazy...
I texted her back,


I'm at Kristen's, please don't worry! I'll explain it later.

I actually don't plan to go to college tomorrow, and I won't go. Hopefully she won't call there to ask if I was in the class.
The other message was from Lou,

Lou Collins

Alex I'm so sorry! Adam is an idiot! I talked to him, but he's such a jerk!! Are you okey?! Where are you? Hopefully you didn't had an accident... I'm really sorry! Could you please text me if you read this? I'm so worried! I hope you're alright.... I didn't expected him to be this  violent, I'm really sorry! Okey I stop spamming you... see you tomorrow.. hopefully.

I read the message but I didn't reply. It's not her fault, of course not ! And I don't blame her for the things that Adam did, but I'm not in the mood for a talk about it, so I'm not going to answer her questions, I'll see her at school, but not tomorrow... I can't go to school like this!
I shut my phone and turned around to fall asleep again.

When I opened my eyes, it was already morning and Kristen's room was lit up by the sunlight. I couldn't see Kristen, she must be in the bathroom. I closed my eyes again, trying to take a short nap before I need to get up, but suddenly Kristen came into the room. I heard her footsteps, but my eyes were still closed. I tried to open my eyes just a bit, to see what she's doing, but still pretending to be asleep.
I saw her in front of her wardrobe, still wearing her pyjamas, she turned around and glanced at me. I immediately closed my eyes, trying to look naturally.
After a few seconds I tried to open my eyes again, she was still in front of her wardrobe, but now looking for some clothes.... wait ... is she going to get dressed?! Now?! Here?! ... okey Alex you shouldn't watch her, close your eyes again, like nothing happened...
I tried to convince myself, but it doesn't worked at all.
Kristen removed her shirt and all I did was watching her, I know I shouldn't do that but I couldn't keep my eyes off her. Damn I need to stop! Now! ...
Kristen glanced at me again, I closed my eyes quickly and I didn't opened them again. A couple minutes passed by and I still did not dare to open my eyes again, I heard some noise and footsteps, Kristen must be downstairs. I opened my eyes, just a bit, but I couldn't see her, so I decided to get up. I sat on her bed, looking at my phone, 7:35 am and no messages.
I took my jacket from the floor and the shoes and put them on, stuffing my phone in one of the pockets of my jacked. I found my sunglasses, they were still okey, no scratches! I thought they were broken, when I hit the ground yesterday. Whatever
I went downstairs, to look for Kristen. She was in the kitchen, preparing lunch. She wore a pair of black jeans which were ripped off, yellow shirt and a jeans jacket with some flower symbols on it.
»Morning sleepyhead, how are you?.... nice purple eye btw!« Kristen laughed. I think she doesn't noticed that I watched her earlier, I swallowed, »Morning... I feel better! Just because you, thanks Krissy!« I smiled at her and sat down on one of the chairs.
Kristen came over with two tiny lunch boxes, »This one is for you, I thought you might be hungry, I know you like it .... it's a sandwich with some salad and tomatoes and stuff« she gave me the tiny box and packed the other one into her bag. »Wow it's for me ? That's amazing! I bet it's tasty, thanks so much !!« I was really grateful to get something to eat! I'm quite hungry!
Kristen went to the front door, »I'm sorry Al, but I need to go, you can stay here if you want! No problem« she said smiling. I would love to stay here the whole day, but I need to go home and I think it's better to wait in the car than here... »Nahh I think I'll go home.... shall I drive you to school? I mean ... it's on the way and you don't need to take the bus then..« I asked her. She thought about it for a split second, but then she said, »No, you don't need to drive me, I want to meet with Hannah at the bus stop... but text me when you're home okey ?« I knew she wouldn't let me drive her, but I can't change her mind. I nodded and we left the house, She waved at me and walked to the bus stop. I looked after her for a bit, then I turned around and walked to my car. I pulled out the key and got inside the car, throwing the lunch box on the passenger side. I accidentally dropped my phone, I sighed and looked for it under the passenger seat, when I suddenly caught a glimpse of my face in the rare view mirror ... WOW damn!! That's a purple eye! I think I'm not able to hide that from my mum...

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