Reason 1

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I had to admit I was freaking out. I never thought this day would even come and here we are. Jimin was coming home from his trip around the world and I was waiting for him like the wife I was going to be in a few months.

I didn't look forward to the next months. I didn't even like Jimin. I hadn't seen him in two years and last time I saw him he was as rude and cocky as ever. He had the looks yes, but not the personality.

It may seem weird that we had to marry each other but that's just how our parents decided it was going to be when we were younger. I did question it a lot. If it even was legal. But I learnt that when I asked questions about it I just got yelled at and told that "you should be happy we've already chosen the perfect husband for you so you don't have to go trough the heartbreaks to find the one" which was only craziness in my hears. But I guess I learnt to accept it.

Jimin and I used to be best friends when we're young. and I used to love being around him. When we were little we used to look forward to the day we were to get married, but obviously we were just small kids who didn't even know how a weeding went down.

I stood in the garden with the view of the driveway waiting for Jimin to pull up. Both my parents jogged around the house to make it look perfect since both Jimin and his parents were coming. For my family it had always been important to pretend we were perfect when we definitely weren't.

I wore my red summer dress since spring was really coming trough, and I had looked forward to spring and summer since September last year.

I admired the few yellow flowers that bloomed right next to the last patch of snow that laid in the garden, while I wanted for my future asshole of a husband to come.

"Do you think that's the appropriate dress to wear today?" My mom asked rudely behind me. I turned to the sigh of my mother in her white dress that meet at her ankles. She wore her pearls around her neck which only happened when we got guests over. Her hair was curled and for a change she wore a little bit of makeup.

"Well yes. I'm not going to church am I?" I responded in the same tone she had spoken to me in.

"Maybe not church but you're meeting your future husband so maybe a longer dress would be better" she snapped and I rolled my eyes and got ready to respond with a great comeback but both our attention was turned to the driveway when the sound of a car came closer.

My heart started racing. My dad came running up to us and continued to walk towards the driveway way where the car had parked. My mom soon followed my dad but I just stood frozen looking at the car.

Out of the car stepped Jimins dad who wore the suit I had always seen him in. On the other side of the car stepped Jimins mother out. She was as beautiful as ever. She maybe strict and she always scared me but damn she was so pretty. Lastly and my worst nightmare, the back seat door opened and out stepped Jimin.

He had grown a lot in two years. He looked so fine. His hair was dark now and he wore a black hoodie with distressed denim jeans and his hands were decorated with rings. He looked better than ever and it made me hate him even more.

When I was done looking up and down at him my eyes meet his and he smirked at me with a cocky smile. I quickly looked away and felt my face heat up with embarrassment. I tried shaking the feeling off, I felt like he had some kind of power over me and I hated it.

I looked towards my mom and dad pretended like I didn't notice Jimins eyes on me. They all started waking towards me on their way inside.

"Good to see you again Carmen. You look so grown up" Jimins mother said to me with a faint smile. that must have been the first compliment I had gotten from her in ten years.

"Thanks" I said smiling at her as we all walked together to the entrance.

"I like that dress on you Carmen" a familiar voice said behind me and I didn't care to even turn around.

"I like this dress on me too" I said blankly back while mentally rolling my eyes. I continued walking but Jimin decided he needed some extra attention today so he stepped right in front of me, stopping me from talking another step.

"I didn't come back to this shitty town for you to talk like that Carmen" he said looking at me with angry eyes but a faint smirk on his face making me confused.

"Then leave" I said blankly like I didn't care but on the inside I felt like I was about to shit my pants.

"When did you get so tough?" He questioned. The way the talked and looked at me made me feel small and I hated it.

"Can you please move out of the way I'm trying to get into my house" I said placing my hand on his chest and pushing him slightly backwards.

"Is that how you talk to your future husband?" He questioned me again and I rolled my eyes. I stepped aside walking passed him but not before he grabbed my wrist making me turn a last time towards him.

"It really is good to see you again Carmen" he said my name with a voice soft like lavender. He knew what he could do to girls just with a compliment and a smile and I hated him for it. There were so many reasons to hate him and that was just one of them.

I'm back! Oh my lord I've missed writing. Welcome to a new story with a very different concept than before but I hope you'll enjoy reading it! (Remember to vote!)

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