15. Now, It's Three In The Mornin' And I'm Tryna' Change Your Mind

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Alex's POV

I had to admit the fact that I won't fall asleep tonight, no matter how hard I try. I kept rolling around in bed, legs tangled in the sheets. My thoughts were wandering around today's events, no chance to settle down.

With a heavy sigh I sat up, rubbing my eyes, before I reached over to the bedside table to grab my phone. It was pretty early in the morning... 'round three to tell the truth, but I don't care, now or never! I know that I won't get any rest if I don't do it...

"Fuck it..."
I mumbled, right before I hit the call button.
Please don't pick up, please don't pick up... just don't-

"Why are you always calling me in the middle of the night Al? Are you high?"
Her low, raspy voice ringed through my ears... shit I must have woken her up...

"Hey Kristen, I'm sorry for calling ... but.. Uhm .. we-we should talk"
My voice trembled slightly and I swallowed, in order to get rid of the lump in my throat.

"And what is it that is so important that you wanna talk with me about so you couldn't have called tomorrow?"
She almost snapped back.

I don't know what to reply, should I tell her the truth or just some shitty excuse... well, fact is I need to talk with her, but is it the right time? Should I have called her tomorrow? ... maybe we could meet up at-

I was too lost in my train of thought that I forgot to say something and therefore remained silent. Kristen must have taken it the wrong way 'cause she started rambling when I didn't say anything.

"Alex? Hellooooo? Did-did .. something happened again? You're alright, aren't you? Please tell me you don't ended up in another fight!-"

"No no! Don't worry Krissy, I'm fine... I'm at home... no need to worry love"
I assured her, trying to calm her down.

"God Al! I thought-.... damn!... stop calling me at this time!"
She yelled through the phone.

"Hey it's okey! I'm totally fine, please don't end the call Kristen... it wasn't my intention to scare you again... I know ya always worried, but-"

"There's no "but" Alex! Why can't you just call me in the afternoon, like normal people would? I'm tired of these late night calls, you're scaring the shit outa me! You know I always think you ended up in a fight again... I can't stand it Al.. to see you hurt...last time was pretty bad-"
Her voice became quieter and quieter and I could clearly hear the sadness in her voice

What did I do?... ugh I shouldn't have called her... how did one call cause such a mess?! I just wanted to talk and she thinks I need her help to fix me up again... that's the proof that I have really fucked up as her boyfriend... that's why we're not together anymore, right?

"Kristen I never meant to cause all this... I'm sorry... can we talk tomorrow?"

"Why should we? You only seem to call me when you need something! Last time I saw you was like two weeks ago and you didn't bother calling me once since that... not even to tell me if you're doing any better! Why should I care now, that you obviously doesn't care either?"
She spat out.

Do I really give her that impression? Of course I care about her, I clearly do!

"But of course I do! Believe me Kristen, please! ... I-I wanted to call, but after you turned down my offer to drive ya to college, I thought ya don't wanna have me 'round for any longer... I wanted to give you some space, tha knows"

She remained silent for too long if your ask me, but when she spoke again, she seemed a lot calmer.

"Alright... let's meet up and talk tomorrow"


"Would I have suggested it, if I didn't meant it Turner?"

"Probably not..."

"So when and where?"

"What about around seven at The Boardwalk? On Sunday? I have to work, but we can talk anyways ... or afterwards, whatever you prefer love"

"I'll be there at seven, see ya Turner"

And with that she ended the call.

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