28. D Is For Dance With Me (pt.2)

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Lou's POV

Well, I didn't make it that far 'cause Alex took a hold of my arm and pulled me back.

"Wait wait wait, Lou!! We were just talkin', really! You see we're even dressed! Nothing happened! I haven't invited Kristen to the party, belief me please me luv! She just showed up here pushing me to go upstairs and talk to her! Lou I'd never cheat on ya, please don't look at me like that! We were just talking' and I was 'bout to end our conversation anyways-"
Alex tried to justify the scene I've just witnessed.

"Could you slow down Al? It's alright... I believe you" I smirked at a desperate Alex with flushed cheeks.

"R-really? Oh, Lou, I luv you so much! You don't know how happy I am to have ya as me gurl! You're not one of these jealous princess gurls thank god!" He cheered what that cute slurry voice, engulfing me in a big hug.

"Wow and you're pretty drunk Ally, anyways I need to talk to Miles-"

"You haven't talked to him yet?" Alex cut me off.

"No I wanted to but then I found your phone... Oh, your phone! You left it on the stairs, idiot!" I chuckled.

"Oh thanks my luv... alright I'll kick Kristen out now, good luck with Miles" Alex slurred.
Right then Kristen emerged from the guest room, she shot me an annoyed look before running down the stairs past some drunk people.

"Well... she kicked herself out hehe," Alex said, pointing at her.
Did I mention that drunk Alex is incredibly cute?

I wrapped my arms around his neck and quickly pecked his lips, "I love you Ally and now go downstairs and have some fun whilst I'm trying to talk to Miles" I smirked at him.

"Sure Louuu" was the only thing he said before making his way downstairs.
When I watched after him, I noticed that Miles doesn't sit on the stairs anymore like he did when I left him.
Did he go downstairs again?

I furrowed my eyebrows, ready to search him in the crowd of drunkenly dancing people when someone grabbed my arm and pulled me into Alex's room as I walked by.
"What the-"
I stopped myself when I saw that it was actually Miles who pulled me in here.

"Alright princess, can we talk now? Because I really wanna enjoy the party a little longer instead of waiting for you here all night" he said with a stupid smirk on his face and his arms folded in front of his chest.

"Yeah sure... Uhm I wanted to apologise for my stupid behaviour, it was wrong to push Alex and I knew it, I thought he was joking... that's no excuse tho" - I sighed - "I'm sorry for almost killing your best mate who also appears to be my boyfriend, look I know you're mad at me but I don't wanna lose you as a friend over that story, you know? I mean you're my best friend Mi! I love you!!! Please forgive me?" I tried to look at his dark eyes through my long lashes.

There was an awkward silence, I waited for a reaction from Miles, but all he did was staring at me.

"Mi? Whatcha thinking about?" I cautiously said, still not daring to lift my head to look him into the eyes properly.

"I'll tell you what's on my mind when you look at me, Lou".
I slowly looked up at him till his gaze met mine, and I could see that dumbfounded smirk on his face.
Apparently, he doesn't seem mad, why on earth is he not mad at me?! Is it the alcohol?!

"So...it's alright Lou, I mean I was enraged when you pushed him, after all, he could have died, however, I'm not mad at you anymore... to be honest, I had already calmed down the evening it all happened, well it was fun to tease ya a bit princess-"

I yelled at him, rage bubbles up inside of me, but his laugh made it far too hard to be really mad right now.

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