12. Deep talks

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Alex's POV

I immediately entered my room after I arrived at home, I still had that image of Lou in my head, the way she looked at me when I told her that we have a 'date'.
Is it a date? A real date?
I mean do I wanna go on a date with her? Oh damn it Turner! Next time you better think before you use such impressive words like 'date' ugh..
I sighed and laid on my bed, no clue what to do now. I pulled out my phone and texted the only person who'd be able to save me from this situation... Miles


'ey mate! I need your help!! Please!!

I send the message and he immediately replied.
that was a bit creepy ...


What happened?! Did you
kill someone, eh? 😏😂

I rolled my eyes, Miles just can't take anything serious for just one second. I decided to phone him, otherwise this would turn out into
a five-hour typing discussion and I'm not in the mood for something like that.
He immediately picket up like I expected,
" 'ey Mi! Can you take this a bit more seriously please? I really need your 'elp, I don't know what to do" I told him. I heard him giggling on the other side, " alright Al, so what's the problem? I bet it has something to do with that Lou girl, eh?" I felt my cheeks blushing when he mentioned her.
Why does even her name have such an effect on me?
I swallowed, "Yeah, it's because of her... I- I don't know what to do Mi! After you got out of the bus we talked a bit and I tried to apologise for my behaviour again and I dunno, but I suggested that we could meet somewhere at a coffee shop or summat and then I told her that this is going to be a date.... like a proper DATE !!" I noticed that my heart was racing quite fast by now. Miles chuckled, "Aye! what did she say? She agreed to meet you, didn't she? Al, you didn't had a proper date since... Kristen, so what's the matter? Lou seems very nice and man she's pretty! Just meet her!".
I thought about his words for a moment and my thoughts drifted back to that night when I slept at Kristen's 'cause that fight I had with Lou's brother Adam. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Miles who yelled at me, " ALEX?! Helloooo?" He shouted from the other end.
" Jezzzz Miles! Chill, I'm 'here! I just thought about something, but anyway I think I would feel a bit more comfy if this wasn't a proper date, I guess I just need some more time, tha knows. I thought you could maybe come too, so this 'date' wouldn't be a date at all... what do you think?" I asked him.  There was silence on the other end before he finally sighed, " Okey I'll come and save ya, Al, but you need to promise me that you'll ask her for a proper date, alright?"
That wanker...
"Alright Mi I'll ask her, but at the right time, I'm not ready yet" I told him a bit annoyed, but still grateful that he saved me another time.
We hung up and I went downstairs to see what my mum cooked for dinner.


Lou's POV

I still can't believe that I have a date with Alex, at least he called it a 'date'.
I thought about telling Anna about it, but I'm sure that she'd totally freak out so I decided to put my phone away and try to distract my mind with some homework.


It was already around ninish when I decided that I'm not able to work any longer on that biology project I need to do with Anna. I grabbed my phone from my bed and the screen immediately lit up, some new text messages from Anna, a few twitter notifications, one missed call from Alex.... WAIT? Alex called me ?!
I sat on my bed staring at my phone, why did he call me? Oh damn it, I bet he wants to cancel our 'date' tomorrow...

I decided to text Anna first, but instead of texting me back she just called me.
"O-k-e-y, Lou what happened?" She asked curiously. I wasn't sure if I should tell her everything, but before I could think about this any longer, I already started talking "I have a date... tomorrow... with
Alex.. but he called me and I don't know why and now I'm panicking because he might want to cancel it, I dunno if I should call him back! I need your help Anna" My voice was all shaky and I heard Anna heavily breathing on the other end, "NO WAY!!!?? You have a freakin' date with Turner?! Tomorrow?! Omg Lou! Where are you two going? Oh, no wait, more important, what are you gonna wear?? And.." she was so enthusiastically about this, but I needed to cut her off, "slow down, Anna! I'm not even sure if we're still going on a date, I mean he called my and I'm sure it's just because he thought about it again and now decided to cancel the date and I don't..."
Now Anna was the one cutting me off, "Aren't you overreacting about that one missed call? I mean jezzzz Lou! Maybe he wants to go to another place and just wanted to inform you about it or something like that, you know? Just call him back and find out what he wants, alright?" I need to admit that she's actually right, I should call Alex and find out, "yeah I s'ppose you're right, I should just call him and find out, thanks Anna!" We said our goodbyes and hung up.

I should just call him...

I scrolled through my contacts till I found the one I was looking for
I breathed in and out and then pushed the call button.

He picked up after a few moments, " 'ey Lou! I tried to phone you earlier, but you didn't pick up and I don't wanted to leave you too many missed calls so I decided to wait for you to call me back" he chuckled. " 'ey Al, yeah I was doing some homework and stuff, didn't checked my phone...so Uhhm why did you phone me?" There was silence on the other end, but then he spoke up,

Alex's POV

"I- I just wanted to ask, uhm .. if y- you're still okey with drinking a coffee or summat, or if you maybe want to do anything else?"
Alex you stupid idiot!! You wanted to tell her that Miles is coming too and now you're asking if she's still okey with the coffee?! Oh lord ...
She was obviously amused by what I said 'cause I heard her giggling, even though she tried to hide it.
"Sure! Coffee sounds awesome, don't worry!" She told me a bit more serious now.
"Oh, Okey that's cool! ... uhm, see ya tomorrow I guess.." I mumbled.
This was so embarrassing...
"Yeah, see ya tomorrow, bye Alex!"
"Okey, bye Lou!" Then she hung up.
One of the most awkward calls I've ever had..

I shut my phone and jumped on my bed. I was already halfway asleep, but those thoughts about tomorrow were still bothering me.

Hey guys!
I'm so damn busy with school currently, that's why I'm barely updating this story and I'm massively sorry for that.
But anyway, what do you think about the chapters ? Should I try to make them longer or do you prefer that length ?

Hope you still enjoy the story 💕

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