Chapter 23: With Euijin

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As you got into the car with him, he drove to a big manor where there's a huge name written on the gate.


"heol", you muttered, "this is your friend's place? No way!", you gawked in disbelief. Euijin laughed whole-heartedly, "yes it is, his father gave him this place, eventhough he actually doesn't want it, if you like what you see now, you're not gonna believe what's inside".


"Oh.My.Globe! This is soooo not true", you looked at all the grand pianos being placed in a line and then there's saxophone at the other side. "your friend is funny, Euijin-hyung", Lex laughed as he watched you walked around, touching the instruments as you please.

When you noticed Lex was watching you bowed your head and apologized, "I'm really sorry, I didn't broke anything, I promise...honestly this is my first time seeing a lot of grand pianos in a huge room, you must've been really interested in both piano and saxophone, right? This is just so cool", you grinned like a kid.

"nah~ it's okay~ this piano of mine rarely meets someone else than me, I'm sure she's happy to meet you too, do you play?", he asked with a small smile. You quickly shook your hand, "no, I don't...well...I've once played a piano, a song my mom likes....but I haven't played it since I stopped a long time ago", you sheepishly looked down at your feet.

Euijin chuckled before he patted your head softly, "gwiyeoptda...anyway Lex, you don't mind if I borrow your studio, right?". In return he smirked at his hyung, "oh~ so you're trying to dance your way, hunh? Sure hyung, the studio is yours for the day, go on", he said before he walked away to the kitchen.

Then Euijin ushered you to come with him, so you walked side-by-side with him to the studio eventhough you don't even know where you were heading.

He opened a brown door with a glass transparent in the middle that we can see through, and he revealed a huge practice room, where you can sing, dance, run around, exercise and right across from the door was a big size mirror.

"waw", you gasped, "this is awesome...sunbae-nim...are you going to dance?", you clasped your hand excitedly. He flicked his finger making a sound while smiling, "spot on, (name)-sshi...after I dance, I want you to rate my dance, if that's okay with you?". You giggled, "of course it's okay", you sat on the ground crossed leg.

Euijin looked around and spot a blanket, so he took it and walked over to you, and hovered it on your legs, "here". You looked up at him and nodded your head, "thanks Euijin-sunbae-nim". "no problem", he then quickly walked away to the wall where there was a speaker, he plugged it with his phone and surf through his phone.

You were just sitting there, wondering what he was doing.

Then Lex walked in with a tray of strawberry shortcake and tea, "oh? You haven't started yet, hyung?". Euijin shook his head, "not yet... I'm searching for the right song". Lex placed the tray of food next to you with a smug smile, "make sure you eat the cake, I just finish baking it hours ago", he winked.

"sure, Lex-sunbae-nim", you nodded your head.

"hyung, you try it too okay! So take your time, I'm gonna go upstairs", he waved off as he left the room.

"ah, found the perfect one", he played the song called 'Stay' and started dancing right infront of you.

[Miru's note:~ play the video above~~~]

To be honest the was really charming as he dance, he made you feel like you wanted to join the dance too, so you keep on twitching as if you were edging to join the dance with him. Then there was this scorpion dance that made you stood up instantly while clapping your hands like a seal, "So cool!!".

When the song was nearly to an end, he ended with a smirk after making his body stop as if he froze.

You clapped your hands again with an excited look, "sunbae-nim's so cool! You're a dancing machine, I give you a rate of 10 over 10". He chuckled, "glad you like it, (name)-sshi", he then lie down, taking his breath. You scooted closer to him and took out your handkerchief from your bag and give it to Euijin, "you're sweaty, Euijin-sunbae-nim".

"that isn't good...I shouldn't be sweaty just by dancing one song", he closed his eyes and just clenched the handkerchief. "pabo ya", you shook your head in disbelief before taking the handkerchief from his hand before wiping his forehead then his temple, you didn't even realize he was staring at you deeply.

"y'know sunbae-nim, practice makes I guess you should exercise more, I heard that when people exercise more they sweat less", you smirked to yourself. "where did you even heard that? I'm quite sure practice makes perfect but the part where you say about sweat... does that even make sense?", he chuckled.

You puffed your cheeks and shrugged your shoulder, "I made it up...anyway...the smell of cake is intoxicating, can we eat?", your eyes sparkled at the thought of eating.

He laughed even more, "of course you can, Lex even said so". 

You air-fisted before you slide to the cake and took a plate, you made sure to take in the smell first before you stabbed it with a fork and munch it.

After savoring the taste, you grinned while closing your eyes, "mashita~".

Euijin couldn't help but stare at everything you did, not in a creepy way but in an amused way.


Your face twitched in annoyance, "you're destroying my peaceful eating time", you yelled at your phone before looking at the id. It was Daniel.

You answered the phone, "what's up?".

"are you busy?"-Daniel

"yes, busy eating cake"

"sorry ahahaha~"-Daniel

"so why'd you call?"

".....bogoshippeo(I miss you)"-Daniel

Your face went pink, "I-I just left half an hour ago", you argued. Euijin whom was watching, cocked an eyebrow at you, he was wondering who you were talking to and he was confused to why you were suddenly blushing.

"I know....but what time will you be back?"-Daniel

"hm... I don't really have any idea, but I did said, I'll call when I'm back at the apartment, didn't I? So just wait Niel".

"arasseo, (name)-ah"-Daniel

"are we done?"

"no wait, one more thing"-Daniel

"what is it, Niel?"

"I love you (name)-ah"-Daniel

Then he hung up. Your face went ablaze and your heart was pounding like a loud speaker. You decide to jump from your seat and waved your hand to your face, "it's hot in here". "what's wrong (name)-sshi?", Euijin walked over to you with curious eyes.

You shook your head, "ah? Aniyo, it's just hot in here".

"I think..I forgot to switch on the airconditioner", he sweatdropped as he rubbed his nape, which made you look at him and laughed out loud. "please do switch it on, sunbae-nim", you continued to laugh.

He looked at the wall, "I wonder where he actually put it", he scratched the back of his head.

Suddenly, the place felt colder than before, then a voice was heard from the speaker.

"mianhae! I forgot to switch it on".

It was Lex's voice. To which the two of you burst into a laughing stock.

My Triangle Love Story? (Ong Seongwoo x reader x Kang Daniel) (DISCONTINUE?) Where stories live. Discover now