24. You and Me and Miles Kane again

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Lou's POV

I sat on the front steps of my house, waiting for Alex and Miles to pick me up. The sun was burning down on my bare shoulders, it felt like the sunscreen was just melting away.
I let my head fall into my hands, hoping that the boys would be here before I melted away like a snowman.

Suddenly a car honked, causing me to turn my attention to the scene in front of me.
Alex sat in the driver seat, his signature aviators shielding his beautiful chocolate brown orbs. A half smoked cigarettes dangling from his soft, perfect lips that were smirking at me like always.
Miles sat in the back of the car, grinning at me cheekily. Apparently he didn't seem to bother wearing a shirt since it's that hot today, I swear you could cook an egg on the street!

"Now are you coming Lou, or do you wanna spend the afternoon getting burned here?" Miles teased.
"Shut up Kane!" I chuckled, getting up.
I hopped in the passenger seat and threw my bag on Miles who sat behind Alex.
"Hey! What was that for?" Miles pouted.
"Revenge" I giggled.

I heard a light chuckle coming from Alex's direction making my gaze flicker to meet his. I couldn't see his eyes throw his aviators, but what I saw made my heart skip faster. He wore a black basketball shirt from the Los Angeles Lakers, showing off his slightly muscular arms. It was also then that I noticed that I've actually never seen him wearing a pair of shorts until now. The short black swim shorts fit him perfectly, he should definitely wear them more often, 'cause he really looks damn hot in them.

"Enjoying the view miss Collins?" Alex chuckled, removing his aviators.
"Of course she does, look at her tomato face!" Miles bursted into laughter, holding his stomach.
I hadn't even noticed that I was staring until then.
"Fuck off Miles!" I growled in embarrassment, looking out the window.
"Ahh c'mon Lou! It's just fun! I was just making a bad joke, don't be angry" Miles tried to lighten the mood.
I didn't said anything, still a little embarrassed.

"Lou" Alex places his hand on my thigh. The unexpected gesture made me look at him. His soft eyes were gazing back into mine lovingly.
"I think you look damn hot in that tight top and those jean shorts, there's no shame in admitting summat like that to the person I love" he kissed my cheek and placed his aviators on my eyes before we finally drove off to the lake.


Alex parked the car and we all got out. Walking down the little hill, I intertwined my fingers with Al's. He smiled down at me, squeezing my hand a bit.
Once we were there, Miles threw his towel on the sand and put off his flip flops.
"Ahhhh I can't wait to jump in the cold water"
"Me neither!" I cheered.
Alex said nothing, he just put his towel next to Miles' and mine and got rid of his shirt and sneakers. His smile had disappeared and seemed to be replaced by an almost frown.
"You okey Al?" I cautiously asked, sitting next to him.
"Yeah I'm fine" he replied shortly without even looking at me.

I turned my head looking at Miles for help. He was talking to some girl, I haven't noticed that he disappeared. I sighed and turned back to Alex.
"What's up Alex? I know there's som-"
"I'm fine Lou" he cut me off. I really don't get him! What's wrong with him today? He also acted like that in school earlier, but why?
"Look at me!"
He snapped his eyes at me.
"What do you think about that" I tried to sound seductive, gesturing to the bikini I wore.
I swear his eyes grew a little wider when he let them travel over my body. My attempt to lighten the mood was pretty successful when I saw that cute lopsided grin appearing on his face.
"Oh I don't like it" -he bit is bottom lip- "I fookin' love it" he grabbed me by my waist and sneaked his arms around my body, his hands travelling down to my lower back.
"Al" I gasped.
"Yeah babe"
"L-let's get into the w-water, shall we?" My voice trembled. I didn't expect him to do that in public.
"Errr... no" he pulled away from me and I suddenly felt cold even tho the sun is still burning on my skin. I was confused.
"Why not?"
"I don't like water"
"You don't like water?" I tried to hide my chuckle. "But it's so hot Al!" I whined.
"You could ask Miles" he suggested.
"Miles is still flirting with that girl over there" I rolled my eyes.
"Please Al" I begged
"Lou I-"
"You could at least walk with me along the jetty!"
He sighed but got up.

When we arrived at the end of the jetty I let go of Alex's hand.
"It is not that bad, now is it?" I asked cockily.
"Yeah you were right Lou, it's okey"
I smiled at him.
"Okey then let's get into the water!" I cheered.
"No I really don't want to" He timidly watched his feet.
"C'mon Al! It'll be fun!"
"Rather not"
Now he really started to get on my nerves. I mean we're at the lake, it is sunny and the water looks so inviting and refreshing and he seems like he doesn't wanna have fun!
"But why?" I asked a bit annoyed.
"I ... can't swim" he whispered.

"Now you're kidding me Turner! This is the worst excuse you could come up with" I laughed.
"I'm not kidding Lou!"
"Yeah whatever you say, pff" and with that I pushed him from the jetty. He fell into the water and I laughed so hard at the surprised expression on his face.

"Where's Alex?" Miles suddenly asked me from behind.
"Hey sugar Kane! Didn't saw you coming, did you get the girls number?" I chuckled.
"Her name is Lea, and no .. not yet at least... but she suggested to play volleyball and I wanted to ask you two if you wanna play with us... so now where's Al?"
Miles smiled.
"He's in the water, I pushed him" I giggled.
"YOU WHAT?!" Miles looked as if he had a heart attack.
I couldn't answer 'cause he had already pushed past me in order to jump in the cold water. I stared in the deep water, suddenly frightened. What is all this about? ... wait did Alex tell me the truth? Fuck... he can't swim and i pushed him?!

Moments later Miles and Alex appeared on the surface. Totally out of breath they arrived at the beach. Al's eyes were closed, he just laid there in the sand, whilst Miles totally panicked.

"ALEX!! Open your eyes!!! Please!!"
Miles slapped his cheek.
"Please ya wanker! Open your damn eyes!"
I was totally frozen, watching the surreal scene in front of me.

After what seemed like an eternity Alex's eyes slowly flickered open and he started to cough.
"Jezzz Al! You scared the shit outa me!" Miles hugged him.

Relief washed over me, but at the same time I felt a pang of guilt in my chest. I was the one who pushed him, he could have died, for Christ's sake!! And all this just because I didn't believe him...

"Why the fuck did ya push him Lou?!" Miles yelled at me. He was furious, I've never seen him like that.
"I didn't meant to.. I-I thought he was joking-"
"Miles I'm so sorry! I didn't know-"
"BUT he told you that he can't swim!!! So why the fuck did ya push him?!"
Tears started to form in my eyes and I quickly wiped them away before anyone could see them.

"Could you please stop yelling..." Alex choked out, he still lay in the sand, eyes red and puffy.
"Al! I'm so sorry! How do you feel?" Miles attention was now fully on Alex.

"I wanna ... I-I wanna go hole Mi, please" Alex sobbed.
"Of course! I'm really sorry Al, I'm so stupid! I knew this could happen... I should have stayed with you..I'm really sorry"
"D- don't worry Miles" Alex whispered, whipping away some tears.

Miles was about to help Alex to get up when I finally found the courage to speak,
"Alex... I'm so sorry, I thought you were joking! It's all my fault I-"
"Yeah it's all your fault bitch!" Miles spat

"Stop it Miles.." Alex glared at Miles and than at me.

"You should've believed me Lou... but I'm not angry.. I'm just disappointed and .. I- I just wanna go home"

"Of course! I'll take care of you and-"
"I Wanna go home alone"
I felt like crying, but tried my best not to.

"Let's get you home then mate" Miles said

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