14. Visions Of The Past

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Alex's POV

Wow she actually said yes...I didn't expect that. I smiled at her and we started walking towards the nearest bus station.

Our hands occasionally brushed against each other during the short walk to the bus stop. I noticed how cold her hands were and turned my head to glance at her. She just wore a thin jacket over her black shirt.

"Are you cold Lou?"
She turned her head, looking at me through her long eyelashes.

"Yeah .. just a bit.. it's okey"

I immediately got rid of my leather jacket and handed it to her. She took it and put it on. It was definitely too big for her, but she looked kinda cute.

"Thank you Al"

"No problem love!"
I winked at her, 'causing her to blush.

We eventually reached the bus stop and waited for the bus which rolled up almost immediately.


When we reached Lou's bus stop, we got outside and walked towards her house which was just a few meters away from the station.

"Thank you for walking me home and for today Al, I really enjoyed spending time with you... but you don't need to take me to my front door... because Adam, you know? He'll probably be there and-"
I cut her off before she could talk even more about her annoying brother.

"It's alright darlin', I really enjoyed today and I'll take ya to your front door, don't worry I'm not afraid of ya brother "
I said cockily with a smile on my lips.

Lou seemed to notice my change of mood and just nodded, continued walking towards her front door.
She was about to pull out her keys when the door swung open. In the doorway stood no one else than Adam.
Fookin' hell?! Why did he have to open the door?!

"Hey Lou! I was actually waiting for you, I wanted to talk to you again-"
He broke up when he noticed me standing next to her.

"What is that wanker doing here Lou?!"
He asked her.

"I thought you've had enough boy, whatcha doing here?! Do you fancy another punch? Oh I see that you've still got a nice reminder-"

"STOP ADAM! You won't say anything like that to him again! Did I make myself clear?! You won't hurt him again or offend him in any way, is that clear to you?! Alex Is my friend and now get out of my way!"
Lou screamed at Adam, he just stood there with his eyes slightly widened at her outburst.

I was a little shocked as well, I didn't expect her to react that way.
She then grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me inside, past Adam.
We walked upstairs to her room, she pulled me inside and slammed the door behind her.

"Woah! That was ... something"
I managed to say.

"I'm sorry for the little outburst... but I couldn't take it, seeing that Adam was talking to you like that again! I really like you Al, I care about you "

She went silent and faced away from me, probably embarrassed by the fact that she just admitted to like me.
I felt like I need to say something to break the awkward silence.

"Thank you Lou, it's new to me that people protect me ... or even like me..."

She turned back to me, a puzzled look on her face.

"What? I bet you've had plenty of friends on your other college, right?"

"Nope... actually not... to be honest I don't really had friends there..."

"I can't believe that Al! You're such a charmer! Why wouldn't you have friends?"

I tried to figure out if I should just tell her about my past and what happened at my ex college. But the words started to come out of my mouth before I was able to think about them.

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