26. Mad Sounds

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Alex's POV

We went straight to my place after we left the bakery. I parked the car and turned to Lou.

"So we're here... and now?" I said, raising my eyebrows. I don't really had a clue what she's gonna do next, just a tiny presumption of what she might had in mind... but no.. Lou would never- ... would She?

"Let's get out of the car first" She said in that flirtatious voice.

Once we were out of the car she walked over to me and took my hand, dragging me to the house.
We got inside, ending up in my room.
Lou closed the door behind her and slowly approached me.

"Lou I-" She shushed me with her finger and pushed me on the bed.
"Just don't day anything Turner" she said with a wink before crawling on top of me. She cupped my face with her hands and softly pressed her lips on mine. My confusion soon turned into pleasure. Her lips on mine felt like pure magic, it was different, more passionate than the other kisses we used to share so far, and I liked it.
Lou's hands traveled down my body, to my chest then to my hips, she started to grind on me whilst trying to open my belt buckle. A small moan escaped my lips and I felt myself grow hard, but it was also then that I finally realised what she's up to.
My hands found their way to her hips and I flipped her over so that I was on top of her.
She gasped and I tried to hide a giggle.

"So that's what you had in mind babe?" I smirked at her.
Lou's cheeks turned bride red and she tried to avoid my gaze.
"I thought you might like it..." she almost whispered.
"Oh of course I do!"

Lou wrapped her arms around my neck and we continued where we've started. After my jeans were down, she lifted my shirt over my head and stared at me for a split second before she got rid of her own shirt. Once her skirt was removed as well, we lay there in just our underwear. My lips went to her neck, Lou moaned when I sucked on a particular spot so I continued. Her fingers played with the hem of my boxers, pulling them down almost painfully slow. I noticed her trembling hands and put my hands over hers, searching her gaze.

"But you know we don't have to do anything you don't like" I whispered in her ear.

"I want this Alex! trust me" Her eyes glowed with lust and excitement.
When I didn't said anything she pushed me on the mattress. She then undid her bra before her hands went back to my boxers, finally pulling them down. I tried not to stare at her, but soon enough she connected our lips again and I lost myself I the heat of the moment.

I'm really sorry you had to wait a little longer for this shity chapter.... I know it's pretty short, but I'll try my best to make the next one longer! Xx

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