Reason 7

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It had been the longest week of my life. Jimin and Heater had been here all week and oh my lord it had been the most annoying thing. I don't know why but Heater felt the need to always make herself known and always had to act so strange around when we all were in the same room. It was all just very uncomfortable.

Luckily for me the last three days they had been gone. Probably at Heaters place or something. If they both had been kidnapped by the mafia and laid somewhere yelling for help, I wouldn't care, or help. I had spent the time in the apartment enjoying every second alone I had it. I had danced around in my underwear enjoying myself, ordered greasy food and pretended I owned the apartment. I've had so much fun.

It had been sunny all day but slowly the clouds had covered the sun and it had started to rain. I laid on the couch in only a hoodie and underwear. I watched the rain hit the window and the people waking the streets. I wondered how their lives were and where they were headed. People with suitcases strolled down the streets. Maybe they were going on holiday. Wherever I saw someone with a suitcase I got so jealous. All I wanted was to get out of here and go somewhere, explore somewhere new. But reality was to hard and I felt a bit sad knowing I wouldn't be able to live that life I longed for.

My phone buzzed making a loud noise as the phone buzzed against the table. I slightly jumped at the sound and turned to see the word "mom" lit up the screen. I furrowed my brows wondering what she wanted, and why she was calling me at midnight. I reached for the phone and answered the call placing the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I said blankly.

"Oh Carmen sweetie" she said making me surprised she never gave me names like that. What was going on?

"Your dad has been in an accident" she said making my stomach drop.

"What?!" I said starting to panic whiles the tears formed in my eyes.

"Is he ok?" I said frantically standing up from the couch.

"He's in surgery" my mom said calmly making me a little mad.

"I'm coming, which hospital is he in?" I asked walking to my room to put some clothes on getting ready to leave.

"Don't come tonight. He's going to be fine. Come tomorrow when he's woken up" she said harshly. I stopped what I was doing focusing on the silence between us.

"Why can't I just come now?" I argued.

"Carmen for once can't you just listen. I've called Jimin, he's on his way to you, talk to him. Come tomorrow. I'll see you then" she said harshly before hanging up on me. I sighed throwing the pants I was on my way to put on back on the floor. Why must my mother always be so damn stubborn and cold.

I didn't really have a choice other than to listen to what my mother had said. I had to come tomorrow instead. She would probably kick me out of the freakin hospital if I came.

The front door opened and someone, most likely Jimin came walking in. I sat in dark room at the edge of my bed with my eyes on the floor. I could hear Jimin kick his shoes of and waking with quiet steps towards my door. He stopped outside and opened the door slowly standing in the door frame.

"Hey" he said quietly. I looked up at him for a few second before looking back at the floor.

"I heard what happened to your father. I'm sorry" he said and actually sounding genuine. I didn't say anything. I had a big lump in my throat and I was trying so hard not to cry.

"Do you want me to make some food or get something for you?" Jimin asked sweetly. I looked up at him with tearful eyes. I shook my head.

"Oh Carmen don't cry. Your father will be ok" he said trying to reassure me as he walked towards me and sitting besides me.

"I know but I want to be with him now" I said looking away as the tears rolled down my cheeks. I didn't want him to see me cry.

"You'll see him tomorrow when he's woken up. I will drive you to the hospital first thing in the morning" Jimin said and I looked at him with a soft smile. He tugged my messy hair behind my ear. His eyes sparkled in the dim light from the city outside that my window was facing. He had such a kind smile on his face and for once in years I didn't hate him. I felt happy he was here with me which I hadn't felt in probably ten years.

"Just remember to put pants on before you leave tomorrow" he said with a smile and I let out a low giggle at his attempted joke. If Jimin was like this all the time I would already have fallen for him.

"I don't like it when you cry Carmen" he said with his hand running down my back. I didn't know if it was his kind eyes or my sadness that made me feel the flutter in my heart but the more he said my name the more I felt something in me change.

I've officially planned out my story nicely (for the most part) the last two "books" I wrote have just been written from what ever ideas come to mind that day, so I'm happy to have some control over what's going on in this one 😂👌🏻 (remember to vote!)

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