3. Trouble again?

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Alex's POV

I felt several pairs of eyes watching me when I walked over to the chair, where Mr. Barnes told me to sit.
I hate it when people stare at me, it makes me feel less confident but I always try to hide those feelings and play it all cool.
Mr. Barnes started the lessons and I pulled out my phone, playing a game. Maths is the subject I hate the most and I really tried to understand it .. but I don't get it, so I decided to do other things during maths classes.
»Do you already know all the stuff Mr. Barnes is explaining or why are you playing with your phone?« a female voice whispered.
I immediately pulled my phone back into my pocket, ready to snap at her but when I turned my head in her direction, gazing in her bright blue eyes I just forgot what I wanted to say and randomly just told her the truth, » I just don't get maths, no matter how hard I try so I gave up on paying attention to anything that has something to do with it«.
She looked confused, staring at me, but doesn't say anything. Did I say something wrong? I thought. I felt awkward in this embarrassing silence so quickly added »I'm Alex by the way«. She snapped out of her thoughts, mumbling an explanation that her name is Louise but she's actually called Lou. Lou is a pretty name I thought »Nice to meet you Lou!« I shortly respond to end the awkward conversation.
I turned my attention back to Mr. Barnes ... at least I pretended to, my thoughts were still at the convention with that awkward girl and her bright blue eyes.

When the lesson ended I packed all my stuff back into my bag and left the classroom, thinking about the next lesson. I don't know where I need to go now... I just know that the next period will be English. I looked at the plan in my hands trying to figure out where exactly my next lesson would be, walking through a  long corridor at the second floor.
I decided to spend the break at the schoolyard, I really need a cigarette now.
I walked across the large yard, most of the students stayed inside which i can totally understand 'cause the rain is heavy today.
I pulled out my cigarettes, sticking one of them between my lips, ready to lit it »If I was you, I wouldn't do that « someone said from behind me. I turned around, still holding the cigarette between my lips. It was Lou, she looked at me with a smug grin on her face. I was confused »Why?!» I asked a bit grumpy. »first because it's not good for you and second... smoking is illegal at the school grounds so if you don't want to get suspended you should better not lit this cigarette« she told me. Well this really pissed me off!
I mean what does she think who she is, to tell me what I should do or not ?! This girl is crazy !!!
» You're not my mum! I can smoke as much as I want so don't tell me what to do !! And why are you even here ? Did you follow me ?!« I yelled at her.
Her eyes widened and her expression turned from happy to kinda afraid, like she was about to start crying.
but why?! Only because I slightly raised me voice?
» Are you okey Lou? What's wrong ?!« I asked her, trying not to sound that angry.

»What's going on here ?« I heard a deep voice ask , it was a teacher, I don't know his name but he looked like Mr. Snape ,that dude from Harry Potter.
Suddenly I was afraid that Lou would tell him that I was smoking here. Oh no! my mum will kill me when I get suspended at my first day here!

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