31. It's Not What It Looks Like

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Alex's  POV

"C'mon Al! It'll be fun!" Alicia said in fake annoyance, removing her sunglasses to properly glare at me.

I sighed heavily before giving in and jumping on the van.
Alicia and some of her friends had planned to spend the afternoon at the lake, honestly, that's the last place I wanted to be right now.
It reminds me of the Lou-pushing-me-in-the-lake-incident that happened last time I was there.

I've already lost interest in Alicia, she seems so bitchy and blunt in comparison to Lou...
I've already tried to approach her today to apologise for my behaviour and all, but she's been avoiding me. The moment she caught a glimpse of me, she'd immediately disappear behind the next corner.
I felt like a complete idiot... that's what I am, I guess.
And now I'm here with that Alicia girl and her friends...awesome.

"You've been distant all day Al, babe... how do you feel?" Alicia who sat next to me in the back of the van asked with obvious fake concern.

"Splendid" I scoffed, rolling my eyes, knowing full well that she can't see it 'cause I'm still wearing my sunglasses.

"Fine!" She chirped, pinching my cheeks before she pressed her lips on mine.
I didn't kiss her back, but she didn't seem to be bothered at all.
Jeezzzz! What did I get myself into?!


Eventually we arrived at the lake. Alicia and the other girls took their bags from the trunk and quickly made their way towards the water. The guys and I followed slowly behind, carrying the heavier stuff.

First thing I did when we all sat on our towels was to grab a beer from the cooling box we brought with us, I wouldn't survive this afternoon without any alcohol floating my system, that's for sure.

"Thanks Al, babe" Alicia seductively chirped as she took the cold bottle from my hand.
That bitch..
"Hey that's my beer! go get ya own!" I pouted.

Seems like she thought I was joking 'cause she continued to raise the bottle to her mouth.
You can tell I was annoyed, so before she was able to take a swig of my beer, I took a hold of the bottle and gave it a push.
The whole liquor swapped over her face and shirt, she gasped in shock and suddenly all eyes were on us. I tried my best to hold back a laugh, but I just couldn't, I busted into heavy laughter, holding my stomach. The guys laughed along with me, but the rest of our small group didn't seem to be amused about my prank.

I wiped away some tears when I noticed someone else staring at us.
What the hell is she doing here? No no no no no no! Now she definitely gets the wrong impression.
My laughter died down and I just gazed over to Lou who sat on a towel just a couple feet away from our group, together with her friend Anna.

When she noticed me staring at her, she quickly got up, collected her stuff and almost run back to the parking lot.
Anna looked after her with a puzzled expression on her face, she called after Lou, but Lou never bothered to turn back 'round.

I realised that this might be my one and only chance to talk to her. I need to explain it all to her, I can't mess up what we have... I will never ever forgive myself for treating her like that.

I jumped to my feet, completely ignoring Alicia's rant. I grabbed my stuff and run after Lou.
Alicia's voice furiously echoed behind me, calling me a dick for spilling the beer on her, but I don't care.
All I want is to talk to Lou and nothing else!

I jogged up the tiny hill and gazed around, but once I was at the parking lot, she was nowhere to be seen.
I gazed around in frustration. Where could she have disappeared to in this short time?!

I run my hands through my hair in despair. I'm such an idiot!

I was about to just walk back home when I saw a familiar figure standing under the trees, almost completely hidden behind a car.

Relief washed over me and I started to slowly approach her.
Lou hadn't noticed me yet, but when she did, she was about to run away again.

"Wait! LOUISE!!" I screamed after her and to my surprise she really stopped running.
I quickly jogged over to her so that we now had to face each other.
The expression on Lou's face made me forget about everything I wanted to say to her. She looked so hurt, but also like she wouldn't give a fuck about me at the same time.

"What is it Turner?" The words coldly roll off her tongue.

"I...uhm.. can we talk?" I managed to get out.

"No" she spat.


"But Lou! Please le' me explain it to ya! It's really not what it seems!" I tried to convince her to give me a chance to talk to her.

"Oh, and what is it then? Seems like you and your little girlfriend are having lots of fun... you don't need to explain anything Turner.. we're over" and she turned around.

I took a hold of her hand, twirling her back towards me. She tried to get away from me, but I just tightened my grip.
She can't leave me like that! She doesn't understand!!

"No! No no no! We're not having fun! I didn't wanted to come here I'm so sick of Alicia, that's why I spilled me beer on her! Didn't you see?! Lou, please... I know I'm an asshole, I've done everything wrong I could've done wrong... I ignored you and Miles, I tried to make you jealous with this Alicia girl and I didn't trust you when you obviously told me the truth back at the party... I know that now and I know it's probably too late to apologise for all this, but Lou! You're the only girl for me! Please forgive me, I'm such a fool, but I'm a fool for you-"

"Stop it! ... I... I don't believe you Alex... I was just another shag for you ... just another girl who'd fall for you, but as soon as you got what you wanted, you found an excuse to go get the next girl...Miles and I in that room were your opportunity to get rid of me... so just ... let go of my wrist ... there's nothing else to say" Lou interrupts me. Her voice trembling as she spoke, but her eyes were clear, emotionless, as if she'd made up her mind about it.

Does she really think she was just a shag for me? Did I give her that impression?

"Do you really think that?... 'cause it's not true and I don't know what made you think of me like that... you were always more than that, and I think you know it deep inside.... you're my Lou! My sweet girl" I assured her.

"I've never been your girl and now leave me alone" She coldly spat.

I was so taken aback by the way she acted that I had no words for once.
My grip on her wrist loosened, she pulled away from me and left me standing there under the trees without another word.

Wow I haven't updated in ages!! I'm so sorry, but the daily drama kept me busy ...
Anyways, the story will get better! Be patient and continue reading! It really means the world to me 🖤

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