Reason 9

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We had arrived in the sunny part of the country and oh boy it had been quite the trip. When we got home from the hospital Jimin decided it would be a good idea to invite Heater to the trip. I couldn't even say anything, I was literally speechless when he called her up and asked her to join.

The next day we meet up at the airport. Jimin and Heater went trough the airport like the couple they looked like, whiles I looked like the third wheel on their honeymoon. I was left in their shadow on what was supposed to be me and Jimins trip. The only positive thing was that Jimin traded his ticket from first class to the second best for a free ticket to Heater, so I was alone in first class.

When we landed Jimin and Heater took a cab together to the hotel, whiles I took a cab alone to the hotel. Jimin couldn't change the hotel room so Heater had to book her own hotel room. Which for some reason Jimin couldn't share with her. I had to share my room with Jimin. At least the room was so nice it was kind of worth it.

"Isn't this nice" Jimin breathed and I nodded with my back turned to him whiles I placed my suitcase down on the floor.

"Carmen? Can we talk?" He asked sending I weird feeling down my body as he said my name, but I only shook it off. I turned to him. He was sitting on the bed looking up at me.

"Sure" I said confused sitting down besides him but with a good amount of space between us.

"I don't want you to be so rude to Heater" he said and I was immediately taken back and quickly got offended.

"Me?" I asked in such a low voice it was a miracle he even heard me.

"she has told me all the things you've said to her" he sighed like a disappointed parent.

"I haven't-" I started but was quickly cut off.

"She also said you would get all defensive and deny it" he said looking at me now also annoyed.

"But I haven't said anything, she is the one-" I continued but was once again cut off.

"You've changed Carmen, you're not like you used to be, but I didn't think you'd be so rude to a person like Heater" he sighed shaking his head. He stood up whiles I sat there at a loss of words. I watched Jimin walking away but I wasn't going to keep my mouth shut this time.

"Are you going to listen to a girl you've know for a month or a girl you've knowing for your whole life?" I argued standing up. He stopped and slowly turned.

"Heater wouldn't make up such a thing" he said before taking his suitcase into the bathroom and closing the door behind him.

I let out an annoyed grunt. I needed something to drink. I grabbed the key card and made my way out of the hotel room. This was already the worst holiday I've been on. I wanted to be positive but right now everyone was against me. How could I even enjoy myself when everything I did was looked at as not ok, or irresponsible.

I walked into the almost empty bar and sat down at the first chair that caught my eye. I ordered some much needed alcohol from the young bartender. I sighed feeling like I had just been trough the longest day of my life.

"Carmen!" A high pitched tone came from behind me. I rolled my eyes, taking a quick sip of my drink before turning around to see my new enemy. It was Heater.

"Having a bad day?" She asked sound annoyingly happy as sitting down besides me.

"Oh yes" I responded taking another sip of my drink feeling the liquid down throat.

"How come?" She asked almost wanting me to confront her about the lies she had told Jimin.

"Just been a long day" I responded not having enough energy to argue.

"Isn't it going well with Jimin?" She asked almost mockingly.

"Wouldn't you know all about it" I commented lowly.

"What was that?" She asked in her annoying voice. Right now I couldn't do anything else then be mad. She was asking for me to yell her in the face.

"Why are you telling lies to Jimin about me being rude to you, when you know damn well it's the other way around" I said in a low but hash tone. Her face turned to a frightening look and I sat back in the chair.

"If you haven't noticed I want Jimin for myself and you're in my way" she said and finally I could use one of my great comebacks I had wanted to spit in her face fro so long.

"Well honey get in line because we're engaged" I said feeling my body explode with satisfaction as I gave her a cocky smile taking a last sip of my drink feeling like I owned the world.

"Do you think that will stop me" She responded and I felt myself wanting to crumble into a black hole. My comeback had been thrown out of the window by a much better one.

"I want him and mostly everything he can get me with all of that money his parents have, and I don't care if I have to convince him and his parents you're a crazy psychotic bit#h" she spat in my face before getting of the chair and waking harshly out of the room.

I was left with a feeling of hopelessness and hurt. She was so mean. That facade she had built up was really good even if I knew something was off with her I didn't knew she was such a bad person and mostly a gold digger.

Oh yes I'm excited for all the future drama coming! (Remember to vote!)

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