Reason 40

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One year later...

Being back was weird. Not just because I had left this place the way I did. I ran away from my weeding, the person I loved and everything I knew, for a life I didn't know was even going to work out. Luckily it all worked out. I spent my year traveling to all the countries I had dreamed of traveling to. From Italy to Australia, from Greece to Germany. Even if I didn't make it to all the counties I wanted to, I was able to explore counties I had only dreamed of once going to. 

During my travel I got to know different cultures and new people. Even had a few flings in between travels. Even if I met new guys I always dreamed of coming back to Jimin at some point. I missed him more and more everyday. I didn't except him to be waiting for me when I came back to our town, but I guess I still hoped he would feel the same way and maybe we could be something again.

As the money run low I decided to use the last I had to get back to the only place I knew, and to the only people I ever really got to know.

I didn't really know where I was going to stay when I got back. I hadn't spoken to my family since that day at the weeding. I didn't really miss them that much, I think I leant during my trip that, they could never understand the person I was or the person I would want to become.

As I walked the streets I once hated to see everyday, it was a feeling of safety and almost like I had missed it. It hadn't changed at all but I still felt like something was different. Maybe it was me that had changed.

As the familiar cafe came into sight I felt a rush of happiness rush trough me. I could tell a lot had happened since I was here last time. The cafe looked renovated and bigger. I walk quickly across the street with my suitcase behind me. There were a lot of people in the cafe, more than what was there when I worked there.

I walked in looking around for a familiar face and my eyes quickly landed on Tae who worked around the tables serving people. I was surprised to see him work here. I wanted to sit down at one of the tables to see if I could get a chance to talk to one of the guys but it seemed like all the tables were occupied.

A long awaited feeling of happiness and nervousness rushed trough me as my eyes landed on a familiar face sitting across the room. It was Jimin who was busy writing something down on one of the seemingly endless pieces of papers around him. It was now or never if I would ever get the chance to talk to him. I slowly walked towards him trying to prepare what I was going to say in my head, but my mind was completely blank. I could no longer think of anything. My heart was pounding out of my chest. What if he didn't really want to see me, what if he still hated me?

"Hey there" I said quietly looking down at Jimin who was busy reading something on his papers. His body froze as he heard my voice, which only made me more nervous.

"Hi Carmen" he said looking up at me slowly but to my surprise he had a wide smile on his face. We looked at each other for a few seconds. I really had missed him and seeing him again after all of this felt like we finally could meet each other in a normal way, almost like it was the first time.

"You want to sit down?" He asked breaking both the silence and the thoughts in my head.

"Yes, sure" I answered nervously. He pushed some papers away from the table as I grabbed the chair sitting down in it.

"What are you doing out of the office this early?" I asked looking at him with a smile feeling how happy I was to see him again.

"Actually I don't work for my father anymore" he explained. I couldn't stop the feeling of being surprised. I would never think Jimin would go against what his father wanted for him.

"Who do you work for now then?" I asked curiously.

"Well actually, Hoseok, Tae And I own this place now" he explained with confidence in his voice and a proud look on his face.

"That great!" I said excited for him.

"I know and we're doing very well" he said also excited in his voice.

"I can tell" I breathed with a smile at him.

"I'm happy for you" I said in a lower tone than before.

"Thank you" He said looking at me in the same way as he did a year ago. He looked at me with his eyes full of love.

"Did you have a good year?" He asked.

"Yes, I think I've learnt some important things about both the word and myself" I told him as I thought back on what I could remember changed me.

"Like what?" Jimin asked curiously.

"That the world is unfair and brutal, but also beautiful and kind place. That I didn't need to leave the country to find myself but rather leave the old me behind to find a better self out there in the world" I started looking deep into Jimins eyes as he looked at me the same way.

"But most importantly, that I would miss you wherever I went, and that I want to be with you, and that I can never be complete without you" I stated finally getting the words I had held back for so long out into the world. I looked at him fearful he didn't feel the same way and that I had told him my one sided love for him.

"I'm happy you traveled the world, and that you discovered that through all your experiences" Jimin started making me nervous to where this was going.

"And I'm also happy you want to start this again, and that we finally can be us, with each other" his words lifted what felt like tons off my shoulders. I couldn't stop myself from getting up from my chair which Jimin also did. I jumped into his arms hugging him so tight, as if I would lose him again if I let go.

"I've missed you so much" I let out finally feeling his body close to mine again. 

"I've missed you my whole life" he said and I knew that we would never miss each other ever again, because this was how it was going to be for ever after.

The End.

Well that was another book finished! I want to say thank you to the people who voted, commented or simply read my story, it means a lot. This book is probably the one I enjoyed writing the most and I hope you enjoyed reading it too. If you're sad this is over, just letting you know I have four other fanfics you can read, and also a new one planned, that I will start writing soon! So stay tuned for that. (One last time on this book, remember to vote!)

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