Chapter 1: Noona

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“stop hanging around with our guys you ugly bitch!”, a girl 2 year younger than you pushed you roughly to the wall. “what's with you!?”, you growled back with equal menacing eyes, “and what? 'your guys', you say? DON'T BE STUPID, they belong to no one and THAT'S THAT!”.

The next thing you knew, a fist landed on your cheek making it reddened and making the edge of your lips bled.

“excuse me~”, another girl beside her said in a sassy voice, “realize that they are your juniors! You are too old for them! And back off you old hag!”. “what the fuck..”, your jaw dropped, “yah! I'm not that old!”.

“yes you freakin are! Now leave them or ELSE!!”, she slid her forefinger across her neck indicating death but instead of being scared, you gritted your teeth and rolled your eyes, “you haven't seen hell nor death yet so I'm sure I can handle it”.

“tch, bitch”, she kicked your leg forcing you to fall on your knees. Then they left you alone on the floor while people passed by, simply ignoring your existence.

You got up on your feet, wincing at your knee which had a scratch lines on it and a small cut.

“seriously those girls”.

“hmhm? What girls are you talking about noona?”, a familiar voice from behind you reached your ears. “wa! kkamchagiya(that scares me)!”, you quickly turned around, hiding you your scratched knee with your other knee. “what are you doing here, Niel? This is the senior's section”, you looked at him with a frown visible on your face.

He chuckled, revealing his bunny smile, “just got bored after ditching Seongwoo-hyung with the big bug....oh? pi(blood).. why's there blood..”, his large hands reached the side of your lips. “blood?”, you pondered to yourself, “I don't remember feeling blood oozing out from there”, you touched it, “oh...there is blood”.

“what happened noona?”, he asked with weary voice and his eyes were even smaller now that he got serious. You shooked your head with a bright smile, “it's nothing... I just fell”. “...let's go to the infirmary”, he held your hand and dragged you with him, receiving odd glances and of course jealous eyes.

Nonetheless, you let yourself being dragged by your junior.

On your way there, Seongwoo came running like he was being chased by a stampede and stopped after crashing to Daniel. “yah! What the fuck dude?”, Daniel rubbed his back since he fell to the ground with a loud thud. In return, Seongwoo made a derpy-looking-annoyed face at him, “that's for ditching me with a cockroach, hmph!”.

You blinked your eyes at them before laughing out loud, “HAHAHAHAHAH!! you guys..”, you facepalmed before slapping your knees throughout the laughing fit but ended up slapping the wrong knee, “OUCH!”.

“noona!?”, the two of them quickly went to your aid.

“you hurt your leg too?”, Daniel furrowed his brows.

“wait..noona? You hurt yourself?”, it was Seongwoo's turn to be worried, “tell us the truth...did you hurt yourself or someone was behind this?”. You revealed your blank face, “Ong, you're very not suitable for doing that kind of face...anywho you two should go back to the classroom before your lecturer scolds you, I can go there alone”, you walked straight ignoring the two cute idiots.

“noona!”, they chased after you and each of them grabbed your free hand, “sorry but we aren't going to leave you yet”, Daniel corrected before he too walked alongside with you and so did Seongwoo, who was staring at you for who knows how long.

“fine...but don't blame me if you were punished”, you rolled your eyes as you shook your head in disbelief. Seongwoo smiled at you while blinking his eyes, “when did we ever blame you?”. You looked at him with obvious annoyance, “all the time”.

“wheeeeeennnnn???”, his jaw dropped.

Daniel looked at him, “did you actually forgot that time, when you dragged noona with you when you got punished by the piano teacher? You blamed her for being too beautiful and that doesn't even consider a good reason and then there was also the time when you ditched this period with another of your stupid reason 'noona wants you to help finding a book' when you were the one who insisted to help and THAT was during class-”.

“okay okay okay fine”, he held up his hands in a surrender way, “but either way I never really blame you about my studies, did I?”, he smirked sassily. You looked at him and chuckled before shaking your head in disbelief, “you are unbelievable Ong-ah~”.

[Miru's note:~ hello!!! This is my first wanna one fanfiction!! Hope you readers like it but I'm apologizing in advance if each chapter is kinda short HAHAHAHA 미안해요!!!]

My Triangle Love Story? (Ong Seongwoo x reader x Kang Daniel) (DISCONTINUE?) Where stories live. Discover now