Reason 23

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Jimin P.O.V

I sat in the hall tapping my leg nervously. Even if this was just a chat with my father about a job I had already got, I was still so freaking nervous. My father was always one I was scared of disappointing and I think he knew that.

I was happy I had gotten a job at his company and also happy Carmen had decided to find a job as well. We both needed to get out of the apartment and do our own thing during the day.

I was very happy with where things were going with me and Carmen. With the weeding only one and a half month away, I was actually starting to think we may have some kind of relationship when that times comes. Maybe I was falling too quickly and hard for Carmen but I couldn't help myself.

"Your father can see you now" the dark haired woman with the tight fitted black skirt and a white button up said. I stood up and followed her into the office. I closed the the door behind me as I stepped inside. 

As I walked in I was meet with big windows with the view of the whole city. A sofa by the windows. On the left sat my dad in his leather chair with his dark wooden desk in front of him. He stood up when he made eye contact with me.

"Good to see you son" he said making his way around the desk and towards me.

I gave him a small smile as I shook his hand.

"You can leave now Natalie" my dad said to the brunette. She nodded and made her way out.

"Sit down" my dad said gesturing me to sit down in the chair in front of his desk. I did what he told me to do. The chair was cold and I felt my heart beating out of my chest as my dad sat down in front of me.

"I'm happy you can finally work with me" he said opening a drawer and pulling out some papers.

"I'm happy I can get the chance to work here" I responded drying off my sweaty hands on the pants of my suit.

"You'll have to be in some of my meetings and be a good profile for our company" my dad explained.

"We need some younger faces and ideas around here" my dad continued.

"I hope you'll make me proud and come up with some good ideas for our company" my dad said with a face that made me even more nervous. He really had big expectations for this and I wasn't even sure if I was good enough for this job.

"I will do my best" I said with a fake confident smile.

"Just sign the contract so you can start tomorrow and start earning some money for yourself" he explained placing the contract in front of me with a pen.

I didn't even look at the contract, it was my fathers company so I didn't feel like I had to. I quickly signed with my name where I had to.

I look up at my dad who had a pleased smile on his face.

"Great! You'll start tomorrow at nine, Natalie will show you around to your new office"

"Now, get home to your girlfriend" my dad said and I nodded with a nervous smile. I stood up from my chair making my way to the door.

"Oh and Jimin" my dad stopped me on
my way out.

"Say hello to Carmen from me" he said and I gave him a short "Sure" before walking out.

I could finally relax on my way out of the building. I hope I can get used to this and not be so nervous around my father in the future. I won't be able to work if I'm always worried and nervous around my father like that.

The drive home was quick. I hoped Carmen was home so I could see her and talk to her. Carmen was the highlight of my day and always looked forward to being with her.

When I got to the apartment the apartment was empty. All the lights were off. I stumbled down the hall disappointed. I really thought Carmen would be home by now.

I opened the door to my room and threw my jacket on my bed.

I guess I could start with some dinner so when Carmen would come home, she'd come home to some food. She also had an interview today so she's probably very stresses out and hungry.

As I started my cooking the front door locked open and Carmen came in. I took a few steps back to see down the hall. She leaned her hand against the wall taking her shoes off.

"How did the interview go?" I asked pretending I hadn't been looking at her.

"I'm not sure, but they said they'll call me tomorrow and let me know if I got the job or not" she explained with her soft voice. Even if the job she had gone to was a job at a cafe, I was still happy for her. She seemed to had wanted to get out and do something, so this seemed like something good for her.

Carmen came into the kitchen placing her hands on around me and resting her head on my back as I cooked our food.

"How did it go with your dad today?" She asked in a low voice.

"I signed a contract with my father, and I'm starting tomorrow" I explained.

"That's great" Carmen said sounding a little tired but still trying to be excited.

I just wanted to turn around and kiss her so badly. I wanted to kiss every inch of her body. I wanted to know how she felt and I wanted to know what she thought of me. I guess I was scared to now. Scared she may not me falling for me as hard as I'm falling for her.

Sorry for not updating for three days, I've just been very busy, but back now 😅(remember to vote!)

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