21. Pictures

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Lou's POV

It was late afternoon and the sun already started to set when we stood in front of Alex's house.
I thought it would look pretty much the same as my house, but I was wrong. It was a lot bigger and had at least three floors. It was made of brownish looking bricks and had large windows with white borders. The porch was decorated with flowers and plants and there stood a tiny table with a small chair. There was also a large driveway that lead to a garage. It looked like a pretty little castle, just the way it stood there, so dreamy like straight outa a ferry tail.
"You could snap a pic love" Alex chuckled next to me.
"Oh perhaps I should do that!" I replied cockily. I pulled out my phone and took a few steps backwards to get the whole thing on the pic. Alex walked over to the small front gate, hands in the pockets of his jeans, pulling a face that just said "baby, I'm too cool for school". Whilst thinking about that I couldn't hold back a laugh and snapped a few pictures.
"What's so funny love?" He asked, now a confused look took over his features.
"Nothing" I giggled, still taking pictures.
"You're still taking pics, don't you?" He asked, now taking a few steps towards me. I nodded.
He stepped closer and closer and I still snapped pics, 'till he finally stood right in front of me. I snapped a last pic of just his eyes very close and then pulled my phone back into the pocket of my jean jacket.
"No le' me see them Lou!"
"Too late Turner, perhaps I'll send you some"
"Louuuuu pleaseee"
"Nope... now shall we go in then?"
He rolled his eyes in playful annoyance.
"Alright let's go"

Alex unlocked the door and let us in. I gazed around the hallway in awe, it wasn't a broad room like I expected, rather small but very long. There was a really long Persian carpet on the floor and a pretty expensive looking chandelier hanging from the ceiling. There were pictures on the walls and wooden sideboard with even more pictures frames placed on it, but I didn't got the chance to take a look at any of the pictures 'cause Alex quickly took my hand and dragged me to a room on the right side that seemed to be the kitchen.
"Mum I'm home!!" He yelled whilst looking for her.
"Finally! Where have you been Alex?" She came 'round the corner with some plates in her hands.
"Oh! Who's that Alex?" She smiled at me warmly and I returned the smile.
"Well this is-"
"Good afternoon mrs. Turner, I'm Louise, but everyone calls me Lou" I cut him off.
I held out my hand but instead she just hugged me.
"What a beautiful name! You can call me Penny, darling"
"Sooo where's the food mum?" Alex questioned her.
"We just have to set the table, then we can start!" She said cheerfully.


"It was delicious mrs. Turner.. err I mean Penny"
I tried to remember the last time I ate such good pasta, but I just can't!
"Oh thank you Lou! but that's nothing darling, just some noodles and sauce"
"I wish my parents would cook something like that, but they're always at work or business trips... so it's just me and my brother Adam"
Just when I said that Alex seems to tense up next to me, I turned my head to look at him, but then Penny spoke up again,
"Oh he's your brother? So you're the girlfriend Alex told me about!" Penny cheered.
Alex told her about me? Wow I didn't expect that! On the other side I'm pretty sure his mum wanted to know where his purple eye came from ...ugh.. wait did she just say girlfriend?!
"Mum! She's not my girlfriend, we're just friends like I told you! Fuckin' hell.." Alex growled. Well that hurt a little bit.. of course I know we're just friends, but I don't know if I'm able to be just friends with Alex Turner... I mean how?
"Language Alexander!" Penny shoot him a look.
"Sorry mum... uh anyways I should take Lou home.. it's getting late" I quickly added, smiling at me sweetly. I had to look away, otherwise my cheeks would have turned into a deep shade of red again.
"Yeah sure! Thanks for the food again and the nice evening, Penny!"
"You're welcome darling! It was nice to meet you, you can come over anytime!"
I hugged her and after we pulled away from each other Alex lead me to the hallway again, but this time I wanted to take a better look at al the pictures. There was a specific one that caught my attention. It was framed in a golden border and showed a black and white picture of Miles and Alex. They looked younger than now, sitting on a sofa next to each other, Miles was pointing at the camera, one arm around Alex's should, and Alex just looked in the camera smiling that cute boyish smile. My heart melted.
"C'mon Lou! Whatcha looking at?" Alex asked, whilst slipping on his jacket.
I almost shoved the pictures frame in his face,
"When was that? You two look so different there! It's so cuteee!" I giggled. Alex cheeks turned red and he put down the border.
"I dunno.. maybe two or three years ago I don't remember" he said rubbing the back of his neck.
"I really like that picture of you two" I told him. He still gazed at the oh so interesting carped, so I took his hand. It worked and he looked up at me.
"Shall we?" I smirked at him. His cheeks were still flushed and he just looked so cute whilst trying to play it cool.
"Sure, let's go love"
He opened the door and we walked to the bus stop together, hand in hand.

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