27. D Is For Dance With Me (pt.1)

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Lou's  POV

"You're kidding me?! I can't believe it honestly, what the actual fuck?! I throw a party for you to fix things between you and Miles and then this?" Alex yelled at me over the loud music coming from the living room downstairs.
"It's not what it looks like Al! Please don't be like that-" I tried to calm him down again, but was cut off by an even more enraged Alex.
"Oh, can you fuck off please?" He opened the door of his bedroom, waving Miles and me out. Miles who hadn't said anything since Alex had entered the room five minutes ago, got up slowly. He opened his mouth to say something to Al, but was cut off before he could actually do so,
"Get outa here before I gonna break ya nose Kane! I'm really tempted to do so... you should better run for cover as long as you have the chance to" Alex growled, eyes filled with hate and rage.
I tried to be smart and let him be, maybe I could explain everything to him later on, it really wasn't what it seemed, but that's not what Alex wants to hear at the moment. I followed Miles out of the room, but when I walked past Alex I swear I heard him muttering a storm of accusations and insults under his breath, the only words I really could make out tho were "fookin' bitch".


Four hours earlier

"Have you seen him yet? I'm not sure if he'll show up at all... ugh.. but you told him the party starts 'round eight? Don't you? I mean you could call him again and just check if he's coming-"

"Can you stop worrying about that wanker for at least five minutes? Hell Lou! Of course, he's coming, it's quarter past eight and he's probably already on the way here so quit it!" Alex said with an eye roll.

"Okey you're right babe... sorry, but I really need to talk to him! It's been a week since the lake incident-"

"Ahhh there he is!!!" Alex said a little too enthusiastic, grabbing my right shoulder and
Shaking it frantically.

I must have really getting on his nerves the past hour, Alex is currently sipping on his fourth beer and now trying to get away from me so I can talk to Miles like I planned it.
Since the day I pushed Alex into that stupid lake and he almost died, Miles refuses to talk to me. Instead, he went for ignoring me and even Alex when he was with me. These past few days he has just shot me accusing glances from across the cafeteria or shoved me in the corridors. It's not like I haven't tried to talk to him, but he really didn't give me any chance! He'd always ignore me and storm off to god knows where.
Alex, of course, had noticed my bad mood and had planed this Friday night party at his place for me to fix things between Miles and me. Since Alex parents went to some teachers congress over the weekend it wasn't a problem at all to throw a house party.

Now that Miles is actually here and I've got the chance to talk to him, I felt my legs go weak.
What if he just runs off again? What if he'll never talk to me again? I don't wanna lose him as my friend!!! I started panicking and sunk into the nearest settee.

From here I had a pretty good few on him and whilst waiting for the perfect moment to approach him I could just settle for watching him.
I thought Is was a good idea to wait till Miles was at least a little drunk before I'd talk to him. It might be easier to approach him that way, and so almost two hours passed before I actually had the guts to walk over to him.

When I tapped on his shoulder he twirled around with that typical crooked grin on his face which seemed to immediately fade as he recognised that it was me who stood behind him.
"Hey Miles... I was wondering if we could talk about-"

"Oh no princess, not tonight! I'm having a good time right now and I don't want you to ruin it, alright?" Miles shouted over the music, slightly swaying to the beat of The Strokes' 'Take It Or Leave It'.

"But this is important Mi! Please! You're my mate and I don't wanna fight with you anymore, the past week had been torture with you ignoring me!"

"Fine but first" -he put his beer down on the coffee table and took my hands in his- "Dance with me! This song is boss and I wanna enjoy it before we have to face the problem, alright princess?".
Honestly, I had no chance to reply anything 'cause Miles started to twirl me around like a Russian ballerina. I have to admit that this was the first time this evening that I really enjoyed myself.

Once the song had ended Miles grabbed my hand, leading the way upstairs.
"Where are we going, Kane?"
"You wanted to talk, that's why we should go upstairs, it's too loud down 'ere!" He shouted back.
It was then that I noticed a phone carelessly lying on the stairs, a quite familiar-looking phone actually.
"Wait for a second Mi!" I said, and he let go of my hand. I took the which was indeed Alex's and rolled my eyes.
"I bet he lost it on the way up here... I'll just go and find him, alright?"

Miles just nodded sat on the stairs.
"I'll wait here, princess".

And what's all this stuff about calling me 'princess'? Drunk Miles is definitely more of a flirt that sober Miles... if that's even possible.

I shot Miles a smile and turned around to go find Alex.
To my surprise, he wasn't in his room and the only other up here was the guest room.
The door was just a tad bit open so I assumed it would be alright to go in, but obviously, I was wrong. Sitting on the guest rooms' bed were nobody else but Alexander, my damn boyfriend and Kristen, his ex-girlfriend.
Shook was written all over my face, to say the least. What did I run into?

Alex noticed me first, the small smile on his face was immediately replaced by a gasp when he stared into my dead eyes.

The only thing that came to my mind was to turn around and run away as fast as possible, and that's what I did.

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