10. Do I Wanna Know?

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Lou's  POV

Every single day I was looking for him, but he was nowhere to be found. A few days passed, a week, but the seat next to me, in the last row was still empty. Where did he go ?

I went straight back home after school, mum and dad were back for a couple days by now and Adam was at Uni.
I slammed my bag on the floor after I shut the door of my room behind me. I lay on my bed and watched the ceiling. The sunlight threw some shadows on it and I kept watching them.
Ugh I'm actually supposed to do my homework ... I got up and reached my bag, pulling out some paper and my maths stuff. I started reading the tasks, but I couldn't concentrate myself on it, my thoughts were elsewhere.. those brown eyes ..STOP! Get yourself together Lou! You know him just for such a short time, stop thinking about him!! He's doing fine.. I'm sure. I sighed and twisted my attention back to the tasks on the paper.


I opened my eyes, it was dark in my room, a bright light hit me, the screen of my phone lit what?! Already half past ten ? I must have fallen asleep. I switched on the light on my desk.
A few papers lay around, obviously I finished all the tasks before I fell asleep.
I messily put my stuff back into my bag, switched off the light again and crawled into my bed and shut my eyes.

I saw Alex walking away and screamed his name, but he ignored me or maybe he didn't hear me. I started running after him but no matter how fast I ran, he was faster! "Alex! Wait!" No reaction. I fell on my knees and watched after him, tears falling down my cheeks. Then he turned around, a smile on his lips and waving at me, but he was still walking away... I reached out for him

"Nooo" I moaned, head covering into the pillow. I slammed the alarm clock, 6:30am.
Ugh I need to get ready for school.
I got out of my bed, sneaking over to my wardrobe and pulling out some random clothes. I was definitely not in the mood for going outside today.


When I reached the bus stop, the bus was already waiting so I sprinted the last five meters and got inside quickly. I greeted the bus driver and also a few others, then I stumbled over to my usual seat, but it wasn't empty like I expected it to be.
A familiar face looked out the window, when I reached the seat his head turned around to meet me, a smile on his face.
His dark brown hair was a bit of a mess, but still looking good and his chocolate brown eyes were brighter than in my imagination, a barely visible lilac shadow framed his right eye, an obvious reminder of the events from the party.
"Alex? .. I - I didn't expected to see ya again.."
I mumbled. I felt how the heat crawled up my neck and reached my cheeks, flashing them into a light pink. He chuckled "I just needed some time to... recover, darlin' " He removed his back from the seat next to him, signalling me to sit down next to him. I sat down, bag on my lap and awkwardly watching him. I just asked the first thing which popped up on my mind, "Why didn't you reply to my messages?" Ugh, really? Did you really just ask him? Bet I'm sounding like a stalker. My eyes met his and I could tell he was not surprised about my question, he rather looked cocky. "I read the message, but I wasn't in the mood to reply", he shrugged. I couldn't believe my ears, I cared about him and he just didn't fancy to reply ?! I thought he was hurt or I dunno... something is wrong with him, he's acting differently...I was snapped out of my thoughts by Alex, "You okey sweetheart? We need to get out of the bus, you're coming eh?" He asked.
I took my bag and walked past him, straight out of the bus.

Hey guys! I'm MASSIVELY sorry for not updating the story! I was so busy with school stuff and I still am, but I found some time to continue the story and I hope you like it, even when it's a bit shorter than usual (I'm sorry).
I'll update again asap!
Cheers to everyone who's still reading! It means a lot to me💕
anyway we reached 200 views!!!😱
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