Reason 19

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After what almost happened last night between me and Jimin it seemed like Jimin wanted to pretend it didn't even occur. After the phone call with his parents I still walked into the living room not wanting to leave the night like this. We still watched the movie but nothing was said between us. It was all awkward, at least that's how I felt it was.

I woke up in my room all alone like I always did. I could hear Jimin in the kitchen making breakfast. A part of me wanted to go out and talk to him. I just wanted to see him for some odd reason. But the other part of me was scared it would become painfully awkward between us.

After laying in bed for a few minutes feeling myself getting hungrier and hungrier by the minute, I decided it was for the best to just go out and get over with it. I pulled a long T-shirt over my head and made my way out of my room and down the hall. Jimin stood in his sweatpants and T-shirt making the food. I leaned against the door frame to the kitchen, looking at him with a smile. I had laid all night long with the thought of him in my head.

"Good morning Carmen" Jimin said with his voice so softly. The way my name rolled off his tongue made it sound like the name really belonged to me.

"Good morning" I said back in a low voice walking into the kitchen stopping by the counter. Jimin stood a meter away with his back turned to me.

He placed the egg and bacon down on the table quickly while I watched his movements. When he finished placing the food on the table he turned to me.

"I forgot something last night" he said with a smirk creeping up on his face. I looked at him confused.

"What?" I questioned scared his parents had said something he had forgotten to tell me.

Jimin grabbed my arm pulling me closer to his chest. My breath hitched as I looked up at him as I stood inches away from his face. His eyes meet mine looking at me in a way that made my knees weak. His arm creeped its way around my waist before his soft lips meet mine. I was quick to respond to the kiss as our lips were moving together wanting each other more and more with each movement between us. I was completely lost in the kiss feeling a way I had never felt before. I felt a mix of excitement and safe in his arms and with the kiss.

Jimin pulled away from me resting his forehead against mine looking at me with a smile.

"I've wanted to do that for a long time" he said before standing up straight and walking over to the table while giving me a wink. I felt myself blush at his actions.

He sat down by the table like what we had done was the most casual thing ever. I followed by sitting opposite of him. But I couldn't stop myself from wondering why he was so sudden to just kiss me like that. Was it just because of what Tae had said the other night or was it something else.

"What are you thinking about darling?" Jimin said. God, every time he speaks of me I feel my whole body go weak.

"Nothing" I said quietly.

"I know you well enough to know that's not true" he said with a toast in his hand and a faint smile on his face. I sighed a little before I spoke trying to find a sentence that made sense and didn't sound strange.

"Well, did you kiss me just because of what Tae said, or-" I started but stopped myself. I didn't know how to formulate the rest of the sentence.

"Carmen, you're the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen. Tae said some important things, yes" Jimin started.

"But I wanted to kiss you because I felt like right now we're in a place where we understand each other rather than literally hating each other" Jimin laughed and I smiled a little as well. I guess it was true, but I still had a weird feeling about it. Maybe I was just surprised someone liked me in that way, since no one ever had.

"One of my friends are coming over later just so you know" Jimin said interrupting my thoughts.

"Is it a girl friend or?" I questioned playfully. 

"It's a guy friend" he said raising his brow at me with a smile.

"Well then I guess it's alright" I joked.

We continued to eat our breakfast. I started to think about which friend of Jimins would come over. I hadn't seen any of his friends since we went to the same school years ago, and none of his friends at that time were nice. I hoped he wasn't still friends with those. Maybe he had gotten to know new and better people. Hopefully.

The doorbell rang moments after we finished our breakfast. Jimin ran to the front door to open it for his friends. I stood in the kitchen cleaning up the last plate.

"Come On in" Jimin said to his friend who didn't answer back. I tried to listen  closely to what was going on in the hall, to maybe recognize who it was but this guy didn't say much.

"Carmen" Jimin said making me lift my head up and look his way. Beside him stood a guy a little taller than Jimin. He wore a black SnapBack, a black leather jacket and black distressed jeans. Someone hadn't noticed it was summer outside I guess.

"This is my friend" Jimin said introducing this dark mysterious guy.

"Hi, I've heard lots about you" the guys said with a husky voice. He reached his hand out to me to shake and I did.

"I'm Suga" the guy said to me with a smile appearing on his face. Wow, this guy was charming and mysterious at the same time, what an interesting day this is going to be.

We're almost halfway trough the book already, wow. I hope Jimin and Carmen's relationship isn't too confusing and unclear. I'll try to fix their head and make them think more clearly 😅

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