Reason 26

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I sat by the dinner table in the busy restaurant. I wish I was here alone with Jimin but unfortunately I was here with both Jimins parents and my parents, that I hadn't seen since the incident at the dress shop. Of course my mother pretended like nothing had happened at the dress shop since she always pretended like everything was perfect. She's the fakest person I've ever known.

To me the restaurant was only mumbling sounds. My thoughts were so loud in my head I didn't hear what the others at the table were even talking about.

I jumped slightly when Jimins hand landed on my thigh. I looked at him, he gave a sweet smile.

"Are you ok?" He asked in a low voice. I nodded with a weak smile as I tried to get back into the conversation going on around the table.

"Carmen, where do you wanna go after the weeding?" Jimins father asked me. I furrowed my brows in confusion, not able to get quite what he meant by that.

"Where do you want to go for your honeymoon?" He asked more specifically.

"Oh, well, I'm not sure" I said moving my glance down at the table. I always got a weird and uncomfortable feeling when we talked about the future. I couldn't even picture the future more than just a month a head.

"Maybe to Europe" my mother suggested.

"Yes, you've always wanted to go to Europe honey" my father added. I nodded with a weak smile again. I wanted to travel yes but not as a honeymoon. I wanted to travel to explore and see new things.

"What about you Jimin?" Jimins father asked him.

"I don't have a specific place I want to go, as long as I'm with Carmen I'm fine" he said making all the partners say lots of weird stuff about how sweet he was. I didn't even look at him even if I knew he was looking at me. I didn't know what to do.

"Maybe well take the dress fitting this weekend" my mother suggested to Jimins mom.

"That's a great idea Caren" Jimins mother said referring to my mom. My eyes stayed on the table scared to look up and meet judgmental eyes.

"You'll Be Fine this time right Carmen?" Jimins mom asked.

"Of course she will be fine Vienna" my mom cut me off answering Jimins mother for me.

"I have to go for a second" I excused myself from the table standing up and walking towards where I assumed the ladies room was. I glanced back where Jimins eyes meet mine with lots of different emotions on his face. I turned back walking away faster than before. I guess I do always walk away from situations, and maybe that's just who I am.

I made my way into the ladies room and locked myself in one of the stalls. I got my phone out calling Tae as quick as I could. Maybe he had some reassuring words for me to hold on to for the rest of the evening.

"Hello?" His voice broke trough the phone, finally.

"Oh thank god. I need your help Tae" I stressed.

"What happened?" He asked sounding worried.

"Did Jimin do anything bad to you?" He asked quickly.

"No, no" I stopped him from the wrong thoughts.

"It's more our families" I explained. I lowered my voice as the door to the ladies room opened. I didn't really want everyone to hear what I was struggling with right now

"We have this dinner together, a way to practice for the weeding and all of that" I tried to explain.

"And they don't stop talking about the future and the weeding and travels, it's just all too much for me" I said feeling the lump in my throat.

"Well Carmen you'll have to fight trough it" Tae said making me disappointed. I hoped for more supporting words than that.

"Are things better between you and Jimin?" He asked. I smiled to myself remembering what happened a few days ago when we said "I love you" to each other.

"Much better. Whatever you said it really helped" I said thanking him somehow.

"I only said a few words, he made the change, thank him" Tae said so sweetly trough the phone.

"Just get trough the next month and things will become easier" he said but I wasn't so sure if his words were true.

"I'll try" I responded trying to sound hopeful.

"We'll have to hang out again soon" I said.

"Of course. Let me know when you have time and I'll come right over" he said sounding more happy now than before.

"We'll talk more soon" he said before we said our goodbyes and hung up the phone.

I unlocked the stall and was meet with and unexpected person standing my the sink. It was my mother.

"What do you think you're doing?" She asked rudely as usual.

"Talking to a friend" I responded without looking at her making my way out of the bathroom.

"You have a future husband to do that with" she snapped making me stop and turn.

"What that a guy friend?" She questioned.

"Yes?" I said wondering what was the big deal.

"Keep yourself to one guy at the time, can you do that?" She said making me feel like some dirty whore.

"This is why I didn't talk to you about any of my problems" I snapped before turning on my heel and making my way out of the bathroom and towards the table again. I felt my mom walk up behind me quickly. She tried to hold my arm like we were some cute mother and daughter but I quickly moved my arm away knowing it would make her even more mad, but she couldn't do anything about it now.

I sat down by the table again feeling more confident and relived than before. All I needed to do was get trough the next month.

I hope the next chapters won't be too boring for you guys. If you have any ideas for the story you'd like to share, please comment or send me a dm on wattpad 💕 (remember to vote!)

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