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WARNING: Not suitable for young readers or sensitive minds. The story contains graphic sex scenes, adult language and situation/s intended for mature readers only.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner.

Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

❮ Read at your own risk ❯

DISCLAIMER: The characters who would be mentioned are owned by Capcom.

There are no happy endings, endings are the saddest part. So give me a happy middle, and a very happy start. ❞ – Anonymous


As she was laying down on his bed her train of thoughts suddenly kicked in..

"Are you still up?" Said she, she was resting her head on his chest while their hands are entwined.

He mumbled as a reply, "Yes?" He lazily said while his eyes are closed. After all they had made love this night, it's pretty obvious he can't do another round. They already had three rounds, after two rounds, he already lose count.

She shifted her head up to look at him, admiring his face and how much she doesn't want this to end so soon.

"Have you ever thought of making your own family?"

His eyes immediately shot opened, he looked down to meet her gaze and locked his eyes on hers. His mind instantly drive into what it feels like having a family, an obedient wife and naughty kids. What does it feel having Ada Wong as his wife and a mother of his kids.

But then, he's too scared to start his own family. The mere thought of it makes his heart weak, he always think about the people. What would they do if there's a virus spreading globally and he's busy taking care of their children?

Yet Leon thought if ever she's going to have babies with him, it would be so worth it to the point he's willing to relinquish his job and settle down with her.

He smiled at his own thoughts yet he shrugged it off, knowing her it'd only give her a cringe. He knows how she doesn't want to surrender her work just to have babies with him.

There was a long silence greeted her, she was terrified of what his answer would be yet she knows that he is ready she just need assurance from him. For some reasons, that's how she feels.

"I think I'm not yet ready." He said with hesitations.

The raven haired woman looked at him with full despondent in her eyes. She felt that her eyes would water in any minute now so she was the first one who broke the eye contact, and took a deep sigh to reduce the heavy heart she has. That is not the answer she was expecting, she was at least expecting that he would answer her yes.

She couldn't take it anymore, she tried so hard to control her whimper yet she didn't succeeded. He already felt that there's a liquid flowing down his chest.

"Are you okay?"

He asked if she was okay, instead of answering him using her own voice she nodded. Taking her hands from his she did the okay sign.

She removed her body from his and layed down beside him as he was facing her naked back. She was known as the cool, full of confidence, and selfish woman so she doesn't want him to know or to see that she has times like this.

"Are you really all right?" He said as he hugged her from behind. She couldn't take it, she let out a deep heavy sigh. "You should rest, you had a long day." With that, he kissed her hair while hugging her.

Few minutes have passed, his breathing became heavy indicating he already has gotten to sleep. She carefully removed his grip away from hers and tried to hold back the tears that wanted to escape from her eyes and the whimper that wanted to escape from her mouth.

She sat down quietly beside him and had the chance to observe his face, yet she couldn't control her emotions. Taking her hands from her lap, she unceremonious put both of her hands in front of her mouth for he'll be unable to hear her whimper. As she heavily closed her eyes the tears have already escaped.

She took the time of admiring the man beside her. Her savior. His guardian angel. After all these years, their memories suddenly flashed back into her mind. The time they first met in Raccoon City for she has mistaken him as a zombie, the time in Spain that they have both helped each other to finish their own missions, that night when he was angry at her for leaving him again after they have made love all night, the time in Tall Oaks underground lab how he was astonished to see her and for mistakenly believe she was the caused of the Neo-Umbrella, the time in China when she has given them a helicopter a ride so that they could already leave the place.. thinking all of these memories makes her heart even more weaker, for this is the last time she would be seeing him.

She took a deep breath and started wiping her tears away from her face.

Taking her hands from her lap, she brushed the bangs he has away from his face. She smiled because she always see him this way, how he looks so vulnerable, sweet, handsome, and fragile when he's asleep. She has always wanted to wake up with this face sleeping peacefully beside her while the sun is about to rise up.

She closed her eyes tightly and opened them once more, she carressed his face while he purred his face into her hands as if he is a kitten. She smiled weakly.

"I love you." He said half asleep, "Don't leave."

She felt a stab on her chest as her reflexes shot up, she quickly claimed her hands away from his face as if he was a fire that you'll get burnt once you've touched it.

She couldn't take it anymore, picking up her clothes that are scattered on the floor she wore them as fast as she could.

As she was done wearing them, she carefuly walked over into his desk table to grab a paper and a pen.

I'm afraid this is the last night you'll be seeing me, always remember that you have a special place in my heart. I don't want to say goodbye yet I have to..

I don't want to drag you into a mess that you, yourself, don't want to get involved in.

I'm just a woman who fell in love with you.. nothing more.

I love you.


She carefully put it beside the bedside table and slowly kissed the paper as she marked her red lips.

She stared at him one last time yet later on she bent down to meet his gaze, kissed him fully on the lips and left her lipstick stain on his cheeks.. marking her territory.

"I love you too." She cooed and with that, she left.

Leon KennedyWhere stories live. Discover now